The Twin Towers - The Final war?

The final fullfilment of Daniel, the jews all were allowed to return to their homelands from the remaining countries holding them captive. Prophesy accomplished in our lifetimes. Not many got it though. grins

thank you, end of this days lessons.
craterchains (Norval said:
The final fullfilment of Daniel, the jews all were allowed to return to their homelands from the remaining countries holding them captive. Prophesy accomplished in our lifetimes. Not many got it though. grins

thank you, end of this days lessons.

After the fall of the Soviet Union...........from the eastern block countries.

Ah,.......... very good, although I don't recognise all your math, from Daniel.
There were to be 70 weeks of days, I know that.
But I haven't studied those in quite a while.

Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion around here....
I don't claim to know everything.
Not Yet.
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Resulting in the last of the Jews allowed to return to their homelands (1993).
The bible is an amazing book if read without reading into the book kinda like adding their own baggage to the words, such as religionist dogma.
How about this question.....

From the time Melchesidec came to Abraham, to give him the news of the coming promised Son, which was typed by Isaac......
Until Christ...was 1954 years.
Christ lived 33years.
Then the gosphel went to the Gentiles.
When the Gentiles have had an equal amount of time, would be 1987.

Jesus said "the generation that sees Israel become a nation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled."

What were "all these things"....he referred to....?
So the question of the generation, the generation that will not pass away is already answered.
craterchains (Norval said:
Oh, about two to three dozen "signs" of which about all have been accomplished.

About all.....?
A biblical generation is 40 years.....from 1947 or 48' ( the creation of Israel)
This puts us at about 1987 or 1988.

All of those dozen or so things MUST have happened already or what Jesus said is wrong.

The coming of the "Son of Man" revealed from heaven.....only the biggest of all those signs and prophecies, has to of happened too.

It did.....and the nominal church world missed it.
a generation lives for 70 - 80 years. To be aware and understasnd one would have to be about 12 years old. Yes, Jesus will return in the "clouds" and all will see this.

Here, some simple math. To be aware of what took place in 1948 one would have to have been born prior to 1936. 1936 + 70 - 80 = 2006 - 2016. But, He says he will cut the end short on account of the saints or all flesh be destroyed. Thus no one can know the actual date. Just the "season."
Please......40 years is a biblic generation, period.
No waffleing.
70 or 80 years is the lifespan aloted man after the flood.
Not the period considered a generation.

He came just as He promised, and He is still here calling the names of His elect.
His bride is making "herself ready" even now.....the rapture is already on.
It is in three parts according to I Thes. 4:16
A Shout, A Voice, and A Trump. It is a process.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first."
they only wandered for 40 years, but live 70-80 years. This generation will by no means pass away, indicates near death, old age.

And no, he hasnt returned in force yet. He would not be in this inner chamber, or that, and I doubt he will be riding a donkey either.
All the world shall be deceived, except those who's names are written.....

If you don't recognize, His "Appearing" how can you (as His wife spiritually) make yourself ready for the wedding...?

The churches saw the sign.....hailed this messinger as a prophet, then like Israel rejected Him and choose the government of men instead, thier "organizations".

The Sign of the Messiah manifested again on earth, what the churches are mistakenly still looking for somewhere off in the future - the "second coming" of Christ. is really the Coming or Appearing of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ....but He is only revealed from heaven as the Word, on this side of the Great tribulation.
Jesus Christ's physical return to the earth doesn't happen untill after the "tribulation", when He comes back with the raptured saints.....
What's really promised to happen here before the tribulation is the "Revelation" or the "Appearing" of the Son of Man.
This is Jesus Christ in heaven, revealing Himself to mankind on the Earth, through the "mouthpiece" of a prophet, or a "Seer" such as the Old Testament prophets were.
The Sign of the Messiah being displayed - with the supernatural discernment of the Word of God (Heb 4:12) - the evidence God speaking through a person born with the Gift as a prophet.
This happened in the ministry of William Branham, 40 years ago and the message God revealed through Him tied all the loose ends of the Bible together and straightened out all the questions about doctrine the denominations still to this day argue about.
This was foretold in Rev. 10:7 to bring about the "completion" of the mystery of God, which is Christ in you , the hope of glory.
The "Rapture" as spoken of in I Thes 4:16, is "The Shout" - "behold the bridegroom cometh", "The Voice" of the Arc-angel, and "The Trump" of God.
This started 40 some years ago, but the organized churches rejected it because it exposed their doctrines and beliefs as false and proved they were leading their people away from God.
This "Revelation of the Son of Man - Jesus Christ breaking open the seven seals on the "Book" and revealing through a prophet the things thats been hidden since before the foundation of the world, ends up bringing about the manifestation of the Sons of God.
Jesus Christ comes to be glorifed IN His saints.
The mystery of God is "Christ in you"., the hope of glory.
That's the real second coming of Christ the Bible promises, God, manifested in flesh you and in me, and in anyone who will believe the Word of God, in It's entirety and let It have effect on their lives.
Sorry, breakfast is more important than reading the book you posted. It would really be advantageous to get rid of the religiosity and stick to the basic facts. If you post a couple of well thought out sentences I may consider continuing this conversation after breakfast.
As Jesus said of his leaders, you have turned the government of god into a "religion". Try to hold this conversation with out the religious verbage. It is possible, but you will have to think along the lines of political and realistic concepts. It's not about religions at all.

Besides, most that learn what you have, have thrown ALL forms of religion in the toilet where it belongs.
Just wanted to say good bye to all the ones I have met here at sciforums. Judging from the responses we have stimulated here at these boards and threads we are certain of one thing. Not everyone here is human. There are those that will, at any cost, try to keep ones from learning about them. Why they are here and what their agenda was and is. Reverse engineering has given us these technologies of computers and much more. It would be shear stupidity to think that “they” wouldn’t be out here on the web. The demons of our religions are the same ET’s that are mutilating our animals and abducting many humans. They have been kicked out of the heavens and if they try to leave they get their ships blown out of the heavens by the victors that are still out there. The deception is over.

Good bye, and thanks for all the fish.
I suspected Nico was an alien for months, and then I found out he was Canadian, and that cleared things up for me. :)
Actually, christians are not of this world.
They come from heaven where they have existed for eternity in the mind of God.
They are born in this flesh - subject to the slavery of this world and all it's spiritual wickedness in high places.
One day they hear their name called from the Father, wake up and start making thier way home, never to be drawn again by the glitter of this world and it's beautiful lie.
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