The whole world will believe a lie


:D The bible has a passage that states that the whole world will believe a lie.
My question is: What is the lie that the whole world believes?

Is it that Jesus is God?
Is it that you only have to believe to be saved? Jesus himself said if you cannot become humble as a little child, you can in no way enter the kingdom of heaven. Few believers are humble as a little child and the children of this generation are not even humble so we don't have an example to go by anymore.

What is the lie?
I'd very much like to see that.
Do you know where in the Bible it is?
You have not quoted the verse so all i have to go on is the words you have used. If my guess is right i think you are referring to a part of the bible that tells of the time just before the Return of the Messiah when the Beast/Anti-christ will deceive the world into thinking that He is God. But it will not be the whole world just the vast majority.

Revelation 13:
3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.

The lie will be his claim to be God. he will probably claim to be the returned Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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yeah, he's talking about te biblical idea of an 'antichrist'........

howmany of you voted for Bush?

just curious!

te whole world believes a lie. cant you feel it now? look out of the winda. look at everyone rushin round like blue arsed flies. for survival.....survival. for many this is a despearate ting. for the richer its desperqte in its own way too....all are feedng th industrial-military-complex

do you KNOW te evil evil shit that is doing to the world? do you believein it?...if so, why? fear? cause you are afraid of standing out and seeing through the games being played, ad want a 'peaceful' life sos you just keep yer eyes down and keep numb and/or dream of the 'world to come' in heavfen or whatever

te LIE is the story you we are telling ourselves if it is false and is destryoing others lives--including oter species and Nature....forget what the bible says. tat s what i am saying. but i dont want you to kneel down before me. i am just speaking my mind
witnessjudgejury said:
:D The bible has a passage that states that the whole world will believe a lie.
My question is: What is the lie that the whole world believes?

Is it that Jesus is God?
Is it that you only have to believe to be saved? Jesus himself said if you cannot become humble as a little child, you can in no way enter the kingdom of heaven. Few believers are humble as a little child and the children of this generation are not even humble so we don't have an example to go by anymore.

What is the lie?
religion, and the existence of a god.
Just one lie? We are currently operating under several dozen lies at least.

"the children of this generation are not even humble"
That's a gross generalization.
just a thougth......

what if the bible and religion is that lie? sounds kind of like a paradox but follow me on this one for a while.........

Beleiving in God is more of a philosophy than it is a religion. I would think being righteous counts more than someone having the fear of God put into them by religion and told "all is forgiven once you admit to your sins" does this make them more "saved" (in the religious sense of the word) than the people who doesnt go to church and doesnt read the bible or follow any religion but still arent out there messing with other.

Isnt that the premise behind every religion? whether its christianity, buddism , taoism and many others, the golden rule or some form of it exists. Where you treat others the way you want to be treated.
witnessjudgejury said:
What is the lie?
That god exists, that jesus existed, and that humanity is at heart peaceful.
The Three Biggest Lies. Evar. :p
Silence Prolific said:
just a thougth......

what if the bible and religion is that lie? sounds kind of like a paradox but follow me on this one for a while.........

Beleiving in God is more of a philosophy than it is a religion. I would think being righteous counts more than someone having the fear of God put into them by religion and told "all is forgiven once you admit to your sins" does this make them more "saved" (in the religious sense of the word) than the people who doesnt go to church and doesnt read the bible or follow any religion but still arent out there messing with other.

Isnt that the premise behind every religion? whether its christianity, buddism , taoism and many others, the golden rule or some form of it exists. Where you treat others the way you want to be treated.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Silence Prolific. I think you will fit in nicely here. I agree that believing in god is more of a philosophy than religion, and I believe that is the great lie. There is no god. Ancient humans created the idea of an all-powerful creator, because they could not explain the ravaging elements or movements of the stars. There has never been a god, just a philosophy. That philosophy has run its course, though. Man created god, not the other way around.
Thank you medicine woman, Im not sure if id go as far as to say i dont beleive in God, sure dont beleive in religion, maybe im still trying to find myself.
duendy said:
yeah, he's talking about te biblical idea of an 'antichrist'........

howmany of you voted for Bush?

just curious!

te whole world believes a lie. cant you feel it now? look out of the winda. look at everyone rushin round like blue arsed flies. for survival.....survival. for many this is a despearate ting. for the richer its desperqte in its own way too....all are feedng th industrial-military-complex

do you KNOW te evil evil shit that is doing to the world? do you believein it?...if so, why? fear? cause you are afraid of standing out and seeing through the games being played, ad want a 'peaceful' life sos you just keep yer eyes down and keep numb and/or dream of the 'world to come' in heavfen or whatever

te LIE is the story you we are telling ourselves if it is false and is destryoing others lives--including oter species and Nature....forget what the bible says. tat s what i am saying. but i dont want you to kneel down before me. i am just speaking my mind

I did not vote for anyone. I do not vote.

I do not believe Bush is THE anti-christ and i do not believe bush is a Christian either. He is just a politician who uses all the tools at his disposal "apeals to religion in one tool" to serve His masters "the rich elite’s" He serves mammon.

ad want a 'peaceful' life sos you just keep yer eyes down and keep numb and/or dream of the 'world to come' in heavfen or whatever

My eyes are not down and i am not numb. I know the servants of satan rule this world and i know they are deceiving mankind. God has allowed it to be this way. We have the choice to take part in evil or to reject the stupid game of life where the only guarantee is that even the winners will be eternal losers.

They will be caught in their own cunning. All their mind manipulation of the masses will come to naught when they see The Messiah coming to let loose Gods vengeance on them.

te LIE is the story you we are telling ourselves if it is false and is destryoing others lives--including oter species and Nature....forget what the bible says.

No way buddy :) The bible tells me that all this was going to happen. The disasters facing the world caused by those who would destroy the world will cause famine and genetically engineered pestilence and war oh so brutal and merciless. But these will just be the start of the sorrows. What men start God will finish. Men will envy the dead in the days to come. Look around you its all coming true.

Revelation 11
18The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"the world will believe a lie"

im shocked at the foresight of whoever wrote that. I mean, i would assume that the world believes somewhere in the order of thousands of lies at any of time

the passage was intended to be deliberately vague, so that the author would appear to be right, regardless of what happened
Adstar said:
Revelation 11
18The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

"Destroy the earth" could have been a reference to destruction during war, not pollution.

I question the application of this verse for today as opposed to other times in the past. Sometimes, when the NT uses the Greek word transliterated as "ge", it doesn't necessarily mean the entire world. It could mean land instead of the entire world. Check out Revelation 10:2 if you'd like, where "ge" is compared with the sea. Similarly, Acts 2:5-11 refers to people gathered from "every nation under heaven", but the list of nations it refers to is pretty much just the Roman Empire and its general environs. Supposedly, Rome had a part in "polluting the world" in the past, such as the reference at this website to the article "How Rome Polluted the World". And other ancient nations/empires, I'm guessing, could be included in this.
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right, just say an elite wrote the bible, right?....and it s main emphasis was to divide and rule te individual. so it invents an authority/'God' which has behind if a patriarchal they prophesy such and such.......get me? they already are manipluating shit. they have set up the very stage they are prphesizing. self-fulfilling prophecy wouldn't you say....and this still goes on

obvioulsy, if you create a religion which divides people from themseloves, tis is going to breed conflict and wars that are prpetual. tis bolloks is still being doe 'secretly' should learn all about tis. cause ignorin it shortchanges your research potential

Why would an elite create a bible and have one of its main "characters" give teachings and then go and create churches that are in rebellion against his teachings.

Anyone who reads Jesus's speech on the mount (the beatitudes) will see that the churches teach against His Words.

I can agree that churches have been created by the powers that be to twist the Words of Jesus, So as to make people serve the elite's purpose. But i cannot see them creating a bible with a person in it like Jesus teaching the things He did.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Silence Prolific said:
Thank you medicine woman, Im not sure if id go as far as to say i dont beleive in God, sure dont beleive in religion, maybe im still trying to find myself.
M*W: I was at your "level of understanding" about four years ago when I came to sciforums. I believed in the existence of a god, because I held onto some of my original christian programming. Learning and accepting the truth is a process. It's not an overnight understanding. Sciforums is probably the best place to be to learn the truth. The truth is revealed in time. To find the truth, all you have to do is find yourself. Then it will become very clear that the only god there could possibly be is you.