The universe has a creator, but it is not your God.


A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.

Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?
Ponder it for a few moments, consider it, then watch "Friends" as it ultimately changes nothing.

However, I'd also consider after "Friends" is over, on ways to contact this being for interesting discussions.
A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.

Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?

Sigh with relief! Finally the suspense is over!
The consensus so far is that it would not change anything?

How would science take it?

How would religious people take it?

Brussels because the EU headquarters are there? Honestly, nobody knows for sure. The aliens thought it for some reason to be the proper place to land. Nobody is sure why. Diplomats from the US tried to reason with the Aliens to move to washington, but the aliens were unimpressed and simply stated: 'we are here now'.
Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?
I think if there is a creator youre pretty bang on the money there, by observing the known universe i think we can only conclude that the creator favours emergent systems of ever increasing self-awareness and complexity.
As long as theres significant variations in the expresssions of complexity and awarness, i think the creator is ultimately happy.
Suffering is only of concern down here at 'ground level'.
A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.

Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?

Everywhere in the universe but here and especially in Washington D.C.
A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.

Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?

If you are trying to garner a theists response to a post "what if science discovered something that debunks the credible platform of religion" (which yor OP could declare, but at the moment it is a bit too sketchy in details to firmly state such a thing) then the answer is "then a credible platform that establishes religion would be debunked"

It hardly makes for much discussion however - I mean how would you respond to "How would an atheist react if the sky split in half to reveal an abode brighter than a million suns with angelic figures emanating from it who's mere association annhilated the nescience of corporeal existence and who's mere touch bestowed the highest platforms of spontaneous love of god upon the recipient"

The answer would be that there would be substantially less atheists
I disagree. I think if the aliens were going to land anywhere, they would have to land in egypt.

SO.. if aliens landed in egypt etc....

I think that everything would stay the same for the most part..

Christianity might or might not be affected. Since the aliens only say. there is a creator but not your god.. its up to interpretation to say whos god they are referencing. If that is the only statement made, Most hardheaded christians would automatically assume that the aliens are referring to any religion but their own, and continue to wait for the world to bow at their feet as it has been proclaimed that they have been right all along, even if this perception of the aliens statement is false and full of holes....


the christians would be mortified.. the pope would be tried for.. idk.. something.. or killed... And all xtians would take up support group of sorts where instead of making god the answer, they make the false-leadings of xtianity, the reason why their lives are at fault, and being that there are so many of them probably find a way to get the US gov't to pay them monthly (what is the word im looking for here?) checks, as a way to make up for the injustice that had been done to them.

and unfortunately, we would never know what the aliens were really trying to say, becuase before they would have time to explain anything in detail, the musilims would have evolved the car bomb into a spaceship bomb, and killed them all off in the first week of landing for trying to attack mohommad or allah.. or whichever it is they were feeling angsty about.

I do think we would see an increase of non-deitic religions arise. ( i think i just made a new word there...)

Where as some more open minded xtians may stop following "God" but instead practice the teaching of Jesus as a man, as a way of life, without the afterlife etc... but then how many xtians do you think there would be if there was no hell?
A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.
firstly I dont think an advanced alien species would even contemplate a creator, but as this is hypothetical, I would still argue that it was not possible and there must be a flaw somewhere in there reasoning, it is just beyond our understand.
Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?
so this creator is not intelligent life, and the chicken and the egg, still needs to be answered, see above reply from what I would do.
There is absolutely no flaw in their reasoning. In hindsight it turned out that not just one alien species has landed but a representation of the galactic federation. They turn over to us all the resources to establish they are right.

A declaration is given by top scientists all over the world. It cannot be denied that there is a creator.

I gather from your response that one of the first responses would be denial?

(mind you this is a thought experiment. No need to disprove anything. No aliens have landed. No evidence really exists a creator created the universe with the intention to create the conditions that favour intelligent life)
Until you can prove there is an eternal afterlife then I believe religion will continue, creator or no creator, because the obvious question asked will be 'who created the creator?'
Until you can prove there is an eternal afterlife then I believe religion will continue, creator or no creator, because the obvious question asked will be 'who created the creator?'

The aliens tell you that the existence of a creator does not imply an afterlife.

i would assume it was another belgian trick.

all the aliens are already in brussels, though.

yes, I once was in brussels and I never felt so weird in my entire life.
There is absolutely no flaw in their reasoning. In hindsight it turned out that not just one alien species has landed but a representation of the galactic federation. They turn over to us all the resources to establish they are right.

A declaration is given by top scientists all over the world. It cannot be denied that there is a creator.

I gather from your response that one of the first responses would be denial?
no not denial, as it would still be unreasonable to believe in a creator, would'nt it.
so I would still seek the flaw in there arguement, there could be no other outcome.
The aliens tell you that the existence of a creator does not imply an afterlife.

They're gonna want proof.

Still doesn't answer who created the creator? To the faithful the creator would be a lifeform like any other plus any mystery would vanish. So what good is a God without mystery?
A spaceship lands in Brussels. On board is an advanced alien species that tell us that the universe had a creator.

We do not believe him.

They show us their 'unifying theory of everything'. Earth scientists ponder the equations for months but cannot find fault in them. However, one of the inescapable conclusions of this unifying theory is that this universe is created.

Moreover, this creator does not care as much about it's individuals but created this universe to facilitate the emergence of intelligent life.

And intelligent life has emerged everywhere.

What do you do?

I ask if reality agrees.