The Third Eye

Reiku: you started out with an example of what looks like the usual deja-vu precognition scenario (the TV thing).
The rational explanation there, is that the sense of individual time is distorted and the sense of having experienced a situation previously (usually it's an ordinary, prosaic sort of sideshow, often involving family or friends), is manufactured to explain it (the sense of time distortion). You may have been listening to this show while still dreaming, e.g..

I've had several like this, and dreams, especially as a child, like dreaming about waking up before you wake up. Then later, something happens and you're sure you saw and heard it before--some of these were very detailed for me, down to every word spoken and every sound made, for about 20-30 seconds, of what seemed to be a "replay". I can still remember some of this, but nowadays I tend to go with the above explanation. But I just ain't convinced either way. Trying to think about what it would mean to have dreamed something, that then actually occurs in every detail is pretty mind-warping.
Well let me say first that it seems that no one here has got or knows what the third eye is or means when, the third eye is referred to.
All phsyic ablities or notions are not the same, such as telepathy is not telekenisis, and telekenisis is not prophesy, each one is a different ablity or gift some times found togeather with some people but not always, some are sparatically inclined and some have true talent.
The third eye referes to the ablity to see ones surrounding without the use of the eyes, simular to a out of the body exsperince but not the same given the general defintion of out of body exsperince.
The ablity of the third eye requires that the individual be awake and be able to see without the eyes, just as you do when you see with your eyes.
This is praticed by people in india, as a part of there religon, it is also praticed by various other groups, it is also taught to martial arts fights, and been reported by blind people.

I have this abilty my self, yet have never persued it as a active intreset, it real is not of much use in every day life, may be if you were a child and trying to be a sneak, of where in some war where you had to fight hand to hand combat as in the wars of old history, some people must try hard to achieve the ablity and so meditate and practice those that have High I.Q.'s will find it easier. but you still will have practice.
The third eye it self has it limits, for example if you where in a closed room you would only be able to see within the closed room, out side i would give estimated distance of about 1,000 ft. who the best users of the ablity are is probally not known because it is a person thing,religious thing or a secret practice of different groups.:rolleyes:

Lol... i have enjoyed reading the responses. Also, thankyou to those who stuck up for me.

In all due respects to the other responses, a third eye certainly exists.
''There are ways to explore this theory - but they are delving into worlds that are very difficult to measure. The haziness of memory during sleep plays a big barrier in the experimental means of testing the theory... for instance, one could use psychics here. Certain people when asleep, claim to see visions of a time past or a time in the future. Some of these visions may accurately show a time that has yet still to happen, and as many people claim, 'they happen.' The only way to take this seriously, is to take the people who have these experiences seriously.''

Upon thought, i have realized something rather dubious. Why is it, that when we dream, it is usually in the past?

Here it excites an interesting question, because past-time-travel should not be possible... but it really is.
Reiku: you started out with an example of what looks like the usual deja-vu precognition scenario (the TV thing).
The rational explanation there, is that the sense of individual time is distorted and the sense of having experienced a situation previously (usually it's an ordinary, prosaic sort of sideshow, often involving family or friends), is manufactured to explain it (the sense of time distortion). You may have been listening to this show while still dreaming, e.g..

I've had several like this, and dreams, especially as a child, like dreaming about waking up before you wake up. Then later, something happens and you're sure you saw and heard it before--some of these were very detailed for me, down to every word spoken and every sound made, for about 20-30 seconds, of what seemed to be a "replay". I can still remember some of this, but nowadays I tend to go with the above explanation. But I just ain't convinced either way. Trying to think about what it would mean to have dreamed something, that then actually occurs in every detail is pretty mind-warping.

There is no rational explonation to what i experienced. There really is nothing rational about the paranormal...
Hey Reiku, what colour is the fluff in your belly button?

Oh, of course, you wouldn't do something as practical as to look, but rather spend days on end thinking about it, ....