The trouble with Jesus

... With literary license, Paul wrote the books of the NT and fictionally 'fulfilled' the OT prophecies making his stories more 'factual' when they were not the truth ...

With literary license, Medicine*Woman wrote the posts of the sciforums and fictionally 'fulfilled' her personal prejudices making her stories more 'factual' when they were not the truth.
The trouble with Jesus

If you ask me what I think of Jesus, I first think of William Dafoe and his muscles in The last temptation of Christ, and the romantic eyes, filled with tears in Van Dyck's Jesus bearing the cross -- and many other popular images of Jesus. I think that in most pictures, Jesus is portrayed as a very handsome man, and if not handsome, then at least good-looking. And I think how this is *the* way to get women to worship him -- the same way a woman would love her man.

But never would I think there is a connection between God and Jesus.

I'm not making a real argument here, it's just something I'd like to hear your thoughts on.

people are attracted to/envious of 6 things in this world


god possesses all 6 to the highest degree, and its not uncommon for the pure devotee of god to be have some (or none) of these opulences too (just like its not uncommon for the son to take possession of whatever opulences that are given by the father)

being handsome is not a disqualification for being god conscious
being handsome is also not a qualification for being god conscious either

being handsome (or possessing any other opulence) is a gift given by god which the pure devotee display exemplary use of
With literary license, Medicine*Woman wrote the posts of the sciforums and fictionally 'fulfilled' her personal prejudices making her stories more 'factual' when they were not the truth.
lol, you had to do a really deep search here to criticise M*W
hell man her post is two and a half years old are you a stalker, lol.
get a f**king life.
lol, you had to do a really deep search here to criticise M*W
hell man her post is two and a half years old are you a stalker, lol.
get a f**king life.

you have to be kidding. the posts speak for themselves, you get a life.:p
you have to be kidding. the posts speak for themselves, you get a life.:p
no I'm not kidding the post in question is two and a half years old, that is extremely sad, I feel sorry for nutter, and now you! WOW sad sad sad.
Hmmm... this thread is another good example of why Dr Lou Natic was banned permanently.
Interesting topic, I've heard a comedian or two go off on how much they want to be ripped like Jesus.

I don't think the thoughtful theist would care too much about his appearances, as the true perceptible form that matters, they'd say, is his spiritual one.


He looks like a scruffier version of my uncle. :p
thats a picture of hayzeus, our gardener, full name Jesus Rodriguez Gomez, he doesn't speak a word of english, but has been living in LA for twenty odd years. where did you get the picture.