The true religion?


Registered Senior Member
"Archaeologists have discovered what seems to be remains of the world's earliest religious worship site in the remote Ngamiland region of Botswana. Here, our ancestors performed advanced rituals, worshipping the python some 70,000 years ago. The sensational discovery strengthens Africa's position as the cradle of modern man."


Would other religion that came afterwards be heretical?

(if we assume that this was the `true` religion. ie , by default, other religions that come afterwards are false)
If we think of time as flowing back into past than the most important religion will be the last one for our civilization in the future to come. As for the past, we know of that not the limits of...before this python worship might have been other sort of worshiping.
All religions are reflections of mind/thought and reality of self and all are true in regards to unique of persona

I agree entirely with what you just wrote!!!
So we are all agreeing that different religions can be regarded as equal; and the fact that a religion came before another does not make it `truer` - because truth is in the eye of the follower.

So the first religion has no `moral duty` to convert other followers of later religions.
That would be immoral?
When we discuss the finding of a true religion, it's like looking for something that can not be found.

Would the idea "To care for your neighbor as you care for yourself" be considered as a religion?
When we discuss the finding of a true religion, it's like looking for something that can not be found.

Would the idea "To care for your neighbor as you care for yourself" be considered as a religion?

If it can't make money or control others than it cannot be a "true" religion. :D
The thread was about equating being the first with being the true religion, (in the same way as someone claiming an uninhabited island).

But it seems that that was a wrong.
The thread was about equating being the first with being the true religion, (in the same way as someone claiming an uninhabited island).

But it seems that that was a wrong.

How can something that is subjective become objective?:shrug:
is that applicable here?
What if this was a patent case?

Objectively, we have the evidence for one being the first.
Objectively, it could be claimed that by being the first that they possessed the right to protect their claim.

(But it seems religion is open source - see previous posts)
The thread was about equating being the first with being the true religion, (in the same way as someone claiming an uninhabited island).

But it seems that that was a wrong.
basically you are asserting that the object of worship is a chronologically defined object (which may or may not tally with the said principles of worship). IOW if the worshippable object is asserted to be eternal, what would be the relevance of it appearing 70 000 years ago?

And as a further complication, anthropologists have a hard enough task trying to determine the proper nature of worshippable objects in contemporary cultures, what to speak of cultures 70 000 years ago.
I buy snake worship. That serpent was villified by a bunch of heretics who lied about its role in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were worshipping the snake when an old guy in a long white beard got jealous.
basically you are asserting that the object of worship is a chronologically defined object (which may or may not tally with the said principles of worship). IOW if the worshippable object is asserted to be eternal, what would be the relevance of it appearing 70 000 years ago?

And as a further complication, anthropologists have a hard enough task trying to determine the proper nature of worshippable objects in contemporary cultures, what to speak of cultures 70 000 years ago.

What do you mean, 70 000 years ago. The Bible contains proof positive that the earth is just over 6000 years old. Are you one of those lying evolutionist varmints ?
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(if we assume that this was the `true` religion. ie , by default, other religions that come afterwards are false)

There is always the possibility that archeologists might find an even older religion, thus, making this one, the almost true religion.
Yes, worship Snake.

Actually.. don't bother, I'm not that self centered. (can't be said for every entity I can think of)
"Archaeologists have discovered what seems to be remains of the world's earliest religious worship site in the remote Ngamiland region of Botswana. Here, our ancestors performed advanced rituals, worshipping the python some 70,000 years ago. The sensational discovery strengthens Africa's position as the cradle of modern man."


Would other religion that came afterwards be heretical?

(if we assume that this was the `true` religion. ie , by default, other religions that come afterwards are false)

Well, not really.

Monolithic Societies came and went. Who cares?

You see, they were Pre-Civilized. Whatever Religions were in the Pre-Civilized Age hardly matters. We would call all that Devil Worship. It got washed out with the Great Flood, didn't it?

The Modern Higher Religions started with Zoroastrianism which for the first time defined Good and Evil... before then we had things like Early Judaism where Jacob is celebrated for being really clever as he cheated his brother and lied to his father.

But, then we can measure the validity of 'religion' in so far as it agrees with psychological realities. Does Religion manage to explain dream dynamics. In the sense that the Primitive Religions must have paid a great deal of attention to Dream Symbolisms counts alot in their favor.

But even in this regards, there are highly evolved Dreams, and there are nightmares. many of the Primitive Cultures were dreaming very darkly.
What do you mean, 70 000 years ago. The Bible contains proof positive that the earth is just over 6000 years old. Are you one of those lying evolutionist varmints ?
and let me guess, apart from woshipping snakes 70 000 years ago and the bible, there remains no other body of work one can reference to determine theistic claims?
and let me guess, apart from woshipping snakes 70 000 years ago and the bible, there remains no other body of work one can reference to determine theistic claims?

Nothing of value as any scholar will tell you. You might try the Book of Pinocchio. He was a member of a splinter group