The two slit experiment

OK, I'm glad you got something out of this.
That's why I came to sciforums. I wanted to get educated thoughts on the matter, and it taught me to get back into the subject (review the books again) before speaking, and mostly answer my own questions, as much as possible, before asking up the chain. Old age I guess.
That's why I came to sciforums. I wanted to get educated thoughts on the matter, and it taught me to get back into the subject (review the books again) before speaking, and mostly answer my own questions, as much as possible, before asking up the chain. Old age I guess. I never thought of radiation as being short. I know the wavelength is a given length, but my idea of radiation is that the wave continues through time until the energy that generates it is used up. Give me a month or so to soak all this up. BBL 8D
Does photon has kinetic energy?
What propel the photon to travel at the speed of light?
Does photon has kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy is typically energy associated with the speed of something. All photons travel at the speed of light, but clearly their energies can vary. Therefore, describing photon energy as "kinetic" seems like it might be a mistake, to me.
What propel the photon to travel at the speed of light?
Nothing! No force is required for something to travel at a constant velocity.
A car is traveling at constant speed, it needs supply of energy to sustain its motion.
How about a photon?
A car is traveling at constant speed, it needs supply of energy to sustain its motion.
How about a photon?
Lots of things act on the car to slow it down, such as rolling friction between the tyres and the road and air resistance.

How about a photon?

How to Produce Entanglement


One Photon In, TWO Photons Out


For those who prefer words rather than wading through videos, what is needed is a process that generates a pair of photons from a single quantum emission event. This can be done with certain "non-linear" materials, in which excitation by a single input photon results in emission of a pair of photons rather than just one as normally expected. More here:
For those who prefer words rather than wading through videos, what is needed is a process that generates a pair of photons from a single quantum emission event. This can be done with certain "non-linear" materials, in which excitation by a single input photon results in emission of a pair of photons rather than just one as normally expected. More here:


bibliothèque - phonothèque - vidéothèque
library - sound/record "library" - video "library"

One can choose.
That is, and has always been, bullshit. A picture is useful to accompany words. Without those it can be anything at all, or nothing. And a video is not a picture. It is some guy rambling on, at a speed you cannot control, in a linear fashion, so you are trapped into going at his pace and cannot easily focus on the points you want to. Video is usually dreadful.

"Picture" does not have to be taken literally.

"A typeface is a design of letters, ..." (Wikipedia, typeface).

This forum looks great. No, this forum looks great! Visually it is a piece of art. To post here is a pleasure.

Here I can think (I think visually) and fool around . Then I copy-paste to other forums.


A video is a moving picture. The director is the artist.

Some prefer books. I prefer TV and YouTube.

- Qualifications?
- TV, YouTube, humour, and TV.
- You said TV twice.
- I like TV.

Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles 1974, Auditions for the Gang
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