The Ultimate Religious Question


science man

Who were the founders of the three main religions? (Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic-ism.)
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses I believe are the main patriarchs of Judaism, though many other people are involved.

Christ founded Christianity.

Mohammad founded Islam.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses I believe are the main patriarchs of Judaism, though many other people are involved.

Christ founded Christianity.

Mohammad founded Islam.

But...but...I thought that all those people were just the messengers of God, the true mastermind behind all these Holy Books.
Who were the founders of the three main religions? (Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic-ism.)

The three main religions are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism.

Interestingly the forth largest segment in the link is atheism (who often portray themselves as very much a small downtrodden minority).

Starters are, Jesus, Mohammed and Hinduism has no (recorded) beginning.
Actually I will retract the some of the above, Jesus did not start the religion of Christianity. His disciples did, Wasn’t Peter the first father of the church?

I have no idea about Islam but I suspect something similar.

Hinduism – still beginningless…
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses I believe are the main patriarchs of Judaism, though many other people are involved.

Christ founded Christianity.

Mohammad founded Islam.

I would nominate Moses - his precedents being the bridge, who were tested and lead to the greatest event in the universe at Sinai. In a sense, all revered persons are bridges, agents and affirmations what was revealed via Moses - the correct precepts were included and the incorrect ones were not included.

What must not be forgotten is that although Moses remains the most revered human today - via the time factor, impact and by cencus - he at all times claimed himself as nothing other than an instrument - his name is not attached to any of the precepts or laws ushered via him - they are pristine and stand on their own.

The message is that the message transcends the messenger.
I thought it was God.

Good one. Most religions have made the Creator a cursory after thought - focusing on their messengers more than the message. One must ask, what is the meaning behind:



THOU SHALL NOT WORSHIP A GRAVEN IMAGE [of note this is not against sculptured images as art, only of 'worshipping' (the text) such as a diety].

I think it means: the closest between two points is when there is nothing in between them. Does this premise target otherwise those who worship images as spiritual agents? No, by virtue of this pledge:

1) Those who worship an old man with a white beard called 'NATURE'.

2) Here, the instrumentations are made transcendent on the Intrumentor. :D
[numbers added by me]

Let me give a shot at translating....

1) Physicalists

2) whose tools and tool making are made transcendant

Now here I want to say 'by the instrumentor.' Because physicalists may consider their methodology transcendent - and in a sense their tools by proxy - but not when they are used on themselves. Or at least, not ONLY when they are used on themselves.

I am also not sure why so many theists buy the Abrahamic split between immanent and transcendent or nature and spirit - or whatever term they want to use for the latter.

And hey, Nature is a not just male.
[numbers added by me]

Let me give a shot at translating....

1) Physicalists

Yes, this is what we are cast in and it is the only applicable premise. In a spiritual realm different premises apply, but we will be measured at all times by physicality laws being applied in a realm of physicality.

And hey, Nature is a not just male.

The term ADAM in Genesis ch. 1 is a dual-gendered entity and refers only to a first 'human' borne of the dust. It becomes a male pronoun only in ch. 2 - when an official naming is made - the term NAME is used there for the first time - after the seperation was completed. Logic: the differentiation is only possible when there is a counter, no?!

Women's rights come from the Hebrew bible - and the males should not feel let down woman is made the final and highest force. :)
Yes, this is what we are cast in and it is the only applicable premise. In a spiritual realm different premises apply, but we will be measured at all times by physicality laws being applied in a realm of physicality.
But you know that in what is now considered the physical realm you have massless particles, energy fields, gravity and so on. Ephemeral stuff. There is no need to have a dualism, and yet this dualism is so attractive to some religions. And those religions tend to end up denigrating what is immanent. Which is sad.

The term ADAM in Genesis ch. 1 is a dual-gendered entity and refers only to a first 'human' borne of the dust. It becomes a male pronoun only in ch. 2 - when an official naming is made - the term NAME is used there for the first time - after the seperation was completed. Logic: the differentiation is only possible when there is a counter, no?!
Adam is not nature.
Women's rights come from the Hebrew bible - and the males should not feel let down woman is made the final and highest force. :)
God you are judaocentric. Women had rights in cultures that had no contact with Judaism and the OT. And in many cultures women were the priests or among them. And God was a Goddess. Or God was both male and female. And this was made clear. Rather than being male and when pressured a few of the more mystical say God is actually both male and female.