Interesting how preconceived notions of appropriate behaviour and conformity to the same, as determined by values instilled by our own society, influence our outlook on morality, isn't it?
Some do some do not.
Is Slavery moral or immoral? It seems to me that ALL people, regardless of culture, have come to the conclusion it is immoral.
Think of it this way. You have sacrificed animals for research. You filled out an ethical agreement to do so with minimal harm to the animal. Unless you're a hypocrite, I must assume you did agree with the form you signed your name to and did think to treat the animals ethically and with as much concern for their care as possible minimizing their pain and discomfort while meeting the aims of your research.
Yet, you'll turn right around and choose a harmful ritualistic animal sacrifice that has no concern for the animal's well-being - just to appease a Bronze Age God that more than likely only exists in your head.
- Sure 2000 years ago Slavery and slaughtering animals by cutting their throats were normal and moral.
- 2000 years before that thumping someone over a head with a rock and taking their shinny sea shell on a string was moral.
Well, your 2000 year old ancestors moved past thumping people in the head with a rock! Why can't you move past your Bronze Age superstition of ritualistic blood-sacrifice? OH, because God demands "live meat" be sacrificed to it. Well, good thing for your lab mice your God didn't demand all animals sacrificed had to have their throat cut and bled out!
It should be noted that the religious books didn't come first. Society first progressed to the point where thumping someone in the head and taking their shinny sea shell was immoral and
THEN someone wrote this down - usually a King. The thing is, the King died and people went back to thumping heads with rocks. So, someone else got the bright idea of saying the "Gods" didn't like it when people thumped other people in the heads with rocks - and Gods don't die, so it's always wrong. This probably worked well because it was perfectly normal to modify this stuff along the way ad hoc back then, lots of Gods and Goddesses, lots of room to move socially. And then came the Perfect Bible and Perfect Qur'an and the One God. Oh, no more change to morality. It will stay as it is in the Bronze Age forever. Now take a look at Europe until relatively recently and take a look at the Middle East. That's called the Bronze Age SAM.
Can you imagine, people in THIS day and age are calling out prayers to a God while slitting an animals throat to bleed out? *shakes head*