The whole world will believe a lie

Intersting you bring up the belief that the only GOd there could possibly be is us. This is the teachings of certain religions, most notibly the Nations of the GOds and Earths which is also known as the 5 Percenters which is part of the muslim religion.

There main belief revolves around the thought that........

85% of the original man were uncivilized slaves of the metal power who didnt know didnt know who the true living God is so they worship that which they do not know and let evil lead them in the wrong direction

The other 10% teach the poor lies To make the people believe That the old mighty true living god Is a spook in the sky And you can't see him with the physical eyes They're also known as blood suckers of the poor

and the final 5% are the poor righteous people who do not believe The teachers of the ten percent and know the true living God is the God within.
Silence Prolific said:
Intersting you bring up the belief that the only GOd there could possibly be is us. This is the teachings of certain religions, most notibly the Nations of the GOds and Earths which is also known as the 5 Percenters which is part of the muslim religion.

There main belief revolves around the thought that........

85% of the original man were uncivilized slaves of the metal power who didnt know didnt know who the true living God is so they worship that which they do not know and let evil lead them in the wrong direction

The other 10% teach the poor lies To make the people believe That the old mighty true living god Is a spook in the sky And you can't see him with the physical eyes They're also known as blood suckers of the poor

and the final 5% are the poor righteous people who do not believe The teachers of the ten percent and know the true living God is the God within.
M*W: Interesting. I didn't know that.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I was at your "level of understanding" about four years ago when I came to sciforums.


Sciforums is probably the best place to be to learn the truth.

I have never learned anything here. I have only seen hatred and people blinded by their pride.

To find the truth, all you have to do is find yourself.

That's what "Christ" means.

You can never find the truth if you think you have already found it. Evolution is endless.
c7ityi_ said:
Expected response from someone of your mental capacity.

I have never learned anything here. I have only seen hatred and people blinded by their pride.
That IS the truth, the sad truth of human nature.
one_raven said:
I'd very much like to see that.
Do you know where in the Bible it is?

I think this is what the OP is referring to.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
witnessjudgejury said:
Question: What is the lie that the whole world believes?

Answer: I'm honestly not aware of any one particular lie that the whole world believes. One of the more wide spread lies would be that an entity generically labeled 'God' exists.
Silence Prolific said:
..., Im not sure if id go as far as to say i dont beleive in God, sure dont beleive in religion, ...
Interesting. I would say just the opposite. Perhaps you should reconsider your definition of religion ...