The within

Obviously saying this I know a few of you will start thinking of the Tinfoil hat lobbiests...

Well its a fact that people have been esperimented on wit-out ther consent... an such abuces will no dout continue on into the future... but the hole issue rates near the botom on my list of dangers... but mayb thats cause im 1 of the victems bein esperimented on :(
My guess is that you fell into hypnogogia (the screeching sound) and then went straight into REM without a break in consciousness. The rest was pure dream.
Ok, that seems plausible.

I think that the dream was very "basic", not much information had time to accumulate to create a full-blown dream; so I think I actually got a look of something very fundamental when it comes to dreams and the subconscious.
try an experiment.

listen to music with headphones and tell me you dont hear\feel knocking under your feet.
I already know that I don't feel anything knocking under my feet :), what would it be a indication of?
Back in high school I got obsessed with OBEing and astral projecting stuff. To this day I can still 'go there' But trust me it is nothing other than an abnormal dream.

The sound you heard I have heard too countless times. It comes sometimes in the transition from sorta-awake to sorta-sleeping.

I speculate 5% of things we hear are hallucinations. I mean 5% of everything we hear. I bet it's higher than that percentage too. Oliver Sacks has good illustrations of this, like where one of his old-age patients gets Charles Bonette Syndrome. My intuition tells me this is right because the first few weeks I travel to any country with a language I don't know, I will hear people calling my name every day (but in reality they are probably calling taxi's or answering telephones or something.) I mean how many times have you thought someone said something when they didn't? Or you misunderstood something. Anyway my point is our senses hallucinate a lot.

And why they hallucinate so eerily when we fall asleep is a mystery to me. Maybe it's just unexplained so we think of it as mystical. But for me it is just a strange side-effect of the activities you are doing.

The images you saw were your own drawings. They were not detailed because you are not an experienced portrait artist. Our mental images seem detailed but in reality they never are (unless you know a lot about that image)

You're lucky to get to a state like that. They are real interesting, especially when you are still so awake. Nowadays I don't try to get there, but sometimes I get lucky. If I do I always conjure up a book and read it. Nothing is more interesting, and especially if you manage to memorize a sentence, wake up, and write it down.
I do think you have alot of points here :) thank you for your post. But I am good at drawing, I could draw better than that, well...if I had the time, perhaps I just didn't have the time :D like, I'd better sketch something up faast cause he's coming!
Do you thank "they" are seperate entities from you... that you somhow "tuned-in" an had an awarness of 'em.???
No, they were definetly parts of me. They were parts of who I am.

I was only aware of what they were saying when I focused on them though. Otherwise I saw like a line of "vibrations" coming from them, and when I focused on them the vibrations was 'translated' into understandable words.
I would suggest not dwelling on it, it will only slowly drive you crazy. You'll have to learn to ignore such occurrences and shake them like water from a ducks back. If you can do that, then you'll be far better off than trying to follow what occurred down the rabbit hole because believe me you won't get answers, just a lot more questions.

Incidentally I've moved this thread to parapsychology, this doesn't mean I believe you've experience something unexplained or para-psychological, in fact it's more likely to be addressed as just psychological. However I don't want to put it in a forum like Human Sciences because this is about your personal anecdotal experience rather than a discussion about actual research or science in the area of Psychology.
Ok, this has been moved from "General Philosophy" to "Free thoughts" and who knows where :) but Parapsychology is ok :)

I don't think we should be afraid of our own experiences. I know it as a 'real' experience as far as it was real to me and judge it as such. I'm a grounded person and whatever I experience that comes from me won't drive me crazy :)
I don't think we should be afraid of our own experiences. I know it as a 'real' experience as far as it was real to me and judge it as such. I'm a grounded person and whatever I experience that comes from me won't drive me crazy :)

I agree... over 50 year ago on a brite sunny day me an 2 other kids was out in the front yard when we saw a "ufo" an all 3 of us screamed an ran into the house... an even tho i cant esplane what it realy was that i saw... i serously dout it was aliens from outer space... i thank thers a "earfly" esplinaton for it.. an i jus escept that i dont know what the esplinaton is but i have a fond menory of seein what i saw.!!!

Below is a antimated gif i made of it a few years ago.!!!

What was so scary about the ufo was that it was HUGE.!!!

I agree... over 50 year ago on a brite sunny day me an 2 other kids was out in the front yard when we saw a "ufo" an all 3 of us screamed an ran into the house... an even tho i cant esplane what it realy was that i saw... i serously dout it was aliens from outer space... i thank thers a "earfly" esplinaton for it.. an i jus escept that i dont know what the esplinaton is but i have a fond menory of seein what i saw.!!!

Below is a antimated gif i made of it a few years ago.!!!

What was so scary about the ufo was that it was HUGE.!!!

Wow...that did seem like flying saucer (independence day style).
It's difficult to judge in Cyperium's case, what could be suggested though is down to how much he reads into it. For instance such "experimentors" might input random stuff to generate an effect, perhaps to act like a "Muse", to encourage some sort of artistic or literal output, perhaps just to create a psychotic event which can then be further probed by psychiatric evaluation, perhaps to generate enough off balance so as to make them delusional and lose the capability of expressing the events from an unbiased position (Losing lucidity) so the true depth of their torment is not fully expressed. obviously such methods to create such negative effects are usually to help hide what project they are really being misused for, it could be for espionage, it could be for non-lethal weapons or some new clandestine penal system which might be tried out to replace Jailing or house arrest.

The main problem is though, everyone is susceptible to being a pawn in these instances. A person working a normal job, a Policeman, a soldier, a politician running a puppet government from a third party clandestine aggressor.

Victims could be tormented by voices, manipulated to act out in desperation, to strike with violence. While their might be no connection to who they attack or why because of it's seemingly randomness, it could well be manipulated for some unseen plot, of course it will all sound like some giant Manchurian plot but unfortunately it's all too very real and all too ignored by the general public or those forces that are suppose to protect civilians from such attacks.

Currently there are no real shelters for victims, in fact to turn for help will usually get a victim further heckled. People that haven't been subjected will see them as nut's or psycho's. They're not interested in uncovering the truth or freeing these victims from their abuse and this in turn unfortunately makes them as much as apart of the problem, at least from the victims perspective.

Obviously this then adds to the problems as the victims gain trust issues, they become reclusive, unwilling to venture out and jeopardise themselves from both the abuse of those victimising them and those that just don't understand.

There are a few organisations that have sprung up to deal with such abuse like, however currently they are more involved in trying to bring about a certain amount of awareness, they aren't suggesting things that could help and even potentially prove the case of abuse being widespread.

This would easily be done by applying TEMPEST equipment in hospitals (especially psychiatric wards) so the patients that are potentially victims are shrouded from abuse, placing the equipment in jail cells to lessen the potential abusee's being forced to random acts of violence, potentially placing the equipment in our schools to stop kids being manipulated or molested via such equipment (might even cut down on shootings) and above all make it affordable for those that want to protect their home.

Obviously saying this I know a few of you will start thinking of the Tinfoil hat lobbiests, but tinfoil is no good and technically it looks pretty damn stupid unless you're a turkey.

You just have to take into consideration that before Marconi and Tesla, our planet was near enough devoid of radiological inputs other than that of cosmological origins. Over the years we have be brought up in a steadily increasing peasoup of radiology with high bandwidth mobile phone systems, wifi system and other global communications setups. All that radiology is not good in the long run, you will have government funded projects to identify if the radiology is safe however the studies themselves don't look at the peasoup as a whole. While there are advantages for radiological usage, there are indeed very serious side effects that seem to get swept under the carpet all too often.
:) I have not been a victim of any experiement, as the experience knew things that only I know (thus they did not input just some random things), there might be such experiments being made, but not on a global scale and not as advanced as you seem to suggest. Rather it involved candidates that are fully aware that they are being experimented on, and using physical devices to trigger and measure sensations on the neurons of the brain.
:) I have not been a victim of any experiement, as the experience knew things that only I know (thus they did not input just some random things), there might be such experiments being made, but not on a global scale and not as advanced as you seem to suggest. Rather it involved candidates that are fully aware that they are being experimented on, and using physical devices to trigger and measure sensations on the neurons of the brain.

You have to note that research in certain areas is like a game of chess. You can hardly be a master of the game if you only deal with the move when it's your time to make a choice over which piece you move, instead you strategize, plan and research into things before the opposition has the chance to even make that move. That's why what limited information is given to the press is usually a mixture of trying to keep the game plan secret or down to independent businesses dealing with the limitations of funding. You just have to look at who has unlimited funding compared to everybody else to point fingers.

As for the thoughts being your own... you'd be surprised, it wouldn't take much to observe a person and their thought patterns for a duration to get to the point of being able to insert things. Especially if you are the one inserting the event, after all again like the chess, someone puts a voice saying something, they already know what is said, what they don't initially know is how your brain will respond with it's language centre, so you hear the voice, understand the words and they've captured your output. Before you know it, it could progress into a far more complex system of influence and interference, unless it's seen and understood to be external to begin with.

All I would suggest is if you get the chance to utilise some TEMPEST shielding, try recreating your dreamstate, or awakestate that produced the "hallucinations", I'm pretty sure without extreme psychiatric damage or drugs, you won't get good reception ;)
You have to note that research in certain areas is like a game of chess. You can hardly be a master of the game if you only deal with the move when it's your time to make a choice over which piece you move, instead you strategize, plan and research into things before the opposition has the chance to even make that move. That's why what limited information is given to the press is usually a mixture of trying to keep the game plan secret or down to independent businesses dealing with the limitations of funding. You just have to look at who has unlimited funding compared to everybody else to point fingers.

As for the thoughts being your own... you'd be surprised, it wouldn't take much to observe a person and their thought patterns for a duration to get to the point of being able to insert things. Especially if you are the one inserting the event, after all again like the chess, someone puts a voice saying something, they already know what is said, what they don't initially know is how your brain will respond with it's language centre, so you hear the voice, understand the words and they've captured your output. Before you know it, it could progress into a far more complex system of influence and interference, unless it's seen and understood to be external to begin with.

All I would suggest is if you get the chance to utilise some TEMPEST shielding, try recreating your dreamstate, or awakestate that produced the "hallucinations", I'm pretty sure without extreme psychiatric damage or drugs, you won't get good reception ;)
Yes, I do understand what you mean. But...even though I can't recreate it myself, it could be a once in a lifetime event that just happened (how I don't know).

I see no reason to suggest that scientists could be a part of it.

I had a ordinary dream a couple of days ago, and in the dream I met a girl which showed me a kind of music tool, that if it vibrated you could touch it in different ways to achieve music and different sounds (it used a battery to make it vibrate, and the battery was connected to some kind of clay in one of its poles). The device looked like something similiar to those things you can see in a theater when creating thunder effects.

I touched it and began playing music with it, and I discovered that I could touch it in such a sensitive way as to even produce song and words, and when I realised that I began playing with it and eventually I could even reproduce my thoughts at the moment I was thinking them. This I felt was related to the experience described in this thread, and could be a indication that my previous suspection was right, that the dream didn't have time to accumulate into a full-blown dream (as I was taken directly into the dreamstate) but was seeing a very 'basic' representation of my subconscious.

Oh, and I was saying to the girl "it reads my mind" and she nodded smiling.

I want to thank you for your interest, this (obviously) means much to me.
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