The true religion?

scholars of what?
fundamental atheism?
(number 11)


Have you heard of Don Cupitt ? Read his book The Sea of Faith and you will see what a Bible scholar has to say about Christianity.

I feel there is no purpose in discussing religion. It always boils down to tit for tat, thus serving no useful purpose.
Have you heard of Don Cupitt ? Read his book The Sea of Faith and you will see what a Bible scholar has to say about Christianity.

I feel there is no purpose in discussing religion. It always boils down to tit for tat, thus serving no useful purpose.

I see.
So Don Cupitt (and the scholar he references) are to the complete picture of theistic representation just as much as the 70 000 year old worship of serpents and the bible.
I see.
So Don Cupitt (and the scholar he references) are to the complete picture of theistic representation just as much as the 70 000 year old worship of serpents and the bible.

There are lots of others. Seek and ye shall find. CU