The Truth about God and His existence biblically speaking

Cris said:

God is a fantasy concept. Please demonstrate otherwise if you disagree.
That's your perception of the God of gods. Maybe, you think that the God of gods is like the god of Roman Catholic Churches which can be represented into sculpture and artistic paintings. :D

Cris said:
Fire is dangerous, a curious description for a god.
That's true but like me who is just a poor filipino, I use fire for cooking. :D

Cris said:
Jealously is a significant personality flaw. Why would the most powerful being in the universe need to be jealous of anything?
Well as a creature of God, I had a feeling of jealousy too. Well, if I had a very precious masterpiece I would not let it be lost.

Cris said:
Only some make such statements, many do not.
Yes, that's true! Only some acknowledged Him as the Creator because many people doubt whether or not they're in a real world or in realm of dreams.

Cris said:
Another fantasy concept.
That's your license to opine.

Cris said:
Wonderful fictional mythology.
That's your conclusion and not mine or to any christians in this world.

Cris said:
True, but then how do we distinguish this idea from an imaginative fantasy that has far greater credibility?
Good you made a perfect distinction of thoughts. You may ask a blind what is his thinking about a God or his giver of life.

Cris said:
But more importantly it doesn’t indicate there is a god.
For you in your atheistic dictionaries (atheictionaries).

Cris said:
Some atrocious English, but was there a point?
The language of dog, cat and rat. Think why do we have language!

Cris said:
What the heck does that mean?
As I said, some words in common dictionaries are not written in atheictionaries.

Cris said:
What's your cause? Or shall I say you're just an effect without a cause? What's the purpose of your tongue?
Imperfectionist said:
From the Gospel of Thomas:

3) Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is
in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will
precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is
outside of you. [Those who] become acquainted with [themselves]
will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you
will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty."

108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become
like Me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden
will become revealed to him."

113) His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?"
<Jesus said,> "It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it."
Excuse me, w :) hose Thomas were you quoting? Thomas Aquinas?

That's your perception of the God of gods. Maybe, you think that the God of gods is like the god of Roman Catholic Churches which can be represented into sculpture and artistic paintings.
No. Gods are fantasy concepts because no one has yet shown they are anything else.

That's true but like me who is just a poor filipino, I use fire for cooking.
Such a god that we could control would be fine.

Well as a creature of God, I had a feeling of jealousy too. Well, if I had a very precious masterpiece I would not let it be lost.
How can something omnipotent lose anything?

Yes, that's true! Only some acknowledged Him as the Creator because many people doubt whether or not they're in a real world or in realm of dreams.
Or that they are not as gullible as others who do believe.

That's your license to opine.
No, that gods are fantasy is objective fact until someone can show that a god exists.

That's your conclusion and not mine or to any christians in this world.
Yet neither you or any Christian can show that the bible stories are anything other than fictional myth. Simply asserting that the bible is true doesn’t make it true.

Good you made a perfect distinction of thoughts. You may ask a blind what is his thinking about a God or his giver of life.
Please try again. Your statements didn’t appear to make any sense.

For you in your atheistic dictionaries (atheictionaries).
What have dictionaries to do with showing that gods exist or not?

The language of dog, cat and rat. Think why do we have language!
To communicate. You are becoming somewhat obscure here.

As I said, some words in common dictionaries are not written in atheictionaries.
That didn’t answer the question.

What's your cause? Or shall I say you're just an effect without a cause?
I am a product of human reproduction, the same as you.

What's the purpose of your tongue?
Why is that relevant?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I'm with you, CottonT. The God of the bible is the evil one, and I reject him, too. That also goes for the god of the Qur'an, now that I know who Allah really is. I agree with you on all counts, but I wouldn't know what a big donkey dick tastes like. Maybe you can explain?

Yeah, that kind of came out sounding bad, didn't it? I wouldn't know, actually, though one time my brother and I talked our youngest brother into trying to fuck a goat. Luckily, he wasn't quite fast enough for the goat, especially with his jeans down around his ankles. He finally gave up. I was about 8, next was 6 and the youngest was about 5. We all ended up laughing our asses off, though, and still do to this day. I'm laughing right now, thinking about it. I'm gonna have to remind him of that next time I talk to him (the youngest). :D
Cris said:

No. Gods are fantasy concepts because no one has yet shown they are anything else.
Only God can show but I doubt if He will reveal to you. I just hope so, He will. :rolleyes:

Cris said:
Such a god that we could control would be fine.
Can you control your belly?

Cris said:
How can something omnipotent lose anything?
Our God is not omnipotent. There is something that He cannot do. :bugeye:

Cris said:
Or that they are not as gullible as others who do believe.
Who knows they are just using their intelligence the smartest way possible!

Cris said:
No, that gods are fantasy is objective fact until someone can show that a god exists.
Psalmist David was in his proper mind when he thanked the LORD God in front of the gods.

Cris said:
Yet neither you or any Christian can show that the bible stories are anything other than fictional myth. Simply asserting that the bible is true doesn’t make it true.
Fictionist arise because of their need of food support.Or else they would be tagged as "plagiarists" if they will twist the Biblical writings into their own and sell those plagiarized biblical events. Well, others just changed the characters and time, nevertheless, they're known as "Apocryphal" writings, not totally plagiarized.

Cris said:
Please try again. Your statements didn’t appear to make any sense.
Interview unique people, like the blind people, ask them what they think about God, whether there is someone responsible for the existence of life, breath, universe.

Cris said:
What have dictionaries to do with showing that gods exist or not?
Dictionaries are following what the Bible says about God but lexicographers mean those "gods" simply as "false". Ask them (lexicographers and etymologists) why did they give due importance of the word "God/god" in their dictionaries or how in reality are they very sure of the existence of that "word".

Cris said:
To communicate. You are becoming somewhat obscure here.
Show me scientific evidence written and documented that cats and dogs and rats communicate in each other in a common tongue. What's my point? Animals were not subject of the commandment of God in the Garden of Eden, only Adam the first man, as He told him not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Cris said:
That didn’t answer the question.
It answered you have just mislooked. Where are these words in atheist's dictionaries: god, spirit, soul?

Cris said:
I am a product of human reproduction, the same as you.
Good answer. (reproduction)

Cris said:
Why is that relevant?
Just an addition for our topic. For me tongue can be very good and can also be very dangerous as once you've commented in "God is a consuming fire." (fire, according to you, being dangerous). Well, of course the purpose of tongue is for physical sense of taste. But remember too that deceit and truth comes out :) from the mouth with a tongue!

What's the purpose of your tongue?
Oh my. So many ways to answer this. It begs a list.

- Tasting substances in an effort to not ingest poisons and pick the high sugar nutrients
- Forming articulate speech patterns (language)
- Sealing the throat when swimming
- Manipulating food substances in the mouth for proper mastication prior to swallowing
- Aiding with the transport of food to the throat (swallowing)

And now the really important uses (you knew it was coming...pun intended)

- A deep, sensual french kiss
- Stimulation of the nipples (male and female)
- Bathing the body, as in "french tongue bath"
- Stimulating the clitoris (fem) or glans (male)
- Probing the vaginal opening
- Tickling the ears
- Tickling the belly button
- Teasing the testicles

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