The "What do you Believe" Thread

What we do in this life echoes in eternity-Gladiator

Live a natural life and you will die a natural death. Live a supernatural life and you will die a supernatural death.
Live a natural life and you will die a natural death. Live a supernatural life and you will die a supernatural death.

Live a mickey mouse life and you will die a mickey mouse death.
The Pie Swindler said:
Anyways, i wanted to make a thread where everyone could state exactly what they believed about life, where we came from, where we are going, if there is a God, your religious background and contrasting personal beliefs... whatever.
I believe in me,its that simple.
I learned very early theres no one in your life that you can rely on more than yourself.

you can pray to god until your knees have arthritis but eventualy you'll realize that YOU have to get up and DO something to acomplish whatever is it you want to do.

sure some people will see god behind anything good that happens,
(while blaming devil for the evil shyt,which would disprove gods all mightynes for sure)
and some will claim stars/astrological influence karma or whatever helped them in their lifes.

I prefer reality

guess I was lucky that I was born and raised atheist,
I knew that gods were something that belongs to the long forgoten past when people knew nothing about the world,life ,universe ,science etc, so they thought there was some allmighty sky man moving the stars around,making the rain fall etc,
and they even portrayed this god as an old man sitting on the cloud,talk about retarded beliefs.
but then what inteligence do you expect from fruitcakes who spend all their times beating off or blowing or butt fucking each other as I noticed huge majority of priests are fags,and way too much masturbation leads to reduced mental capacity in men as any doctor will tell you.

where did we come from?
vagina ;)

as far as universe goes,it probably always existed,its eternal,uncaused,infinite.
makes the most sense to me anyway

where were going?
its up to us to decide,
we can kill each other in some holy crusade,or we can get rid of these silly hatefull superstitions and live happily ever after,
and since atheists know this life is all we have Id prefer the later
My girlfriend and i have been dating 3 years and are going to the same college this coming year, and have been through the kind of things that make a relationship stronger and more certain. Im pretty sure i want to marry her, and so we began having sex. And yet, if i end up marrying her one day, its still considered sin? What gives?
see thats exactly whats wrong with such religious beliefs,rules,it keeps you in bondage,slavery to some silly lifestyle thats imposible to follow.
why would sex a perfectly natural feeling,urge be against their rules?
its nuts imho
The Pie Swindler said:
Ill start with myself. I was raised in a traditional protestant home, but ive been the odd kid out. In sunday school id ask questions like "If God created the earth in 6 days, how do we have million year old fossils?". Since the people running the sunday school were as about as ignorant of this as i was, id get answers like "well God has his ways." you know, things like that. After taking a year of biology, i really began to question about God. I had never beleived in the 6 day crap really, and had always thought of the earth as really old and God being impartial to time ("progressive creationism"), but the evidence for evolution, especially in the fields of microbiology, is very trenchant. There are certainly some holes in the current theory, but overall it is probably the best interpretation of the world that we currently have.
Heh! Takes me back to my childhood (oh so long ago) when my very Catholic parents sent me to Sunday School. The replies I received to my questions about the notion of creation usually went along the lines that I was disruptive, questioned too much, had been influenced by the devil, etc to the point where my parents were advised that I should be removed from Sunday School because I asked too many questions and that I in fact needed to be punished to curb my "ways". By the time I started my teen years, I had found the whole notion of God and religion itself to be dishonest and frankly false. Thankfully, my parents had always encouraged me to never stop questioning. For that I will be eternally grateful to them. I think they realised that I had turned away from my religious upbringing when I refused point blank to go to a private Catholic school because it simply was not for me. It pained and hurt my mother deeply that I no longer simply believed and for a while I tried to placate her by going with her to Church to make her happy, but even she realised that I was doing so not for my benefit but for hers and she stopped asking me. Sometimes I'll pick her up for Good Friday Mass or something, just so she knows that I still care about her beliefs and respect her traditions, but she knows that I do this to put a smile on her face. My parents no longer expect me to be religious. They know who I am and what I stand for and they are happy and proud with the way that I turned out. They never once asked me to change myself.

So, i still go to church and the like, but i really am not sure i agree with alot of the teachings. For example, sex before marriage... im the kind of person who only wants one partner for your life, not for religious reasons but because of emotional/personal reasons. So i ask if its ok to have sex with someone who you think you have a good chance of marrying, or even are engaged to. And yet its regarded as a sin. My girlfriend and i have been dating 3 years and are going to the same college this coming year, and have been through the kind of things that make a relationship stronger and more certain. Im pretty sure i want to marry her, and so we began having sex. And yet, if i end up marrying her one day, its still considered sin? What gives? So yeah, im not really a former Christian yet, but more of a person who wants the truth about things, whether it changes what i believe is irrelevant. If it does, then so be it, its for the better to know and weep than to live like a king and not know all.
Pie, you are an individual. You live your life as you see fit. You do what is right for you. Do not ever let any person or group persuade you to live your life their way or as they see fit. If you are happy with your girlfriend and you are happy with the decisions that you have made in regards to your relationship, then that is all that should matter to you.

You do not need to ask anyone (aside from your girlfriend that is) whether it is ok to have sex with your girlfriend. If it feels right to you, then it is right for you. It is not anyone's business or concern (again aside from your girlfriend's lol) what you do or do not do with your girlfriend. Only do what feels right for you. It is your relationship and no one else's. Those who rant and rave that it is a sin should be ignored. They do not live your life for you and never should. If it feels right to you then it should never be considered to be a 'sin' if such a thing as 'sin' ever existed anyway. If both you and your girlfriend are happy with how your relationship is developing, then that's that. Don't ever let anyone tell you that your relationship or what you and your girlfriend do in and about your relationship is a sin. In short Pie, do what you feel is right, not what others feel is right.
The Pie Swindler said:
Anyways, i wanted to make a thread where everyone could state exactly what they believed about life, where we came from, where we are going, if there is a God, your religious background and contrasting personal beliefs... whatever.

Was raised as a Catholic.
Couldn't see the point in it from as far back as I could remember.
Have been happily atheist for many years.

I have no "belief" (i.e. in the unprovable).
I just am.
I will continue to be until I am no longer.
In the meantime I will try to make my existence as enjoyable for me as possible.

Humanity, as a race, will go where it will.

As to where we came from - my money's on the primordial ooze - whether on this planet or initially on some other. But this is just a guess. :D
What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity-David Franzoni (Author of Gladiator). credit where credits due.

enton we dont need the links, be happy in your madness.
I am agnostic on any religion because mankind has changed Gods in earlier times more times than I can count by my fingers and toes. If I am to believe in anything it will be believing in hope, which makes me hope for a being somewhere else in the universe, probably humans like us and not necessarily supreme or father-like as the christians say. The idea of being alone in this vast universe is too creepy for me to take whenever I see a picture of our galaxy. Materialisticaly I have a deep respect for the sun though I don't whorship it, I have a problem whorshiping anything I have not come accross in some physical way or another which is why I respect the sun. Aside all this I never asked to be created so I have never understood why I owe someone or anything my life or salvation, its all so loopsided in my opinion. However I don't bother myself with such things anymore because If I were a God I will be also worried about how I came about into existence, and if Gods do not I have no reason to myself, at least not spiritualy. Only a computer is going to calculate how we got here... in opinion.
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Chatha: I am agnostic on any religion because mankind has changed Gods in earlier times more times than I can count by my fingers and toes. If I am to believe in anything it will be believing in hope, which makes me hope for a being somewhere else in the universe, probably humans like us and not necessarily supreme or father-like as the christians say. The idea of being alone in this vast universe is too creepy for me to take whenever I see a picture of our galaxy. Materialisticaly I have a deep respect for the sun though I don't whorship it, I have a problem whorshiping anything I have not come accross in some physical way or another which is why I respect the sun. Aside all this I never asked to be created so I have never understood why I owe someone or anything my life or salvation, its all so loopsided in my opinion. However I don't bother myself with such things anymore because If I were a God I will be also worried about how I came about into existence, and if Gods do not I have no reason to myself, at least not spiritualy. Only a computer is going to calculate how we got here... in opinion.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Chatha. I appreciate your post. I believe you are on the right track -- just perservere and you will become enlightened.
Medicine Woman said:
Chatha: I am agnostic on any religion
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Chatha. I appreciate your post. I believe you are on the right track -- just perservere and you will become enlightened.
Dear Chatha:

Be careful or you will become atheist.


Male. Divorced. Kids live with me. Read a lot of science and some history with a little fiction thrown in when I need a break. Play the occasional computer game (American Conquest is my current favourite). Play chess when I can find an opponent. Enjoy genealogy. Also enjoy cycling (some 50 km/wk) while I am on holidays. However it seems I spend most of my time cooking and cleaning - when I'm not working.

Taught to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and by age 10 Genesis came into conflict with my discovery of dinosaurs. Thought I had to choose between God or science and in the end science won. Unrepentant atheist by age 16.

Completed university. Teacher in elementary school (so I have the summers off). Yeah!

Hoping someday to come across a new "life companion." She's out there somewhere but is very hard to find.
Dilbert said:
Is your name Michael Jackson?

My children live with me as opposed to living with my former wife; though your question doesn't really deserve a response I thought, unlike you, I would be polite.