The within


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
First of all; I would like to say that this isn't made up. I don't make things up.

I was trying to sleep but I couldn't. I was simply too awake to sleep.

Suddenly, (I was as awake as anyone can be) I heard a loud screetch, like a disc that goes very fast around for the purpose of cutting steel. That was how it sounded, like steel to steel cutting through. I felt that the screetch was just above my head, like it was cuttin' through my head. I remind you; I was fully awake at this time.

After this experience I was in a different world. Honestly. It was like (it) had cut through my consciousness.

I found myself in a void, there was many 'faces' there, and they looked liked they were drawn with a pencil and they were primitive like they were drawn by a five-year old (not totally unlike how my father use to draw - sorry dad) and they constantly said things unto a white spot.

I could only hear what they said if I focused on them, so if I focused on one of the faces then they would say "I am..." and what they were. They were trying (as I perceived it) to reach that light that they were all facing.

I realise this might seem very weird for you, but honestly it is the truth. I could only tell what he said when I was focusing on him, the other voices (frequencies) lasted unknown. It was as if I had drawn them when I was very young, or that it was the product of my father that draws in a similiar style even though his old age.

I don't know, I have been somewhere...and I don't think that everyone gets to see that place.
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Maybe this is a similar experience. My adult son told this story to me recently.

He was at work and was startled by a very LOUD noise. He described it as boulders falling from the sky onto the roof, only it sounded like the roof was made of tin or sheet metal. He said the sound moved across the roof then there was silence. He ran outside where other people were. No one was looking up or anything unusual. He saw nothing in the sky. No one heard the sound he heard. Since there was no explanation, he was quite unsettled by it. He wasn't transported and he didn't see anything but it really happened.
try an experiment.

listen to music with headphones and tell me you dont hear\feel knocking under your feet.
When her fone woud ring... wit a good 95% accurasy my mom coud predict if it was me callin or not.!!!
Back in high school I got obsessed with OBEing and astral projecting stuff. To this day I can still 'go there' But trust me it is nothing other than an abnormal dream.

The sound you heard I have heard too countless times. It comes sometimes in the transition from sorta-awake to sorta-sleeping.

I speculate 5% of things we hear are hallucinations. I mean 5% of everything we hear. I bet it's higher than that percentage too. Oliver Sacks has good illustrations of this, like where one of his old-age patients gets Charles Bonette Syndrome. My intuition tells me this is right because the first few weeks I travel to any country with a language I don't know, I will hear people calling my name every day (but in reality they are probably calling taxi's or answering telephones or something.) I mean how many times have you thought someone said something when they didn't? Or you misunderstood something. Anyway my point is our senses hallucinate a lot.

And why they hallucinate so eerily when we fall asleep is a mystery to me. Maybe it's just unexplained so we think of it as mystical. But for me it is just a strange side-effect of the activities you are doing.

The images you saw were your own drawings. They were not detailed because you are not an experienced portrait artist. Our mental images seem detailed but in reality they never are (unless you know a lot about that image)

You're lucky to get to a state like that. They are real interesting, especially when you are still so awake. Nowadays I don't try to get there, but sometimes I get lucky. If I do I always conjure up a book and read it. Nothing is more interesting, and especially if you manage to memorize a sentence, wake up, and write it down.
The sound you heard I have heard too countless times. It comes sometimes in the transition from sorta-awake to sorta-sleeping.

Ive esperenced that sort of soun a couple of diferent times that i recall.!!!

It hapened jus as i was fallin asleep... an the noise was so loud it brout me to "consciousness" an i was tryin to figer out what had caused the noise to occur... but jus dosed off to sleep agan an almos instently the noise occured agan... i then realized it was somhow "in my head" (perty neet effect) an i managed to do it about 5 times befor fallin completely asleep.!!!


it sounded simular to the way the letters below woud be pronounced.. it woud las about 1 second... it started off at a lower volume an quickly becam very loud... sorta like below:::

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Ive esperenced that sort of soun a couple of diferent times that i recall.!!!

It hapened jus as i was fallin asleep... an the noise was so loud it brout me to "consciousness" an i was tryin to figer out what had caused the noise to occur... but jus dosed off to sleep agan an almos instently the noise occured agan... i then realized it was somhow "in my head" (perty neet effect) an i managed to do it about 5 times befor fallin completely asleep.!!!

very cool. I managed to control my shivers. Or I don't know what else to call it. But you can move shivers from the bottom of your spine all the way to your head, like waves. Steadily the waves increase with intensity until your whole body is constantly sweeping with vibrations, and then eventually you can like really focus above your eyes... maybe another 10 minutes of concentration and the sounds will initiate.
very cool. I managed to control my shivers. Or I don't know what else to call it. But you can move shivers from the bottom of your spine all the way to your head, like waves. Steadily the waves increase with intensity until your whole body is constantly sweeping with vibrations, and then eventually you can like really focus above your eyes... maybe another 10 minutes of concentration and the sounds will initiate.

The energy that travels up your spine to your head is called kundalini energy. Interesting you should discover this without knowledge of it. While you were experimenting with OBE's did you do it through meditation? Ive never heard sounds like the ones described here...
The energy that travels up your spine to your head is called kundalini energy. Interesting you should discover this without knowledge of it. While you were experimenting with OBE's did you do it through meditation? Ive never heard sounds like the ones described here...

Yeah it was a by product of normal breath-meditation. So kundalini huh? I've heard the name. can you define it in a way a doctor or a science textbook might?
Probably unrelated to the topic, but....

I once had a vivid sound dream. My father, who is deceased, called me on the phone and talked to me for about 30 seconds. He didn't "say" anything of importance, although I remember every word, but when I woke up I felt joy because even though I thought I forgot the sound of his voice, his call reminded me that I could still recognize it.

Yes, it was just a dream, but the sound effects were real.
First of all; I would like to say that this isn't made up. I don't make things up.

I was trying to sleep but I couldn't. I was simply too awake to sleep.

Suddenly, (I was as awake as anyone can be) I heard a loud screetch, like a disc that goes very fast around for the purpose of cutting steel. That was how it sounded, like steel to steel cutting through. I felt that the screetch was just above my head, like it was cuttin' through my head. I remind you; I was fully awake at this time.

After this experience I was in a different world. Honestly. It was like (it) had cut through my consciousness.

I found myself in a void, there was many 'faces' there, and they looked liked they were drawn with a pencil and they were primitive like they were drawn by a five-year old (not totally unlike how my father use to draw - sorry dad) and they constantly said things unto a white spot.

I could only hear what they said if I focused on them, so if I focused on one of the faces then they would say "I am..." and what they were. They were trying (as I perceived it) to reach that light that they were all facing.

I realise this might seem very weird for you, but honestly it is the truth. I could only tell what he said when I was focusing on him, the other voices (frequencies) lasted unknown. It was as if I had drawn them when I was very young, or that it was the product of my father that draws in a similiar style even though his old age.

I don't know, I have been somewhere...and I don't think that everyone gets to see that place.

My guess is that you fell into hypnogogia (the screeching sound) and then went straight into REM without a break in consciousness. The rest was pure dream.
Yeah it was a by product of normal breath-meditation. So kundalini huh? I've heard the name. can you define it in a way a doctor or a science textbook might?

Nope, only in a way a buddhist monk would. Kundalini energy is not really recognized by western science, or really anything regarding meditation.

edit: I found this in regard to the sounds people have heard...
"When the Kundalini springs forth, there is a tremendous energy surge. It is likened to a cosmic explosion within a tiny structure, the body. This may be felt throughout the body as a vibration, buzzing, stinging sensation sometimes see as a kaleidoscope of rushing dancing lights in the mind's eye. An inner light, heavenly sounds, mystical chimes, or the cosmic all-pervading Om sound may be heard and felt. There may be a strong overall electrical feeling to your body. This may also make you more sensitive to many vibrations of daily activities: sounds are louder, colors are brighter and clarity of surroundings and thoughts."
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So you thank it was somptin other than a "brane-fart"... an if so... whats you'r bes guess as to whare you actualy went.???
I think I went into the subconscious or a representation of the subconscious.

The heads were saying things into this white spot and I couldn't understand what they were saying until I focused on one of them. They were saying things like "I am..." and what they were, some were nearer the white spot and some were further away, I got the impression that they were trying to approach it.
I think I went into the subconscious or a representation of the subconscious.

The heads were saying things into this white spot and I couldn't understand what they were saying until I focused on one of them. They were saying things like "I am..." and what they were, some were nearer the white spot and some were further away, I got the impression that they were trying to approach it.

I would suggest not dwelling on it, it will only slowly drive you crazy. You'll have to learn to ignore such occurrences and shake them like water from a ducks back. If you can do that, then you'll be far better off than trying to follow what occurred down the rabbit hole because believe me you won't get answers, just a lot more questions.

Incidentally I've moved this thread to parapsychology, this doesn't mean I believe you've experience something unexplained or para-psychological, in fact it's more likely to be addressed as just psychological. However I don't want to put it in a forum like Human Sciences because this is about your personal anecdotal experience rather than a discussion about actual research or science in the area of Psychology.
The heads were saying things into this white spot and I couldn't understand what they were saying until I focused on one of them. They were saying things like "I am..." and what they were, some were nearer the white spot and some were further away, I got the impression that they were trying to approach it.

Do you thank "they" are seperate entities from you... that you somhow "tuned-in" an had an awarness of 'em.???
I would suggest not dwelling on it, it will only slowly drive you crazy. You'll have to learn to ignore such occurrences and shake them like water from a ducks back. If you can do that, then you'll be far better off than trying to follow what occurred down the rabbit hole because believe me you won't get answers, just a lot more questions.

Are you implyin that youv'e been down such a rabit hole... do you thank his esperience was anythang mor than "tricks" of the mind.???
Are you implyin that youv'e been down such a rabit hole... do you thank his esperience was anythang mor than "tricks" of the mind.???

There are two types of proverbial rabbit hole, those you make for yourself and those you follow "someone else" down. Psychiatrists will attempt to suggest that when you enter one it's of your own doing, while I'm pretty sure that there is evidence to support that there are rabbit holes being created by clandestine research groups that use "control" subjects (or "victims" as they prefer to be called)

Obviously such controversial use goes against The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as a number of Articles of the Nuremberg Code in regards to Human experimentation. The reason they are clandestine is because while misusing subjects illegally they can maintain undetectability while not having to pay the subject for their time, or pay for any damages caused by their experimentation or even publicised results that they aren't happy with (result fraud). As far as I'm concerned I see them as the worst kind of plagiarists and they should be struck as scientists.
I'm pretty sure that there is evidence to support that there are rabbit holes being created by clandestine research groups that use "control" subjects (or "victims" as they prefer to be called)

...The reason they are clandestine is because while misusing subjects illegally they can maintain undetectability while not having to pay the subject for their time, or pay for any damages caused by their experimentation or even publicised results that they aren't happy with (result fraud). As far as I'm concerned I see them as the worst kind of plagiarists and they should be struck as scientists.

So do you thank youv'e been a victim of such scientists... an that thers a reasonable posibility that such scientists are also misusin Cyperium.???
So do you thank youv'e been a victim of such scientists... an that thers a reasonable posibility that such scientists are also misusin Cyperium.???

It's difficult to judge in Cyperium's case, what could be suggested though is down to how much he reads into it. For instance such "experimentors" might input random stuff to generate an effect, perhaps to act like a "Muse", to encourage some sort of artistic or literal output, perhaps just to create a psychotic event which can then be further probed by psychiatric evaluation, perhaps to generate enough off balance so as to make them delusional and lose the capability of expressing the events from an unbiased position (Losing lucidity) so the true depth of their torment is not fully expressed. obviously such methods to create such negative effects are usually to help hide what project they are really being misused for, it could be for espionage, it could be for non-lethal weapons or some new clandestine penal system which might be tried out to replace Jailing or house arrest.

The main problem is though, everyone is susceptible to being a pawn in these instances. A person working a normal job, a Policeman, a soldier, a politician running a puppet government from a third party clandestine aggressor.

Victims could be tormented by voices, manipulated to act out in desperation, to strike with violence. While their might be no connection to who they attack or why because of it's seemingly randomness, it could well be manipulated for some unseen plot, of course it will all sound like some giant Manchurian plot but unfortunately it's all too very real and all too ignored by the general public or those forces that are suppose to protect civilians from such attacks.

Currently there are no real shelters for victims, in fact to turn for help will usually get a victim further heckled. People that haven't been subjected will see them as nut's or psycho's. They're not interested in uncovering the truth or freeing these victims from their abuse and this in turn unfortunately makes them as much as apart of the problem, at least from the victims perspective.

Obviously this then adds to the problems as the victims gain trust issues, they become reclusive, unwilling to venture out and jeopardise themselves from both the abuse of those victimising them and those that just don't understand.

There are a few organisations that have sprung up to deal with such abuse like, however currently they are more involved in trying to bring about a certain amount of awareness, they aren't suggesting things that could help and even potentially prove the case of abuse being widespread.

This would easily be done by applying TEMPEST equipment in hospitals (especially psychiatric wards) so the patients that are potentially victims are shrouded from abuse, placing the equipment in jail cells to lessen the potential abusee's being forced to random acts of violence, potentially placing the equipment in our schools to stop kids being manipulated or molested via such equipment (might even cut down on shootings) and above all make it affordable for those that want to protect their home.

Obviously saying this I know a few of you will start thinking of the Tinfoil hat lobbiests, but tinfoil is no good and technically it looks pretty damn stupid unless you're a turkey.

You just have to take into consideration that before Marconi and Tesla, our planet was near enough devoid of radiological inputs other than that of cosmological origins. Over the years we have be brought up in a steadily increasing peasoup of radiology with high bandwidth mobile phone systems, wifi system and other global communications setups. All that radiology is not good in the long run, you will have government funded projects to identify if the radiology is safe however the studies themselves don't look at the peasoup as a whole. While there are advantages for radiological usage, there are indeed very serious side effects that seem to get swept under the carpet all too often.