And while I'm linking to intelligent, informed bloggers for insight and hyperlinks to the good stuff, here's another from Yas - on the topic of the non-voter, the absence of whom just delivered the US government into the hands of the Donald and the rest of the Russian mob:
"- - - - -
Rather than trying to win over Trump voters, as the WWC theory suggests, we should be trying to win over
nonvoters, in particular those smart people who haven't managed to finish college, or otherwise failed to flourish, precisely because they're too smart for the paths to a normal middle-class success, which entail desperate boredom, alienation, and suppressing one's creativity. People smart enough to decide it's ridiculous to vote, a silly conventional gesture in response to promises that will never be kept.
For one thing because Trump voters just aren't those tragically lost ex-miners and pill poppers we keep hearing about.
Those people aren't voting. Trump voters are an entirely different group. I've been trying to say this since November, and I'm not alone, but the journalistic world and the Democratic Party can't seem to get a grasp on it, no matter how many times they're told, most recently by
Nicholas Carnes and Noam Lupu in The Monkey Cage: Trump supporters in the primary campaign were mostly affluent, two thirds of them with incomes above the median, and while many of them didn't have college degrees (70%), that was around the same as the population as a whole; I'd add that because they skew
older than other political cohorts, they come from a generation in which economic success without a college degree was a lot easier than it is today. You can see from the following table off the exit polls, Trump voters who earned more were even a bit
less educated than those who earned less:
And old, white non-Hispanic persons with
low income and no college degree made up just 25% of Trump's electorate."
Yas, btw, likes Hillary quite a bit - much more than I do. If you need bias info.