The Weeping of The Virgin Mary


I've been doing some research recently due to an experience. I do not wish to share it in a forum like this as it makes no distinction between paranormal and supernatural (aliens and UFOs belong in a separate category to supernatural and/or religious occurences). It is still unknown to me whether my imagination is capable of playing such a sophisticated trick or not. However, this experience led me to do some research which I felt the need to run it by such a wise and open-minded bunch as yourselves.





These morons believe that their statue is the virgin Mary. Everything from the ceramic gown to the painted face. I mean, how can such a pretty face not be the Virgin right? Once she doesn't appear to be Muslim.

Now have a look at this:

It is not only humans which are possessed, but also animals, trees and other objects. By doing this, the evil Jinn hope to make people worship others besides Allah. The possession of idols is one way to do this. Not so long ago the world-wide phenomenon of Hindu idols drinking milk, shocked the world. From Bombay to London, Delhi to California, countless idols were lapping up milk. Ganesh[6] the elephant god, Hanuman the monkey god and even Shiva lingam, the male private organ(!), all seemed to guzzle down the milk as if there was no tomorrow! Unfortunately people were taken in by this (including Muslims) and many flocked to feed (?) the Hindu gods. Anyone who knows about Jinn possession, will undoubtedly know that this is a classic attempt to make people commit shirk. And it worked, as many people started to worship these lifeless pieces of wood and marble. Anyone with half a brain would say to themselves, 'why on earth does a god need to be fed?!! Surely if Ganesh, Hanuman or Shiva were divine then they wouldn't need feeding?' However, such common sense seemed to be lacking as the Jinns played havoc with these gullible people.


That which clearly distinguishes the Jinn from mankind, are their powers and abilities. Allah has given them these powers as a test for them. If they oppress others with them, then they will be held accountable. By knowing of their powers, we can often make sense of much of the mysteries which go on around us. One of the powers of the Jinn, is that they are able to take on any physical form they like.

Here's what the smartest man has to say about religions:

Now, in the course of employing deadly force to rule their fellows, the very worst element of humanity – the butchers, the violators, i.e. those of whom some modern leaders and politicians are merely slightly-chastened copies – began to consider ways of maintaining power. They lit on religion, an authoritarian priesthood of which can be used to set the minds and actions of a populace for or against any given aspect of the political status quo. Others, jealous of the power thereby consolidated, began to use religion to gather their own "sheep", promising special entitlements to those who would join them…mutually conflicting promises now setting the promisees at each other’s throats.

But although religion has often been employed for evil by cynics appreciative of its power, several things bear notice. (1) The abuse of religion, and the God concept, has always been driven by human politics, and no one is justified in blaming the God concept, whether or not they hold it to be real, for the abuses committed by evil men in its name. Abusus non tollit usum. (2) A religion must provide at least emotional utility for its believers, and any religion that stands the test of time has obviously been doing so. (3) A credible religion must contain elements of truth and undecidability, but no elements that are verifiably false (for that could be used to overthrow the religion and its sponsors). So by design, religious beliefs generally cannot be refuted by rational or empirical means.

Does the reverse apply? Can a denial of God be refuted by rational or empirical means? The short answer is yes; the refutation follows the reasoning outlined above. That is, the above reasoning constitutes not just a logical framework for reality theory, but the outline of a logical proof of God's existence and the basis of a "logical theology". While the framework serves other useful purposes as well, e.g. the analysis of mind and consciousness, we'll save those for another time.
So are you saying you believe it was jinn mindfuck?

If we assume that Islamic source I provided is at least 70% truth, in combination with Mr. Langan's detailed proof, we can say that there's about 80% chance my experience between sleep and wake, along with the voice, was an experience with the Jinn as opposed to my ego and imagination attacking me and almost suffocating me to death, when I strongly shook my head in objection, and "reached" my attention to the roof, and said, "God... please purify this room of all evil", and the sudden thing was only a puzzling memory where my sudden awakening filled my lungs as though my nose and mouth were being blocked and just released. And something was holding me and said something which I now forget.
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There's also scholars from Islam I would assume who know more about the Jinn.

NOTE particularly the 2nd part and the footprints in the dirty unclean area which the foolishly assumed "ghost of Mother Mary" is believed to be.

The town is full of gullible folk. If you were an omnipotent Jinn being what kind of town and people would you choose to lead astray? Naieve and slavish cerebrums of a very moronic and questionable (not air-tight) religion no doubt.
:L Jinn do not exist, the animal figurines drank milk because they were just weird. I suggest to you there is no spirit world, only material. Human mind is really not a realm but neurological interaction based solely on biological components :shrug:
If we assume that Islamic source I provided is at least 70% truth, in combination with Mr. Langan's detailed proof, we can say that there's about 80% chance my experience between sleep and wake, along with the voice, was an experience with the Jinn as opposed to my ego and imagination attacking me and almost suffocating me to death, when I strongly shook my head in objection, and "reached" my attention to the roof, and said, "God... please purify this room of all evil", and the sudden thing was only a puzzling memory where my sudden awakening filled my lungs as though my nose and mouth were being blocked and just released. And something was holding me and said something which I now forget.

OK so you beleive in jinn the supernatural but you call other people morons because they also believe in the supernatural just in a different fashion than you.

Quite frankly I don't find any of it particularly convincing especially to the point where I would call it 70% truth.
That comes from my particular standpoint and worldview. I might consider you a moron for believing in jinn or islam but I can see that and decide to let you believe what you will, it's your choice.

Are you capable of seeing your prejudice here?
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I think it was aliens.
Did you see any UFO's while your attention was on the roof?
OK so you beleive in jinn the supernatural but you call other people morons because they also believe in the supernatural just in a different fashion than you.

Quite frankly I don't find any of it particularly convincing especially to the point where I would call it 70% truth.
That comes from my particular standpoint I can see that.

Are you capable of seeing your prejudice here?

Absolutely not. The whole point of this is not merely on the supernatural, but on religious misinterpretations and how the jinn lead gullible believers or ignorant folks away from God.

I am holding out on skepticism for the moment because I don't want to enter a state of denial.
Absolutely not. The whole point of this is not merely on the supernatural, but on religious misinterpretations and how the jinn lead gullible believers or ignorant folks away from God.

I would then say that the safest way to not get tricked by jinn is to just not believe in any of it. If they could be fooled by the supernatural then maybe you are the one who is really fooled and not the other way around. So you are being led astray.

That can't happen to me I am who I am and impervious to such trickery.
Perhaps you're right. As I have tried that I felt that I was in denial. I can go back to living a perfectly normal life like before the incident, but this time I acknowledge God a bit more. Before I was pretty much atheist.

That is the only difference.