The Truth about God and His existence biblically speaking

Registered Senior Member
God is love. God is a consuming fire. The God of the Bible is a Jealous God. This God we acknowledged as the Creator is a merciful and faithful God. He is a Spirit.

Existing things, visible and invisible, are His. He created His angels, cherubs and seraphs. But one fell because of pride in the name of Lucifer who became Satan, the one who did not abide in the truth (John 8:44).

The God of heavens and earth is the LORD. He dwells in holiness. But where is His voice? Of course based on the Bible, the Lord`s voice is in the waters.

Now how can one meet the God of gods when He is a Spirit biblically speaking?

Not to meet the God who is the Creator of heavens and earth does not mean there is no God because it doesn`t follow logically speaking. And not to hear from Him doesn`t mean there is no God.

A man who has breath is a human being but if he has no breath anymore then that man is a corpse ( a mere dead flesh). There is no way that a human being speaks without first hearing someone speaking other than he himself.

Eternally speaking, the Word was already there in the bosom of the Cause of the all life.
it is evil, who would in their right mind would wish to meet something so inherently evil.
Imperfectionist said:
What you said has nothing to do with the concept as Jesus taught.
And how did you come to that conclusion? :bugeye:

audible said:
it is evil, who would in their right mind would wish to meet something so inherently evil.
And how did you see an inherent evil? Isn't it good to give a rest for your body?
I'm with satan, even if he doesn't exist. I reject your "god" of the bible. Or your "god" of the koran. whatever. "god" sucks big donkey dicks, and i can't stand the taste of him, or them.
Cottontop3000 said:
I'm with satan, even if he doesn't exist. I reject your "god" of the bible. Or your "god" of the koran. whatever. "god" sucks big donkey dicks, and i can't stand the taste of him, or them.
M*W: I'm with you, CottonT. The God of the bible is the evil one, and I reject him, too. That also goes for the god of the Qur'an, now that I know who Allah really is. I agree with you on all counts, but I wouldn't know what a big donkey dick tastes like. Maybe you can explain?

God is love.
God is a fantasy concept. Please demonstrate otherwise if you disagree.

God is a consuming fire.
Fire is dangerous, a curious description for a god.

The God of the Bible is a Jealous God.
Jealously is a significant personality flaw. Why would the most powerful being in the universe need to be jealous of anything?

This God we acknowledged as the Creator is a merciful and faithful God.
Only some make such statements, many do not.

He is a Spirit.
Another fantasy concept.

He created His angels, cherubs and seraphs.
Wonderful fictional mythology.

Not to meet the God who is the Creator of heavens and earth does not mean there is no God because it doesn`t follow logically speaking.
True, but then how do we distinguish this idea from an imaginative fantasy that has far greater credibility?

And not to hear from Him doesn`t mean there is no God.
But more importantly it doesn’t indicate there is a god.

There is no way that a human being speaks without first hearing someone speaking other than he himself.
Some atrocious English, but was there a point?

Eternally speaking,
What the heck does that mean?

the Word was already there in the bosom of the Cause of the all life.
enton said:
And how did you come to that conclusion? :bugeye:
I have made some introductory study into the origins of Christianity. The creed that characterizes orthodox Christianity was formed from both a physical, temporal, political, and (I feel) metaphysical distance from the supposed creator of it. One can proceed from the earliest texts including the non-cononical ones, such as those found at Nag Hammadi, and triangulate Jesus' position from the other great spiritual teachers on Earth, all of whom seemed to teach a similar thing, albeit with different words.

Now how can one meet the God of gods when He is a Spirit biblically speaking?
From the Gospel of Thomas:

3) Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is
in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will
precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is
outside of you. [Those who] become acquainted with [themselves]
will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you
will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty."

108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become
like Me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden
will become revealed to him."

113) His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?"
<Jesus said,> "It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it."
audible said:
it is evil, who would in their right mind would wish to meet something so inherently evil.

Your perception is distorted by your experiences. And you cut me like a knife with blashpemy.

You bring sadness to me because God loves you. It is as though you have struck my Earthly father.
God as described in the OT is an evil bastard, like a father that demands love and turns around and beats you to a pulp. God can't be hurt, much less by any human words, you can only hurt yourself and others with them. Fortunately, this God of Israel is an antiquated and obsolete concept, which was overturned by Jesus. They are similar only in name.
jayleew said:
Your perception is distorted by your experiences.
no distortion here brother, only clear and complete clarity, of thought and vision.
jayleew said:
And you cut me like a knife with blashpemy.
no blasphemy here brother, no believe in a god/gods devil/devils.
jayleew said:
You bring sadness to me because God loves you.
oh diddums, it's your own fault for being delusional, I have the love of my family and friends, I certainly dont need love from the father of evil, evil personified, the devil is a good guy in comparison. according to your infallible bible?
jayleew said:
It is as though you have struck my Earthly father.
If I'd have done that, I would be guilty of a crime, as it is I can symbolically stab, cut, shoot, drown, anything imaginary/non-existant as I wish.
audible said:
no distortion here brother, only clear and complete clarity, of thought and vision. no blasphemy here brother, no believe in a god/gods devil/devils.
oh diddums, it's your own fault for being delusional, I have the love of my family and friends, I certainly dont need love from the father of evil, evil personified, the devil is a good guy in comparison. according to your infallible bible?If I'd have done that, I would be guilty of a crime, as it is I can symbolically stab, cut, shoot, drown, anything imaginary/non-existant as I wish.

All realities are distorted:
Sometimes I wonder and gasp at life with awe. When I was a little boy in skimpy tight shorts I will wondered why we are here but my biggest headache about Gods was why they do not also ask this question about themselves, I am sure they do if they have any once of intelligence in them. Usually the lowest level of energy is logicaly accepted to exist first, which in our case is bacteria. Thus the idea of evolution. However there is a twist. When you boil water it goes from low energy to high energy, but when you take away the heat source it goes back from high to low again. Meaning humans might have evolved to Gods at some point only for them to evolve back to bacteria, and the cycle continues. Just what the source of energy is here I can't say at this point, maybe you can. Everything is a cycle, at least everything that has to do with life. Hence Gods and science can exist together. Anyway if Jehovah exists, what about Zeus, Apollo, and the other hundreds of Gods. When exactly are we going to get it right? Until then we should continue standing in the line of evolution, including Gods.
jayleew said:
All realities are distorted:
only if your delusional enough to believe in religions, (taoism is just another religious BS.) I believe in none, I'm an atheist and secular humanist.
audible said:
only if your delusional enough to believe in religions, (taoism is just another religious BS.) I believe in none, I'm an atheist and secular humanist.

You must have patience and actually read some of the discussion in the thread, the thread is not about taoism. The thread is a philosophical idea that is being discussed concerning reality. It was hard for me to get past the the word taoism on the thread too. At least we have that in common.
Taoism is just the idea that the creative and destructive principle otherwise known as God in the west, is impersonal and all-pervasive, inherent within the nature of everything and not separate from it. It seeks balance without intention, like water seeks the lowest level.
Imperfectionist said:
Taoism is just the idea that the creative and destructive principle otherwise known as God in the west, is impersonal and all-pervasive, inherent within the nature of everything and not separate from it. It seeks balance without intention, like water seeks the lowest level.
how can it seek balance if you have to be out of your head first.
taoism is just mysticism, anything that lies outside reality, is just mumbo jumbo.
once they added the spiritual and magical they made it another delusional religion
enton said:
And how did you see an inherent evil?
the bible, your infalible bible, shows the god of the bible, the whole bible to be evil.
enton said:
Isn't it good to give a rest for your body?
how can you possibly get a rest from your body, when you die your body decays and you mind ceases, you can rest your body, but you certainly cant rest from it.
enton: you've set very low standards for yourself, and it seems your incapable of reaching them.
jayleew said:
You must have patience and actually read some of the discussion in the thread,
I spend sometime reading the thread before I make a post, so dont be partonizing, "arsehole".