the voice of god?

duendy said:
me))as you divide 'light' and 'dark' you also create the abstracts 'pure' and 'impure' and divide them. then you wo believe in A'pure all good god' become all idealistic and hop to become 'pure'.

is a murderer as 'pure' (good) as you are for example?
am i impure, if i believe in abstracts like pure and impure?
why shouldn't we try to improve ourselves and hope to become 'better'?

surely, a newborn child is more pure than murderers who live in darkness?

what your christian faith did was remove those associatons overtly at any rate, ad HISTORICIZE the myth to mean an ACTUAL 'godman' was ONCE crucified on a cross at ONEtime in history

the story of christ is partly based on the life of jesus. we have separated from christ, our real self, by crucifying ourselves in the material world (or body) by believing in it rather than our real being, the androgynous mind.
c7ityi_ said:
is a murderer as 'pure' (good) as you are for example?

me))))))what 'murderer'? there are many kinds of murderers. some find temselves a murderer from some silly hysterical actthat ewnd up murder. some poeple are SO oppressed on all sides they explode and kill someone either accidentally, or on purpose. somelove murdering, as with sadists. so what do you wan me to say? do you want me to say A 'murderer' is a totally 'impure' person? if your sone, daughter--if you have any kids, murdered would you class them as TOTALL 'impure'

am i impure, if i believe in abstracts like pure and impure?

me))well you are still caufht in pure vs impure to ask it that way?

why shouldn't we try to improve ourselves and hope to become 'better'?

me)))i am not implying one can be a perfect arsehole and be proud of it. what i am saying is the IDEALS of 'purity' can only cause its opposite. cause pure and impure are embedded in each other. have you head the saying 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'??

surely, a newborn child is more pure than murderers who live in darkness?

me)))no yu are trying to assume i man stasis. i dont. i am very familiar with th diversity of human emotion. yes there are people who are mild and meek and oters who will o you for just lookin at em. we know tis. but what i am saying is the IDEA of te person becoming static-pure is false and breeds conflict and horrible hiearachical socities . yes?

the story of christ is partly based on the life of jesus. we have separated from christ, our real self, by crucifying ourselves in the material world (or body) by believing in it rather than our real being, the androgynous mind.

nope. i do not beliefe in that dogma at all. it is for a kick off, GNOSTIC---cause gnosticism via Origen etal very much shaped Christianity. where material world is believed to be bad and a trap

a more deeper meaning is this: 'christ' is secretly referring for intitates to be a psychedelic sacrament. the 'sacrfice ' is the taking UP of the fungus and pulling it aprt and eating it. and simultaeously the snse of self--the 'ego' 'dying and being reborn

now. where the christian mystic interpreation of this ecstasy differs decidedly from the agraian insight--because its from paganism Christianity got most of its main mythological motifs is that, fprthe Nture-loving pagan the 'sacrifice' was the rebirth into a rereshed Nature. ie., there was no conflit between individual and body and Nature. whereas for the mystic ther IS. so there beliefs about this included their understanding of the sacrament which they beliefved to be the 'son of God'

a;lso checkout Medicine Woman's latest offering. ther is an ultmate connection between their belief /interpretation in astrology and their understanding of psychedelic sacraments
religion is not to blame for war... men use it.. when planning wars.. and waging them.

and your views on religion are obviously based on the old.. flawed interpretations of genesis that so many stupid theists hold on to...
like it is scripture itself...

i say.. there is nothing wrong with scripture...

it is only the over used... flawed 1500 year old interpretation which needs to be thrown out.

Mosheh Thezion said:
rit is only the over used... flawed 1500 year old interpretation which needs to be thrown out.

Then, throw it out already!
duendy, murderers aren't bad, only their actions are. evil is not evil, it is good in another form.

where material world is believed to be bad and a trap

the material world makes you bad if you believe in it too much. matter is not bad, but if the human spirit enters it, if a human gives his life to matter, the matter becomes alive, and satan is born.

satan is the law of matter, and it works in a divine way as long as it is matter (ie. as long as it is in the right place and time). but if a human gives his divine self (christ) to matter, the laws of matter (coldness, hardness, 'gravity') are reflected and expressed in his spirit (wrong place and time) as 'coldness', 'hardness' and egoism.

lucifer is 'god'. lucifer is both the holy spirit and satan at the same time.
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TheVisitor said:
Just a little humor there folks.....

"I find your lack of faith disturbing" from "star wars" were darth vader reaches our a hand towards a faithless comander who has just told him;
"modern science is more powerfull than out-dated religions like belief in "the force"......
As Vader reaches out his hand from across the room the commander is lifted off the ground and has his neck crushed passing out.
Come on, ....I thought somebody would pick that up...!
Man, we really got some winners here....

I was just about to reply that I'm amazed that no one got that reference! Good one!
Of course in this forum the voices of god are twofold - James and me.

..murderers aren't bad, only their actions are. evil is not evil, it is good in another form.
Total nonsense. People are responsible for their own actions and hence it follows that the people who murder are evil. The actions have no say in the matter.
Cris, we aren't responsible for our birth, we don't choose where we are born or in what body we are born in. We are a product of a higher order and the circumstances shape us. If you had been born under the same circumstances as Hitler, you had become like him.

Like Jesus said: "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God."

I am what I am, I do what I do, because it's in my nature to do so. I sit in this machine, this body, and suffer, when it sins ("by his wounds we are healed") God created evil and suffering so that we could learn from our mistakes, to evolve and come closer to our real self.

Humans are not evil, we are only ignorant, lost and forsaken... in our ignorance, we crucify ourselves and become evil.