The Virgin Mary?

Clearly, if Mary really existed and the myth is truly based at least loosely on actual events, she had sex. Either she was raped or she did so willingly. Either with her husband or with someone else. If her husband wasn't the father, then Jesus was a bastard.

The rational explanation beats the supernatural one that she was raped by a deity, but deities raping or having consensual intercourse with mortal women is an archetype that appears in various cultures, particularly the ancient Greek and in Mesopotamian cultures.

It's more likely that the "virgin" Mary myth was based on an older, but similar, tale of oral or written oral origin.

Maybe it was an Alien with a long thin turkey baster.
If Jesus was born from Mary half God and half man, He wouldn't says things like, "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that world may believe that You sent Me." > John 17:20-21

OR; "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on my throne, as I also overcame ("I have overcome the world" > John 16:33) and sat down with My Father on his throne." > Rev. 3:21

If Jesus was born from Mary half God and half man, it would be like Superman saying, "To him who jumps as high as I have jumped I will grant him to sit with Me on my throne, as I am sat down with My Father on his throne."
Mary discovered that she was pregnant in a culture where she could be stoned to death. It is written that she said, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" > Luke 1:34

The Mary story puzzled me ever since I was young. This story in the gospel according to Matthew says "that which is conceived in Mary is of the Holy Spirit" > Matt. 1:20

How can this be? My answer may make me look foolish and cause Christians to hate me. But first I would appreciate your imput.

Well, Mary was not going to be stoned to death.

Remember, she was of the House of David. All those movies that would like us to believe that Mary was some poor girl... well, its just not true. How poor could the family be if 7 generations before their Family had been the Royal family of Judah?

the Rich never have to worry about the Laws which are mostly considered as ordinances for the control of the Poor.

Besides, these details were considered. EVERYBODY knew that young Mary had to soon be married.

Indeed, Catholicism's foremost seer and visionary Anne Catherine Emmerich draws quite a picture of it. The Priests, who knew all about it, summoned all of the eligable bachalors of the extented House of David (Jesus would have the House of David on both sides of his little Family). Joseph who was an old confirmed bachelor in his forties did not think the application applied to those who were not in the least bit interested in marrying a 14 year old girl, and so he did not show up. Well, the Priests gave each man a walking stick, and the Winners stick was to come alive with leaves and such, in accordance with an old oral prophecy from Elijah himself, from 7 generation before. Nothing happened. And so the priests went over their invitation list and issued a warrant for Old Joseph, to drag him there in chains if necessary. When he arrived he walked through the door and his old beat up cane suddenly blossomed forth in huge white Lillies of the Valley, the symbol for Virginity. Anne Catherine Emmerich tells us that little Mary asked for one of the flowers and had it pressed and kept it with the rest of her things for the remainder of her life.
It is written in the beginning of 'The Gospel According to Matthew', "The book of the genealogy of Jesus, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:" ------- "And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus"

As written, the genealogy (DNA) of Jesus is through Joseph back to Abraham.

Leo!, --- why can you not accept that Jesus was born from the union of man and woman?