The Uncivil War Against Islam

Did he say traitors? hmmmmmm can you quote him for me I can't find it.
They're not traitors, we don't think like that, thats a very islamic thing to say, 'traitors'.
They are naive, cute even.
Basically wrong.
Proud_Muslim said:
I challenge you to show me ONE post of mines in which I described Moses as terrorism ????? you LIAR !!
Defaming christianity is your second favorite thing after promoting islam. Honestly PM do you even know what you write? here are some threads you started not even going into individual posts

Saying You Fool will take you to hell according to the Bible !!

Hypocrisy Issues in the Bible !!!

Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

No worries about what to wear to church at Christian nudist camp !
Now be a nice boy and admit I'm not a liar ;)
You are LIAR ! you failed to produce a single post of mine in which i said Jesus or even Moses is terroris !!

I am glad you confirmed your lying character. :)
Proud_Muslim said:
You are LIAR ! you failed to produce a single post of mine in which i said Jesus or even Moses is terroris !!

I am glad you confirmed your lying character. :)
So you deny that you defame christianity almost daily?.
Just show me where I said you called jesus or moses a terrorist and I will apoligize and admit I lied if you can't then admit you were wrong and apoligize for calling me a liar.
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Proud_Muslim said:

The Bigots and the Islamophobes here in this thread did not comment on the original article which clearly exposes deep rotted hypocrisy within the American society and indeed within the west in general when it comes to dealing with anti Muslim rants and hate !!!

Dare and insult Moses or describe Judaism as terrorist religion and the hell will break lose, on the other hand insulting Islam and its prophet is ok and in some cases encouraged !!!! :mad:

the ten commandments statesI
no 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
no 10 Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbour's.

and the qu'ran states of the evils that lead to hell

those who betray you, morning and evening, with no regard for your family and your property. those who are in the habit of abusing people and using obscene, foul language.
whether your christian or muslim you'ed be guilty of these
concider your own possition before condeming others