The universe has a creator, but it is not your God.

Atheists/scientists will by and large change their views in the face of overwhelming empirical evidence (this is what I assume your hypothetical aliens will be providing). Generally, they'll all get on with life, having had one of life's questions answered.

Theists however, will continuously gloat and preen, and there'll be a sickening upsurge of religion. This will happen because theists will unfortunately miss the fact that this proved creator has absolutely no interests in human deeds, sin, resurrections, hells, heavens, churches etc etc...All they'll see is a victory to grasp at.

The worst part might be that all religion will merge into a huge behemoth one, that comprises of everyone in every religion. This will bring the count of theists to an overwhelming minimum of 85.3% of the world's population.
The worst part might be that all religion will merge into a huge behemoth one, that comprises of everyone in every religion.
it is more likely that there would be out and out war between the religions, they will all believe this god is there god and will wish to prove themselves worthy, by killing of believers of the wrong dieties and atheist alike.
it is more likely that there would be out and out war between the religions, they will all believe this god is there god and will wish to prove themselves worthy, by killing of believers of the wrong dieties and atheist alike.

!!!Good point!!!
it is more likely that there would be out and out war between the religions, they will all believe this god is there god and will wish to prove themselves worthy, by killing of believers of the wrong dieties and atheist alike.

You nailed it! .
it is more likely that there would be out and out war between the religions, they will all believe this god is there god and will wish to prove themselves worthy, by killing of believers of the wrong dieties and atheist alike.

You are quite misanthropic. More like most of the docile ones will wring their hands for a while and get over it (but will still have some ever lingering hope), or there will be an out and out rejection of the evidence as a mere "theory" and not an actual fact ;), or some will see it as no reason to continue to be 'good'. I think rationalization and time combined will allow theists to get over it. Humans (and theists) are more resilient and adaptible than you would like to give credit for.
I generally agree with southstar. I think the hallmark of such a "revelation" would be extended denial, with scattered violence among fundamentalists.
Actually the aliens provided the proof that this universe is created. They label the agent that created the creator. They do not imply it is a god perse. They merely imply that the creator is real.

(and hence not perfect?)

(And hence not a god?).
Actually the aliens provided the proof that this universe is created. They label the agent that created the creator. They do not imply it is a god perse. They merely imply that the creator is real.

(and hence not perfect?)

(And hence not a god?).

its not clear how a 'real' creator is less perfect and less potent than an imagined one

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
its not clear how...

Can you please stop saying that lol

its certainly more condusive to progressive discussion compared to .....

"You are full of sh*t when you spout off such brainless claptrap as that - just goes to show you (insert name of group one hopes to dismiss) really are a bunch of morons because any one with half a brain could have figured out that you guys have absolutely no idea what you are talking about from day one"

the essence of polite figures of speech, particularly if you are in need of a clarification, is to place the query in a context that implies that we are the ones having the difficulty in comprehension - this will enable th eother party to confidently re-express themeselves ....... something they will unlikely do if you launch an attack (and given that you don't actually understand the premises that the other party is drawing on, the attack will more than likely be barking up the wrong tree anyway)
In hindsight it turned out that not just one alien species has landed but a representation of the galactic federation.

Spiffy about the creator & all, but since He/She/They/It doesn't give a hoot about us, what sort of " Galactic Foreign Aid" for "Third World Worlds" can we sign up for ?

We're a poor, dumb, backward. Pagan Einsteinian E=mc² - believin' type bunch of wogs, after all...

Any Lendi, Dendi ?
Yes, but that didn't make the beings that seemed to be supernatural to actually be supernatural.

It would rather make a difference if god was limited to natural powers or if he had supernatural powers. A god with natural powers is per definition limited. A god with supernatural powers can be limited (if supernatural powers are limited) or can not be limited. Either way supernatural powers suggest he can act at a level we can't and we will never be able to act upon.

Unless one of the godly powers is to be able to endow ordinary creatures with supernatural powers.

In conclusion it would make a big difference if god is supernatural or natura. One implies he is God. They other that he is god.
Yes, but that didn't make the beings that seemed to be supernatural to actually be supernatural.

It would rather make a difference if god was limited to natural powers or if he had supernatural powers. A god with natural powers is per definition limited. A god with supernatural powers can be limited (if supernatural powers are limited) or can not be limited. Either way supernatural powers suggest he can act at a level we can't and we will never be able to act upon.

Unless one of the godly powers is to be able to endow ordinary creatures with supernatural powers.

In conclusion it would make a big difference if god is supernatural or natura. One implies he is God. They other that he is god.
its not clear on what basis you distinguish a supernatural power from a natural one (unless of course it is inthe eyes of the beholder)
its not clear on what basis you distinguish a supernatural power from a natural one (unless of course it is inthe eyes of the beholder)

Supernatural would be unexplainable by natural laws. Now or any time in the future. And hence supernatural can never be verified by science or something we will call science in the future.

Therefore if an alien species would come to earth with what seems to us godlike powers, but they are capable of explaining that it can all be explained by our science, their science or some science in the future, they do not possess supernatural powers.

A supernatural power can never be explained other than by Divine intervention, now, in the past, or in the future, or as a theoretical possibility.