The True Furqan: A powerful response to the Quran Challenge

Dr. Ali Ataie makes some interesting comments on this composition in his introduction to his 'Gospel of Jesus':

The True Furqan?

Some poor Arab Christian on his last evangelical leg decided to plagiarize many of the chapters of the actual Qur’an and made minor changes in order to “Christianize” the text. The despicability and deception of such a move is surpassed only by its desperation. The Bible isn’t working for them; they have to use OUR scripture in order to convert people to their religion. I’m flattered, but still very offended.

After Muslim readers made a big hue and cry about the book to Amazon, one Christian commented: “I don’t understand why this book offends Muslims. Doesn’t the Koran say that infidels should try to produce something like the Koran in order to prove that they can’t? Well, we did!” The verse in question is: “And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers besides Allah, if your doubts are true” (al-Baqarah 2:23).

The crucial part of this verse that our Christian friend failed to recognize is the phrase “besides Allah,” meaning without the help of Allah’s Word (i.e. Quran). In other words, don’t copy wholesale from the Qur’an and make a few minor textual adjustments and claim that you have produced something comparable to it. -- That is called forgery. If I copied down verbatim a Shakespearian Sonnet with the exception of a few words here and there that I added on my own, can I possible say that I have produced a Sonnet equal to that of the English Master? Certainly not.
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