The Unforgivable Sin

leo is right in his definition of what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is but he is committing blasphemy against the God by putting such a charge on Paul.

Paul was a true Holy Spirit guided messenger of God who was saved from destruction by the intervention of God.

leo has taken the words of Paul and twisted them with faulty logic to proclaim that Paul committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Such speculation from the unguided only leads to lies and destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually just as i finished my last post this thought came to me:

leo and medicine woman are both leading proponents of the lie that Paul was the anti-christ or that He was evil or inspired by evil. This allegation is exactly the same allegation levelled at Jesus by the scribes.

If Paul was indwelled by the Holy Spirit as i believe he was, then what medicine woman and leo have done by proclaiming Paul to be evil/anti-christ is to proclaim the One who guided Paul in his ministry to be evil.

So if Paul was lead by the Holy Spirit in his writings and deeds then they have in fact blasphemed the Holy Spirit by calling his writings anti-christ and evil.

If this is the fact and i believe it is then both of them will have no forgiveness from God in this world or the next.

Since i have been a member of this forum i have seen the member witnessjudgeandjury commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit now i have the uncomfortable feeling that both leo and medicine woman have also committed the unforgivable sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Actually just as i finished my last post this thought came to me:

leo and medicine woman are both leading proponents of the lie that Paul was the anti-christ or that He was evil or inspired by evil. This allegation is exactly the same allegation levelled at Jesus by the scribes.

If Paul was indwelled by the Holy Spirit as i believe he was, then what medicine woman and leo have done by proclaiming Paul to be evil/anti-christ is to proclaim the One who guided Paul in his ministry to be evil.

So if Paul was lead by the Holy Spirit in his writings and deeds then they have in fact blasphemed the Holy Spirit by calling his writings anti-christ and evil.

If this is the fact and i believe it is then both of them will have no forgiveness from God in this world or the next.

Since i have been a member of this forum i have seen the member witnessjudgeandjury commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit now i have the uncomfortable feeling that both leo and medicine woman have also committed the unforgivable sin.

M*W: Well, that was then. This is now. Saul/Paul is not who he "said" he was. He's actually the front man for the god Apollo, and after much study on Paulianity, he was just a character in the NT created by the Romans who wrote the NT, so it's kind of hard to hate a fictional literary character. I suggest you read The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, by Hyam Maccoby, who has thoroughly researched this character of Paul. You might actually learn something, because Hyam Maccoby always wrote of Paul as being a real human being.

Now about blaspheming the holy spirit... How can you blaspheme something that doesn't exist?

The inventors of Jesus also invented Paul. The story of Jesus is a parody on the life and times of Julius Caesar. Paul who "claimed" to be a Roman citizen was created by Flavius Josephus according to recent scholarly research. Had Paul really existed, he should be considered the anti-christ, but I have no problem proudly admitting that I am an anti-christ, myself.
What a nature your god has. He does not forgive criticisms of him but he forgives every other heinous, atrocious act of inhumanity and monstrosity committed against his so-called creation and continues to allow it by those who commit it. So his ego is his utmost priority. Its very damming considering there is really no way to hurt this being with words but the real damage you can do is to living beings and that is how people really take and gain. Its unbelievable how stupidly obvious what religion is but its because there are so many stupid or amoral people that this appeals to. What a fuking shame. Not surprising. Sounds very suspiciously of an egotistical, insensitive, controlling tyrant with a facade. Like all powerhungry pricks past and present. I'm sure you've heard the saying and the quote, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely both man and gods. Very enlightening. lol
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iam, nothing you have said about God in your last post is unforgivable. I just want to clear that for you. So in the future if you come to believe Jesus then you will not need to fear that you have committed the unforgivable sin. Jesus said that insults and blasphemies are forgivable but only that this blasphemy against the holy Spirit never has forgiveness. So your insults against God in your post does not bar you from forgiveness.

medicine woman has proudly declared herself anti-christ this pride will not save for form the eternal destination that all anti-christs share, i believe she is headed for the lake of fire. It really is sickening to me to realise that, but there is no way i can avoid the conclusion.

As for you insults towards me. It s like water of a ducks back :) I have been coming to this forum for some years now and I am so used to it, it has become like bland background noise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But the holy spirit is a piece of f'ng sh't. So am I now damned?
Cris said:
But the holy spirit is a piece of f'ng sh't. So am I now damned?
I doubt it. What do you really mean by holy spirit? I'll bet your definition differs from Adstar's, or Jesus's, for that matter.

I posit that the original intent of the passage was not to imply that Mr. Holy Spirit would be unforgivably offended if you insulted him, but rather that there is something in the nature of the so-called Holy Spirit that causes suffering to one who rejects it.
Lawdog said:
You are also wrong about your definition of the unforgivable sin.
The unforgivable sin is precisely this:

To believe that you do not need God's forgiveness.
God cannot forgive someone that does not want to be forgiven.

I was referring to the Unforgivable Sin from the Bible.

Who can account for what your imagination might think is the Unforgiveable Sin.

Also, I would tend to go against your Logic, of supposing that God somehow favors people who think they have a Right to Sin.

You say that God will Punish anybody who does not have the audacity to claim some Right to Evil? That is ridiculous.

What of the Man who tries in every way, with all of his will to be Righteous, and does not forgive himself for any sin, let alone expect God to condone him in Evil. You are saying that THIS man is the one to be damned.

No! You have it all backwards. Remember, Christ came with the Teaching of Judgment. Paul talked Forgiveness and Salvation, but who was Paul to talk for Christ? Christ spoke... no, Christ WARNED of Judgment.

Now what Criminal walks into Court with the expectation that all charges will be waved simply because he killed the Judge. If the Judge should resurrect from the dead, would he have any reason to be more lenient regarding the crimes of the accused, even added to Murder?

No! Every Christian now preaching Free Sin and Salvation will discover that they have been teaching the Doctrine of the Anti-Christ and it is THEY that will be damned to Hell. No Free Sin just because you Conspire and Approve of the Murder of Christ.

And regarding the true Meaning of the Unforgiveable Sin... read my Essay and Mathew Chapter 12 -- The Unforgiveable Sin is to attribute Goodness and Miracles to the Devil. I would add that it is an Unforgiveable Sin to claim that the Purpose of Religion is to Condone and Fascilitate Sinfulness, which seems to be your point.
Adstar said:
leo is right in his definition of what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is but he is committing blasphemy against the God by putting such a charge on Paul.

Paul was a true Holy Spirit guided messenger of God who was saved from destruction by the intervention of God.

leo has taken the words of Paul and twisted them with faulty logic to proclaim that Paul committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Such speculation from the unguided only leads to lies and destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How do you know that God intervened to save Paul. Because Paul said so?

Read the Book of Acts. Paul give three different accounts of his Saving Experience. Why do the details change every time he tells the story? Luke was telling us, indirectly, that Paul was a liar and a fake. Next, compare what Luke says about Paul against what Paul says about Paul. Paul has a much more favorable opinion of himself.

Indeed, you probably have never read the Bible through with any attention. You listen to your Ministers and assume Paul was in any way a decent human being. But if you were to read the Bible through, paying attention, you would discover that paul was murderer, and from beginning to end he was against Christ and the True Apostles.

Paul was institutionalized by the Early Church simply because he was the Founder of the Greek Gentile Church, when the True Church of Jerusalem was completely destroyed by the Romans. So what would make Paul any different from any Modern Fraud or Media Guru. Are THEY God?

Read the Bible. Paul has not a single Miracle to his credit. Paul's only friend in the Church had been Peter. Why? Well, Paul murdered Stephen. And wasn't Stephen elected by the Congregation to replace Peter after Peter had murdered that nice couple while shaking them down for money. The Crowd was appalled at Peter's campaign of extortion and so they appointed Stephen as their new Leader. Luke give's Stephen's Acceptance Speech. But Paul came in and murdered Stephen, and Peter was able to claw his way back into power and influence. Peter owed Paul a favor. But it would not last. By Acts Chapter 15, Peter is no longer in charge of anything, and we see that James is in charge. And then History shows us that Peter was exiled from Jerusalem... his crimes and patronage of Paul was too much for the other Apostles to tolerate.
cybercom said:
So I can't say I'm particularly fond of Paul, his views of women want me to travel back in time and tell him he's very very wrong. However I'm with Lawdog here someone who preaches so forcefully and convincingly of Christ is not an antichrist. Read Hebrews 11 and then tell me Paul is evil.

Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, wrote a short letter sucking up to the Hebrews. the man who said "be all things to all men" suddenly presented himself as a Good Jew when he needed something from the Jews.

You see, Paul was summoned to Jerusalem to be placed on trial because his Greeks had rioted at his insistence and had done a great deal of harm to the Jews and Messianic Christians of Asia Minor -- Ionian Greece. You see, Paul had stirred up the Greeks with his Doctrines claiming that the Law was Obsolete. Check Romans and Corintheans. Paul is clearly Anit-Jewish and is advocating a complete break from Jewish Tradition.

So you look at Hebrews as some vindication. It only shows me what a scheming Liar Paul could be.
Cris said:
But the holy spirit is a piece of f'ng sh't. So am I now damned?

Actuallyt you would need to be more specific. You would have to point out an instance of exemplary goodness, or a Miracle of Healing, and then say that that was a work of "f'ng sh't" intended by the "f'ng sh't" to fool us so that we would be willing followers and admirerers of "f'ng sh't".

You see, to simply disparage the Holy Spirit, in words, well, it is an empty formula. You see, the Holy Spirit is a Mystery. When some ignorant person uses the words "Holy Spirit", well, it is only words. They have no idea what they are talking about. The words "Holy Spirit" spoken by an ignoramus are entirely void of content or meaning.

However, if you were to witness a Manifestation or Wonder produced by the Holy Spirit, and then commense to discrediting and disparaging that Act, then in that case it could be assumed that you had some idea or knowledge of what you would be saying. You would be culpable.

So just words are not enough to damn you. You must first come into contact with the Holy Spirit, directly or through effect, and then show your contempt for it. Then that would be enough to send you to hell.
Also, I would tend to go against your Logic, of supposing that God somehow favors people who think they have a Right to Sin.
I what way do you estimate that I propose this false doctrine?

You say that God will Punish anybody who does not have the audacity to claim some Right to Evil? That is ridiculous.
again, how do you translate this from what i have said?

What of the Man who tries in every way, with all of his will to be Righteous, and does not forgive himself for any sin, let alone expect God to condone him in Evil. You are saying that THIS man is the one to be damned.
it is required that, once God forgives us, we must forgive ourselves.

No! You have it all backwards. Remember, Christ came with the Teaching of Judgment. Paul talked Forgiveness and Salvation, but who was Paul to talk for Christ? Christ spoke... no, Christ WARNED of Judgment.
No, Christ came with the teaching of Mercy. The teaching of Judgement was already known, and he also spoke of that as well.

No! Every Christian now preaching Free Sin and Salvation will discover that they have been teaching the Doctrine of the Anti-Christ and it is THEY that will be damned to Hell. No Free Sin just because you Conspire and Approve of the Murder of Christ.
please explain "free Sin". Do you mean the sinning that men do after they have given themselves to Christ?
Lawdog said:
God has dominion. To murder is to kill unjustly. There are many examples of him taking life in a way that our own limited human sight would think unjust.
To murder is to simply kill a human intentionally. If your god exists, he is guilty of murder, genocide, and willful destruction of property, as well as criminal negligence, arson, and criminal mayhem. Your god is a criminal. It is frightening that you worship this monster.
Lawdog said:
Check the bible. If it is a literal description, then your god is a mass-murderer, guilty of genocide multiple times. Your god is an evil, despicable tyrant, a creature that should be shunnned, not praised.
That doesn't make it right, just because an obviously insane deity arbitrarily deems it so. Face it, even according to your own holy book, your god is a narcissistic, genocidal, maniacal, tyrannical asshole.
Lawdog said:
God giveth, God taketh a way...

So whatever I give I can take away too? Thats awefully rude, dont ya think? So God has no manners? Doesnt sound perfect to me...
Lawdog said:
God giveth, God taketh a way...

M*W: Mine dearest atheist bretheren of the holiest kingdom of sciforumseth, let us prayeth: The most highest god of Lapdog hath giveneth us but an evil thorn to pricketh our most wiseth side. Let us joineth together and asketh this most invisible god on high to please taketh away the fruiteth of his loins, Lapdog, and forgiveth him, oh lord, for he ist delusional and knoweth not whateth he-eth ist doing to maketh a fooleth of himselfeth, and for the saketh of our sacred and holy bandwidth spaceth, we prayeth you taketh him awayeth. Ameneth