The "What do you Believe" Thread


The Pie Swindler

not sure if this has been done before, but if so, feel free to delete.

Anyways, i wanted to make a thread where everyone could state exactly what they believed about life, where we came from, where we are going, if there is a God, your religious background and contrasting personal beliefs... whatever.

Id prefer this thread to simply be a statement of your own belief system, or lack thereof. Debating is acceptable, but id prefer no bashing, preaching, insulting of others beliefs, etc. Most of these are in the Religion Forum Rules, but id also rather we not shoot down other's beliefs. Disagreement is fine, but lets keep open minds, please.

Ill start with myself. I was raised in a traditional protestant home, but ive been the odd kid out. In sunday school id ask questions like "If God created the earth in 6 days, how do we have million year old fossils?". Since the people running the sunday school were as about as ignorant of this as i was, id get answers like "well God has his ways." you know, things like that. After taking a year of biology, i really began to question about God. I had never beleived in the 6 day crap really, and had always thought of the earth as really old and God being impartial to time ("progressive creationism"), but the evidence for evolution, especially in the fields of microbiology, is very trenchant. There are certainly some holes in the current theory, but overall it is probably the best interpretation of the world that we currently have.

So, i still go to church and the like, but i really am not sure i agree with alot of the teachings. For example, sex before marriage... im the kind of person who only wants one partner for your life, not for religious reasons but because of emotional/personal reasons. So i ask if its ok to have sex with someone who you think you have a good chance of marrying, or even are engaged to. And yet its regarded as a sin. My girlfriend and i have been dating 3 years and are going to the same college this coming year, and have been through the kind of things that make a relationship stronger and more certain. Im pretty sure i want to marry her, and so we began having sex. And yet, if i end up marrying her one day, its still considered sin? What gives? So yeah, im not really a former Christian yet, but more of a person who wants the truth about things, whether it changes what i believe is irrelevant. If it does, then so be it, its for the better to know and weep than to live like a king and not know all.

Whos next?
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I'm either athiest or deist, or something inbetween. I'd rather not start conflict.

Simply, I don't think religion is a bad thing but I think people shouldn't use it as a justification for violence.
Went through the British school system that had daily acts of worship and religious instruction.
Active Christian in late teens.
Atheist by 21.
Married in a church since traditional parents wanted that - the vicar had a real problem when I said I was atheist.
Married for 18 years - been divorced for 13 years.
I no longer support the institution of marriage and would advise against it except for financial advantages.
Have three daughters, 19, 21, 23.
Been a permanent resident of California since 1996.
Currently looking to transhumanist technologies for solving the problem of involuntary death - the real issue behind every religion.

Decades of examining religions have convinced me that all the ideas are pure fantasy. Not only are religions a waste of time but their misdirection of billions of people represents positive harm to the human race.
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Hapsburg said:
I'm either athiest or deist, or something inbetween. I'd rather not start conflict.

Simply, I don't think religion is a bad thing but I think people shouldn't use it as a justification for violence.

Hopefully this thread will remain civilised and conflict wont break out. It seems to do so in most threads in this subforum, but im hoping this one will be fairly debate-free and at least well mannered.
You dont have to be a fundamentalist to be a believer. Six days to God is not like our six days. Study what Catholicism teaches on this.

The dating of fossils by so-called scientists should be held to question, since they assign dates in order to fit nicely into Evolutionary theory.

You should marry her if you are committed to her. Intimacy is cheapened without commitment, in fact, you must ask yourself, are you subconsciously using her? though you may say no, you are acting towards her beneath her human dignity, and she deserves better treatment from you. If you tell her that you love her and then dont show it by commiting to marriage, you lie.

Make a descision to be Christian or NOT, then live your life in accordance with that descision. Being a serious christian will require you to stop having sex outside of marriage. You must at least accept all the injunctions of the saints and TRY to live by them. Christ condemns fornication.

If you decide NOT, then at least you will not be living a lie.

If you marry her now, you stilled sinned before, but in marriage you are not in a sinful state and it will not be a sin.
Your starting to get off track, Lawdog. Just state what you believe, as the OP up there says, and all will be well and this thread won't go to shit...
I cant. it would take too long.
Besides, all you have to do is read my posts...
... lawdog this is exactly what i DIDNT want in this thread. I cant do anything about it, but now people will probably proceed to flame you and then the train will fall off the track and crash. Just stick to yourself. And if it will "take too long" just give us a breifing... but in the very least, dont rebut peoples statements. if you have something to tell me, PM me (You CAN pm on these boards right?)
L-Dog, it doesn't have to be a long descriotion, just a simple paraphrase or summary.
Well, you should consider what i wrote about your situation.

Here is me:
ARTISTIC, oil painter,
Fantasy book Author
Latinist, ex-pagan
Ancient history and Myth teacher
I like to drink Hefenweizen wheat beer
gave up nicotein recently
I save three little field mice from oblivion yesterday
I also study vtheology and pray each day
I like to walk in the woods
God is not just a buddy, but he is also a King
The Medieval era may have been incorrect in
alot of science, but they were right about
the centrality of Faith
I have several born again friends
one heathen friend who is distrurbed
Everyone should at least adhere to the
faith that they were born in.
Catholicism is for everyone
no sex before marriage
Question: wouldn't "God" be an "Emperor", which is higher than "king" ?
If he was just a king, then the Japanese Emperor would be higher than him in social status. How ironic! :p
Good question. I dont think that emperor is higher than a king in right, but he only represents a collective power.
Emperors are not always obeyed by kings.

The Medieval Byzantines saw Christ as an Emperor like their own.
The Pie Swindler said:
...i wanted to make a thread where everyone could state exactly what they believed about life, where we came from, where we are going, if there is a God, your religious background and contrasting personal beliefs... whatever.

Mmmmmm Piiiiieeee...

I'll have to state my answers a little differently as I try very hard to remove
the action of 'belief' from my thinking. I see alot of evidence that reality
provides to suggest that life on earth today is a result natural processes
fundamentally built into the behavior of reality.

I came from a typical religious background and went to religious private
school up until high school (the education was excellent). By the age of 12 I
saw no evidence of 'God's existence and dropped the belief accordingly. This
was tough as it left a big hole in my understanding and placed me at a social
disadvantage within the family. I later studied computer science in college
and today I am a manager in a fast growing software company, am married,
and have some cool pets.

There is evidence that in another 500 million years, today's mammals (and
various other life forms) won't be able to survive in the extremely hot
environment (boiling ocean hot). I have a hunch that mammals cannot
biologically adapt to that type of enviornment in a mere 500 years which
is why I hope we figure out a way that can relocate life on earth
to a new place where we can stick around alot longer. Of course there
is evidence that the universe may collapse, rip, or go cold and those are
problems that we'll also have to deal with in the far future. Either way,
a 'theory of everything' and a hard focus on science and technology are likely
key to long term survival.
Lawdog said:
Good question. I dont think that emperor is higher than a king in right, but he only represents a collective power.
Emperors are not always obeyed by kings.
True, but in social rank, an Emperor is always higher than a King. Very odd.
There is evidence that in another 500 million years, today's mammals (and
various other life forms) won't be able to survive in the extremely hot
environment (boiling ocean hot). I have a hunch that mammals cannot
biologically adapt to that type of enviornment in a mere 500 years which
is why I hope we figure out a way that can relocate life on earth
to a new place where we can stick around alot longer. Of course there
is evidence that the universe may collapse, rip, or go cold and those are
problems that we'll also have to deal with in the far future. Either way,
a 'theory of everything' and a hard focus on science and technology are likely
key to long term survival.

I remember watcing a show on the science channel about this... but it was about all life and not just mammals. Interesting stuff, especially since it doesnt affect any of us :-D
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

I believe that no matter who created us, someone created it (scentient being)....I believe in the Sumarian text and the Annuniki. I also believe in the Bible (new and old). I KNOW that "goodness" is above all other things, but the world was created in Chaos. For now I realize that the Earth is my mother and the Heavens is my Father. Until I see more....this is my belief. ;)
Ah, so you believe in the stuff from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" ?
The Pie Swindler said:
I remember watcing a show on the science channel about this... but it was about all life and not just mammals. Interesting stuff, especially since it doesnt affect any of us :-D

Well the question was about where we are going... I chose to answer the
question longer term.
actually, thats what i meant when i asked it. Right on
I grew up roman catholic but that stopped when I was about 10, as a young adult I went to a lutheran church for a while, I no longer attend any organized religion. I believe in Karma and I believe that we have to master our destiny. I think that chaos and order is a more appropriate explanation than evil and good, no matter what you call it I don't think one can exist without the other. I definitely believe in my feelings and that all the answers I will ever need in life is contained in those feelings. the rest gets kind of complicated and I don't want to put any negative stuff in this.