The Tree of Knowledge

Genesis 2:17 implies that Eve did not know of good and evil just yet but she had a very good idea of what dying was all about. It would seem that the inference is there that dying is neither good or evil but belongs in some other category. Then again, why mention the possibility of dying as a threat if it is neither good or bad?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Genesis 2:17 implies that Eve did not know of good and evil just yet but she had a very good idea of what dying was all about. It would seem that the inference is there that dying is neither good or evil but belongs in some other category. Then again, why mention the possibility of dying as a threat if it is neither good or bad?
it has to be dug that that INTERPRETATION of the myth of the Garden of Eden is a patriarchal one. And itspurpose is to warn off the the people believing their very anceint Indigenous belief in a Goddess/Nature and her Serpent/Lover/Son/Sacred Mushroom. This latter myth understood Nature and its cycles of birth and death (of which the Serpent represented how it sloughs off its skin, thus renewing itself ) and saw tis as benevolent NOT as a curse as te patriarchal version imposed on its victim-believers

Even tough we in te 21st century are supposedly past all of tat 'superstitious' nonesense, yet still its effects linger unconsciously. thus is the desire to cheat aging and death thru scientific means......!!
Bowser said:
What is The Tree of Knowledge? I'm not certain. Is it the knowledge of Good and Evil and the Desire to be God?
Well, when we didn't have the knowledge, we couldn't sin, only the disobediance of God would be a sin since we couldn't have known better.

It was a option for us, we could have lived like the animals - not knowing about good/evil and we would have lived forever with God.

The garden of Eden still exist, somehow...maybe inside us? Maybe the garden of Eden is a state of mind, a state similiar to that you can get while reading a fairytale, something that exists in the same reality but in a different mindframe. Understanding things differently.
Cyperium said:
Well, when we didn't have the knowledge, we couldn't sin, only the disobediance of God would be a sin since we couldn't have known better.

It was a option for us, we could have lived like the animals - not knowing about good/evil and we would have lived forever with God.

The garden of Eden still exist, somehow...maybe inside us? Maybe the garden of Eden is a state of mind, a state similiar to that you can get while reading a fairytale, something that exists in the same reality but in a different mindframe. Understanding things differently.

Yes, many people think that it still exists and I agree with them. It exists only in the mind of children. Once they are are old enough to understand right from wrong, though, they become just like Adam and Eve after eating from the tree. At that point, they become responsible for their actions.
Light said:
Yes, many people think that it still exists and I agree with them. It exists only in the mind of children. Once they are are old enough to understand right from wrong, though, they become just like Adam and Eve after eating from the tree. At that point, they become responsible for their actions.
God was wise in that He gave the truth to them who were like children.
The problem is that you DON'T back up what you say at all.
You simply spout out a bunch of vague comments and accusations and accuse anyone who calls you on it and asks you for proof of being blind and brain-washed.
You say things about how the story of Adam and Eve was a devicive one that was devised by the illuminati in an attempt to take the power away fronm the Matriarchal religions.
What illuminati? Show me ANY evidence that an illuminati even exists.
Then, before you even start talking about WHY they might want to take power away from the matriarchal religions, tell me what matriarchal religions were IN power and needed to be fought.
You often bring up the Sumerians. Where is ANY evidence that the Sumerians followed a matriarchal religion?
You claim that The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a psychadelic fruit or mushroom, but when pressed for evidence backing it up, you come up with nothing but more vague references and paranoiac visions of the powers of the world.
It's like pulling teeth to get you to even name a single religion or god/goddess.
Why is that? Because you are just making shit up as you go?
Bowser said:
What is The Tree of Knowledge? I'm not certain. Is it the knowledge of Good and Evil and the Desire to be God?
It's a metaphor for seeing duality in the world.

A metaphor that has caused much problems for the Western civilization,
because it seperates human from nature and nature from god, and god from human.

It's a metaphor for being aware of the duality, but it's not about understanding the duality, knowing what's beneath the duality,
that's what the tree of Immortality is for, the other tree in the garden of Eden (according to bible),
the tree which the god didn't want Adam and Eve to touch, because then they "would become as we are", so he kicked them out of the garden.
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one_raven said:
The problem is that you DON'T back up what you say at all.

me:: i mention relevant authors etc. wat ya on about?...must go and check your shi later in the same cynical spirit

You simply spout out a bunch of vague comments and accusations and accuse anyone who calls you on it and asks you for proof of being blind and brain-washed.

me::whats te hostileput-down tone for? is what i claim offensive to you? WHY?

You say things about how the story of Adam and Eve was a devicive one that was devised by the illuminati in an attempt to take the power away fronm the Matriarchal religions.

me::N i didn't. you don't listen. what i DID say was that the Illuminati INTERPRETATION of the patriarchal interpretation of the Garden myth both defies Hoddess religion and the patriarchy. I explained how the Illuminati/Luciferians believe the 'God' in thetale is the 'baddie'--whom ethey call 'Adonay'

What illuminati? Show me ANY evidence that an illuminati even exists.

me::that is superfluous for the proceeding debate, but if you wann a start another thread i am willing.....?

Then, before you even start talking about WHY they might want to take power away from the matriarchal religions, tell me what matriarchal religions were IN power and needed to be fought.

me:: tis is all thee for you to makethe work to study. I will just say that many make the mistake of imagining a matriarchy similar to the patriarchal power structure we experince now/ More so it was in the province of Indigeenous cultures/ traditions, like for example the Ashoreth and Baal cult in ancient Israel--for examplew:
and 'Ashtoreth/The Queen of Heaven'
and 'Polytheism in Genesis: Baal and Ashtoreth vs Yahweh
Ashtoreth was represened by a TREE...see
that should keep yer happy.....!

You often bring up the Sumerians. Where is ANY evidence that the Sumerians followed a matriarchal religion?

me:You've heard of the mytth of the god 'Marduk' spalying te Great Serpent 'Tiamat' i take it? an anciet Sumerian mth? well that is when the prevailing Matriarchy is mythically and actually taken over by the emerging patriarchy. Yhis pattern of an upstart godhero slayin Serpents and DRagons is worldwide.....! where've yer beeeen??

You claim that The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a psychadelic fruit or mushroom, but when pressed for evidence backing it up, you come up with nothing but more vague references and paranoiac visions of the powers of the world.

me:: FIRST....FIRST, he essential clue, before all intellectual and academic research, is to GROK the awesome power psychedelic inspiration can potentially give. As it is so for now, so ithas always been throughout the ages. and bleedin obviously this awesome experience has cretively insired stories surroundingit, ie., myth, folklore, religion, philosophy, etc etc. so tat's first. have YO had psychede;ic experience. tell us how ya found it.

tis next bit may have to be in two parts as my server cuts out after a certian time and i am having to do all the work fo yo here....!
"The vine cluster, like the ivy-cluster which also appears freely represented in Bacchic symbolismevoked the shape of the conical end of the erect penis, the glans. This form is well illustrated in the earliest Sumerian diagram for the vine [cant give ou the actual imagea as shown in book but eg., V wit a SMALL SQUARE JUST IN THE V-SHAPE]] The connection is explicit in the old name for the vine-cluster, like the Greek 'botrus' and the Hebrew ''eshkol', both derived as we nowrealize from Sumerian phases meaning "top of the erect penis". So the Bacchic worshippers
symbolized their god's phallic and mushroom connections by carrying with tem a longmmmmmmmm
part 2----sorry my server cuts out. i have to do it in a series.........)
" carryig with tem a long rod, entwined with ivy bearing at its end a vine - or ivy-cluster. The staff is called a Thyrsus, "womb-favourer; penis," as its Sumerian derivation now shows it to have orginally meant. A modern Arabic version of the name is used for mushroom....The "vine-cluster" becae, then, a useful synonym for the sacred mushroom, andis used with this allusion in a composite picture of the Tree of Life [the Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life are metaphorically and etymologically the SAME tree] in te Garden of Eden given in the post-biblical book of Enoch...A number of plants are brought togetherto illustrate various aspects of the actual object being cryptically described. Taken at face value the resultant picture is absurd, but each of the plants so adduced contains some allusion, by shape, or simply by a pun on its name, which to the initiated conveys the intended meaning of he whole. In the case of te Tree of Life, whose fruit made Adam and Eve, like gods, the apocryphal writing say is had the height of a fir, leaves like a carob, and fruit like a "vine-cluster".
Each of these comparisons bears upon the sacred mushroom, the 'Amanita Muscaria'. The "fir" because it is a denizen of the conifer forests; the carob" because this "pod" name was iven to both te mushroom and the food of pigs and "Prodigal Sons" and the "vine-cluster" because the red cap of the fungus was so pictured, as we saw above....It is the same imagery of the vine-mushroom" that described Jesus as "the true vine" (John 15:1,5) and in Jewish-Christian literature as "the Vine of David".
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by J.M. Allegro, pages 187-188

It is of course the patriarchy trying t turn people away from Goddess religion of the Earth. 'Eve', the name means 'Mother of All Livng" (Robert Graves, The White Goddess, page 253), and and in Semitic language is the same word for serpent, "hawwah"
so. i go to all that effort, and no response...?....what is it? short attention span?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Then again, why mention the possibility of dying as a threat if it is neither good or bad?
Was it a threat? I always read it as more of a warning.
What was the purpose of that tree anyway? Does it make sense for an all-good God to place loved ones into an unsafe environment while knowing that it’s going to end up with a major disaster? Looks like concepts of love and good of such a God are pretty incompatible with concepts of love and good of most creatures he supposedly created in his own image.. What was he thinking when just saying “you must not eat from the tree”? I guess he missed the lesson on how to effectively teach neural networks when working on his God degree..
well...te same pattern then exists now. we have authority....and ecstatic bandon inspired with psychedelic fruits. as is now so ten. prohibition. because ecstaic abandon is unpredictable, and authoritarianism always wants total control over your bodymind

ecstatic abandon bonds you with Nature. and trhe powers that be dont want that. they want your total attenton AWA from Nature, the Mother Earth, the Goddess

hence the patriarchal 'God' and then materialistic 'Science' might imagine 'materialistic' would mean respect from 'matter', Nature, but it doesn't, cause it has explained away its spirit. and this spirit is powerfully experienced in ....ecstaic abandon