the universe was created by an act of love.

Yep..theists prove anything? Who would expect that? They don't need to show evidence for God and they certainly don't need to show evidence that the universe respects freewill. It's all good see when you believe whatever you want. Even that murderer who took the freewill away from his 26 victims gets his own freewill taken away by suicide moments later. So beautiful and poetic really..why it's almost as if the universe was created by an act of love.

He said, "God can sit by and idly watch as millions of children endure pain and suffering no child should suffer and deem it necessary to prove free will". He was talking about "God...deem[ing] it necessary to prove free will", and that was all I responded to. Your quip about theists proving anything is a strawman, and if you wish to digress into a discussion on that, start a new thread.
In a closed system (i.e. no possibility for "favorites") that allows for free will, the strongest often prevails. The existence of free will does not guarantee the freedom of all conflicting wills at all times, merely the possibility of freedom.
And yet, God and religions and the religious texts often preaches about protecting and taking care of the weak.. Ah hypocrisy.

It was a false dilemma between suffering children and creation by a benevolent god. So given the premise of the OP, there was only one answer to that false dilemma.

"Prove" free will? Who said a thing about proving anything? It is simply a matter of allowing the possibility for free will in a closed system that also accounts for natural evils (i.e. natural disasters).
Indeed, why prove anything when you are meant to blindly follow without question.

Do as I say, not as I do.

As I said before, a God of indifference and one that is often narcissistic and has attributes of a sociopath. Who watches the watcher?
And yet, God and religions and the religious texts often preaches about protecting and taking care of the weak.. Ah hypocrisy.

Indeed, why prove anything when you are meant to blindly follow without question.

Do as I say, not as I do.

As I said before, a God of indifference and one that is often narcissistic and has attributes of a sociopath. Who watches the watcher?

God gives me life, makes me feel alive. Atheists like you rain on the parade. For some strange reason, negative thinking and atheism are equivalent. I guess what I'm saying is that atheism is probably equivalent to depression and mental illness. The earth is protected from cosmic radiation by the van allen belts; by a similar logic, the mind is protected from atheism by religion.

What you embrace as "reality" is really sterilizing your heart, mind and soul. Atheism is killing you.
eventually when you have children you have to let them learn how to stand and survive without you, the universe is an interchange of energy and we are no different and that interchange is violent but it is self sufficient as god intended so god needs to do nothing, why would god care about our physical form when it's the spirit god cares about. all the suffering in the world is of mans making, one day when we grow up, then and only then will god, in whatever form taken, appear to us.
The big bang is just an idea that came from male ejaculation during that sexual act. This act creates life in mammals.

So thats all the idea of the big bang is, just male ejaculation. This is all the idea is, and shows you science is indeed religious.

The scientific idea of the big bang just came from male ejaculation, that on our mini scale creates life, and continues you lot. I doubt the big bang theory is real, its just what they symbolically believe the universe start was.

Falling in love, is just a way the universe makes sure you continue its existence. It needs energy to be forever changing.

[Mod note: The big bang theory originated from the observation that the universe was expanding and, extrapolating that backwards in time, that it must converge on a single origin. Characterizing science as religious will not be tolerated (and subsequent posts that do so will be deleted/editted as the moderator sees fit), although you are free to equate creation with a sex act, as the OP does ask about opinions on an "act of love".]
Last edited by a moderator:
HitchhikersGuide said:
"Many races believe that the Universe was created by some sort of god or in the Big Bang. The Jatravartians people, however, believe that the Universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure. They live in perpetual fear of the time they call "The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief" (their version of the End of the Universe). The theory of the Great Green Arkleseizure is not widely accepted outside Viltvodle VI."

Bless you.
He said, "God can sit by and idly watch as millions of children endure pain and suffering no child should suffer and deem it necessary to prove free will". He was talking about "God...deem[ing] it necessary to prove free will", and that was all I responded to. Your quip about theists proving anything is a strawman, and if you wish to digress into a discussion on that, start a new thread.

You were the one who brought up freewill as God's excuse for why children must suffer, not me. If you can't evidence freewill why did you bring it up? Are we just supposed to take your word for it?
God gives me life, makes me feel alive. Atheists like you rain on the parade. For some strange reason, negative thinking and atheism are equivalent. I guess what I'm saying is that atheism is probably equivalent to depression and mental illness. The earth is protected from cosmic radiation by the van allen belts; by a similar logic, the mind is protected from atheism by religion.

What you embrace as "reality" is really sterilizing your heart, mind and soul. Atheism is killing you.

You would rather live in a fantasy world of story book endings and magical plot twists. That's not the world we live in. There is real suffering out there beyond your quarantined life of delusion and special protections. Atheists facing that is the reason they are so motivated to help others, not by telling them fairy tales but by feeding the poor, helping the homeless, encouraging the despairing, and supporting the weak. No prayers for things to get better. No all night tom tom dances to make it rain. Just solid reliable actions toward their fellowman. Helping in anyway we can we help relieve some of that suffering that we'd all rather not hear about but which is going on all the time. Between the smug theist who has their head buried in the sand and the realistic atheist who is reaching out, I will always take the latter. Actions always speak louder than words. "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me."
Syne said:
In a closed system (i.e. no possibility for "favorites") that allows for free will, the strongest often prevails. The existence of free will does not guarantee the freedom of all conflicting wills at all times, merely the possibility of freedom.
And yet, God and religions and the religious texts often preaches about protecting and taking care of the weak.. Ah hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy at all. Religious texts urge protecting the weak BECAUSE the universe is a closed system where only man can do so without usurping free will.

It was a false dilemma between suffering children and creation by a benevolent god. So given the premise of the OP, there was only one answer to that false dilemma.

"Prove" free will? Who said a thing about proving anything? It is simply a matter of allowing the possibility for free will in a closed system that also accounts for natural evils (i.e. natural disasters).
Indeed, why prove anything when you are meant to blindly follow without question.

Do as I say, not as I do.

As I said before, a God of indifference and one that is often narcissistic and has attributes of a sociopath. Who watches the watcher?

You said, "God...deem[ed] it necessary to prove free will", which has little or nothing to do with any theist proving anything. If you wish to discuss any proof claims about a god, start a new thread (citing a source for the specific claim/s). And you characterization of god relies heavily on taking religious texts literally, which is, at best, a hasty generalization of theist beliefs.
God gives me life, makes me feel alive.

That would be the oxygen you breathe.

Atheists like you rain on the parade.

See, this is what I do not particularly understand with this complaint. No one is forcing you to be an atheist. Just to keep your religious beliefs to yourself.

For some strange reason, negative thinking and atheism are equivalent.
You are responsible for the life you live, no one else, not God, not anyone else but you. It's a giant leap to accept responsibility for your own life and actions.

I guess what I'm saying is that atheism is probably equivalent to depression and mental illness.
As much as believing in a father figure in the sky is equivalent to being delusional and mentally ill.

The earth is protected from cosmic radiation by the van allen belts; by a similar logic, the mind is protected from atheism by religion.
Protection from what? Why does my not believe in God or any deity for that matter somehow affect your brain? Being a tad over dramatic, aren't you?

This is akin to wearing a foil hat to ward off the Government from reading your mind.

What you embrace as "reality" is really sterilizing your heart, mind and soul. Atheism is killing you.
Having faced the real prospect of death a few times in my life, trust me, my not believing in God is not what is going to kill me. I'd rather face reality than retreat to believing in a father figure. It would be akin to believing in a magical unicorn. I have the mental strength and ability to face reality and embrace it for what it is without resorting to fantasy. It's called growing up.
No hypocrisy at all. Religious texts urge protecting the weak BECAUSE the universe is a closed system where only man can do so without usurping free will.

The theist's universe is not closed. It is open to an infinitely powerful all-seeing being who can intervene in human affairs and answer prayers and prevent suffering and cause miracles even. I know of no known theistic system of belief that does not consider God an active agent in the events of the world.
God gives me life, makes me feel alive. Atheists like you rain on the parade. For some strange reason, negative thinking and atheism are equivalent.
Mazulu, that "some strange reason" that you refer to is your own delusional beliefs - as evidenced by...
I guess what I'm saying is that atheism is probably equivalent to depression and mental illness. The earth is protected from cosmic radiation by the van allen belts; by a similar logic, the mind is protected from atheism by religion.

What you embrace as "reality" is really sterilizing your heart, mind and soul. Atheism is killing you. Posting examples of your own "negative thinking "!
Originally Posted by HitchhikersGuide
"Many races believe that the Universe was created by some sort of god or in the Big Bang. The Jatravartians people, however, believe that the Universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure. They live in perpetual fear of the time they call "The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief" (their version of the End of the Universe). The theory of the Great Green Arkleseizure is not widely accepted outside Viltvodle VI."

Bless you.

gmilam, that would have been perfect if you had waited to Post it until Post # 42 !!!
Love for whom?

•A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds
•More than four children die every day as a result of child abuse.1
•It is estimated that between 50-60% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates. 3
•Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4. 1
•More than 90% of juvenile sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator in some way. 4
•Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
•About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. 5
•In at least one study, about 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder. 13

Magical Realist, why must you equate an "act of love", or the lack of such, with children? Given the that the OP simply queried :
the universe was created by an act of love.

hmmmm . . .
given your experiences i would like your thoughts on the thread title.

this should be interesting.

Magical Realist, how, may I ask, do your Posted "thoughts" relate to "your experiences", as requested in the OP?
[Mod note: The big bang theory originated from the observation that the universe was expanding and, extrapolating that backwards in time, that it must converge on a single origin. Characterizing science as religious will not be tolerated (and subsequent posts that do so will be deleted/editted as the moderator sees fit), although you are free to equate creation with a sex act, as the OP does ask about opinions on an "act of love".]

So...this is the "Philosophy:Religion:" section of SciForums and "The Big Bang Theory" was originated by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic Priest/Astronomer/Physics Professor.
So..."Characterizing science as religious will not be tolerated".

If that level of "tolerance" was widespread a century ago, there is every possibility that there would be no BB theory or Internet or even "SciForums" to exhibit that level of "tolerance" today.
[Mod note: The big bang theory originated from the observation that the universe was expanding and, extrapolating that backwards in time, that it must converge on a single origin. Characterizing science as religious will not be tolerated (and subsequent posts that do so will be deleted/editted as the moderator sees fit), although you are free to equate creation with a sex act, as the OP does ask about opinions on an "act of love".]

So...this is the "Philosophy:Religion:" section of SciForums and "The Big Bang Theory" was originated by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic Priest/Astronomer/Physics Professor.
So..."Characterizing science as religious will not be tolerated".

If that level of "tolerance" was widespread a century ago, there is every possibility that there would be no BB theory or Internet or even "SciForums" to exhibit that level of "tolerance" today.

The fact that the originator of the theory was Catholic doesn't make it a Catholic theory.
[Mod Note: The Mod is acting fairly heavy handed, a common rookie mistake. Please stop deleting posts, a warning is sufficient.]
The fact that the originator of the theory was Catholic doesn't make it a Catholic theory.

By applying that same Logic, one could state that it "doesn't make it a" Physics theory or Cosmological theory, either!

And of course someone who believed that all of Creation was instantly manifested into existence/reality from a previous state of...(!?"nothingness(?!)... by the merest thoughts/words of a Supreme Being - could be excused for theorizing that all of the observed universe could have instantly manifested into existence from a previous state of...(!?"nothingness(?!) a Big Bang.

I get it!
Is that the only option available for a God--a universe of cruelty and chance or no universe at all? The OP says the universe was created out of love. What evidence is there for this?

I agree that theology's 'problem of evil' is the most obvious speed-bump in the path of the idea that the universe was created by an act of love. (Many would suggest that it's an impenetrable barrier.)