The Third Eye


The Third Eye

Science can come to explain many phenomena inherent within the psychology of the human being; and even stranger is its ability to predict cases such as psychic phenomena, ghostly apparitions and even UFO's. For instance, according to Physicist Fred A. Wolf, UFO's could be a by-product of awareness locking into the subspacetime imaginal realm - or as i would translate it, the Superdimension. Ghosts on the other hand, can be related possibly to the overlapping of parallel universes - if you believe the ''multiverse'' indeed exists. Even schizophrenia, according to Wolf, can be answered for in a multiverse theory.

However, in the part, i want to explore, not optical phenomena, but rather perception - the so-called 6th sense... The sense of prophecy, and extra spacetime awareness. Funnily enough, quantum physics can answer for a lot when concerning the world of sixth sense prophecies.

I too have experienced my own phenomena. These phenomena have kept me wondering about the ''real world'' as being not really ''real'' at all. In fact, reality masquarades as a fig leaf, covered in the rationallity of mind-interpretations and objective awareness.

The first phenomena i ever encountered was a UFO sighting, in my home town... Thank God i wasn't the only individual who saw it... If i had been, i dare say i would today be questioning my sanity. I gave a better description of this optical phenomena recently. The second phenomena happened when i moved into my first house - where i am still living today.

I was in my kitchen, one evening, looking around when i turned round to see black man's face. Startled, naturally, i fell back. A deep overwhelming feeling of sorrow could be felt, and as i looked about to trace the identity again, i noticed no one else was in the room - or in the house for that matter. Had i seen a ghost? Today, i believe i had - and yet, the puzzling thing is that i have never seen the face again.

For those who [might] be wondering, i have 20-20 vision - however there really isn't anything like a 20-20 vision i was once told by a specialist. When i told this story to a scientific friend, they concluded i saw the face as a projection from some childhood experience. I'm very unsettled to say, that i am not convinced. The phenomena itself, for anyone to understand how vivid it really was - and yet at the same time, not quite real - they would need to have experienced it themselves.

Fair enough, i could just easily say that ''the mind can do extraordinary things...'' But this explanation simply does not add up. It doesn't add up because the mind, (free of hallucigenic drugs and alchohol) acted as though it was objectively seeing a real thing, which, i believe it indeed was! Call me irrational. To me, it is the only way to be rational about an experience i know i actually experienced as 'out there.' The emotion i experienced could be a natural product of the mind, however, and not an influence of any ghostly entity.

Moving on from my experiences, i know that many readers out there will have experienced optical phenomena. Sensory phenomena can be too easily described by fundamental interactions within the brain, i feel, and would be very difficult to prove if it was anything else.

The subject for this parts discussion, will be on the legendary Nostradamus. Did this so-called ''prophet'', encryptically suggest the rise of the Fuhrer and the death of Diana? Or can 'probabillity errors' make even the justs? A leading writer into this man is called Mario Reading - i refer you to his book, 'Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies For The Future.'

Prophets have been spoke about for generations. These open-psychics mind you, usually say that there powers are God given... That, they may be - though the best example of this, is probably by the prohphet/saints in the BIble - though more recently, there was Michel de Nostradame.

Nostradamus was a French Doctor, who came to be known as a prophet by widowed queen of France, Cathlene de Medici. She had been informed of a prophecy that [seemed] to forsee the death of her husband, King Henry II. He was born in 1503 in the small French village of Saint-Remy-de-Provence. He trained in medicine at the universities of Avignon and Montpellier, and by his mid twenties, he was treating the people who had been struck down by the infamous plague - and it was in 1555, he decided to publish his book 'Les Propheties,' whch obviously means, 'The Prophecies.'

The book unto which Nostrdamus wrote these remarkable prophecies are called 'quatrians'- hundreds of them - each written in it own mystical meaning, which where to tell of events still to come; one of which was extreemly famous. It was the 35th quatrain that spoke of 'a young lion', that would vanquish 'the elder one' and in combat with a blow that would 'pierce the eyes in their golden cage' - 'two wounds in one, thence to meet a cruel death.'
What is interesting about this, is that it was a hauntingly accurate description of the death of the King during his joust with Gabriel Montgomery, the 29-year old captain of the Kings guards. It is believed that Nostradamus was disturbed by his prophecy, and deterred from the publication of his quatrains for the rest of his life; that was until after his death in 1566.

Unlike many prophets throughout history - usually exhaulting their prophecies to the people, warning the pilgrims of times to come, Nostradamus himself was less enthusiastic, saying that no one should read too much into his quatrains, as even future events, ''cannot be understood merely through being revealed.'' A rather noble proposition - neverthless, many links throughout history have had some remarkable ties to actual events that have unfolded, after his death.

Some of these links include the rise of the Fuhrer - the infamous dictator of Germany, Adolf Hitler. The death of the princess of Wales, Diana. The atom bomb. The Challanger space shuttle disaster - and even the 9/11 attacks! Indeed, the quatrians can be quite vague mind you, such as his descriptions of the Fuhrer - which where eerie to say the least - but even this particular prophecy is shrouded with controversy...
Written, in the text was ‘‘beast’s wild with hunger,'' that ''crossed rivers'' to have a battle against ''Hister,'' who was the child of ''Germain.'' It is now known that ''Hister'' was the correct spelling for the name of the lower Danube... Not only this, but if anyone knows their history well enough, will be able to account that Adolf Hitler wasn't German at all... he was Austrian. Thus one can see that a few, if not many of these quatrains have been translated through many errors.

Nevertheless, i am convinced that we have a third eye - the term ''Third Eye'' has been associated throughout eastern history as being a type of sixth sense. I know precognitive events occur in the human psyche... I am sure, because i could swear I’ve had a quite a few myself. I remember one prominent dream i had. It wasn't strange in any sense; apart from where i was. I was back at my mother and father's old house - and i remember i was in my old bedroom i had as a child... exactly the way i remembered it... Not too cluttered - quite tidy.

Though i do not remember most of my dreams, one thing stuck out of the haze; i remember looking up and seeing a little open black box, fitted inside was a well-cut crystal - about the size of an orange. On seeing this, i woke up in a terrible sweat. ''Wow'' - i was thinking, sitting up. I must have fallen asleep in the living room. Taking out a cigarette, i sparked it up, and decided to switch the television on; i have one of these digital channels... around 30 different channels.

As soon as i switched it on, i could have fainted through what i saw on the television; remember an entertaining show called 'Crystal Maze?' Now, i hadn't seen Crystal Maze in approximately nine to ten years, since it was last aired - and i was a young teenager then. It was a simple program, where contestants had to complete different zones and challenges, and collect.... crystals; identical to the crystal i saw in my dream. Moreover, it was the very last seconds of the show, and this particular team had lost the game, and their finale gift was a crystal, in a black box.

Had i seen, moments, if not minutes into the future, whilst my mind was not bound by present time?

Dr. Dean Radin of the institute of Noetic Studies in California has found damning evidence to suggest that the mind can foresee the future - if not, a very short period into the future. Collecting a select group of people, he measured physiological responses of these volunteers, by watching images on the screen, such as locations, trains, houses, shrubs - basically rather dubious pictures. Then, from time-to-time, completely randomized pictures, meant to have major shock values where shown, such as half-mutilated corpses.

Dr. Radin found that electrical resistance of skin cell's fell as the host watched these emotionally-charged pictures with shock values - the interesting anomaly here though, is this electrical drops occurred several seconds before the pictures had been shown! Seven seconds can be a long time whatever way one looks at the results, and it inexorably shows conclusive evidence that the volunteers where experiencing the shocking pictures well-before they had been shown. The results where so significant, many researchers have conducted the experiment, and found the same results!

How can anyone have any commonsense picture here about what is happening? Logic would seem to suggest, according to the hard scientific findings, that the mind is somehow reaching forward into the future, triggering chemical changes in the skin cells... This would seem to suggest that the mind might be more unconscious than what we have ever imagined! To be fair, he has never concluded this, but it must require a mind not totally bound by the parameters of time, and for this to be achievable, it would need to be not fully bound by reality itself....

Can the human see past the barriers of present time? - And should we take them seriously? Before we answer these questions, let's see what quantum physics has to say about the nature of time... (I shall post soon).
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The imaginary dimension. An imaginary journey.
Time only has providence when a mind is present - in fact, scientists think that mind is somehow time itself!

The fourth dimension, as it is in physics lingo, is a massive ''arrow'' in spacetime. According to today’s present models, time must have had a start... though, not every physicist has and still does believe in such a directionality... Fred Hoyle protested against the theory of big bang. He also believed the universe was ageless. The Arrow of Time can actually be seen a number of ways. The best way to envision this arrow, is by drawing a line, and note three dots equally distributed along this line - this is an 'abstraction'. These dots will indicate the 'time line' of the universe, the past, the present and the future.

Even though the big bang occurred alongside a big crunch - (and i stress that if a beginning did occur, the end must have also just occurred) - we tend to think of time going in a particular flow without recourse; and this is true, to some degree. The correct geometrical view of time, is by imagining it as the surface of an expanding balloon. In fact, it would be better envisioning time as being this surface, that is, unless mind is in the picture.

Then we can use abstractions to represent the time line; and psychology plays a big part in the transformation into 'linear time'... The so-called, 'forward directionality' of the 'psychological arrow,' which we will cover in more detail later.

Though, the leading way to describe time is as a river - with two flows - one coming from the future, and one coming from the past. These waves or flow meet in the present time. In fact, even though time is invisible, the flow of time is rushing against my particles at the speed of light - 186,000 miles per second... This literally 'excites' my particles to become 'living in the evolution of time.' I think it plays a massive part in consciousness.

In fact, i don't think consciousness could not perform if we had no sense of time... The very perception of it is pivotal to awareness. We would be mindless robots without realizing this function of time. You see, forward directional awareness would mean that we could move from one state to another. Because of this process, we would be able to distinguish a path before. If this pattern is unchanged, then we would be able to create a past time before us, and a continuous path of future before us. Without being able to make this particular distinction, we would not be able to have a continued sense of being - and we would be about as intellectual as a blade of grass.

We are perhaps lucky that all arrows point in the same direction, like a cluster of photons. If the known arrows of directionality all pointed in opposite directions, things indeed would be strange. First of all, the universe wouldn't have begun with ordinary matter - antimatter would now be dominant. Nothing would move in the correct ways. In fact, absolutely everything would be pulled back, with end now the start of things, and the start being the new end.

Can We Time Travel?

According to theory, time travel should in fact already be possible, due to either 'the most likely future universe', or in a parallel universe. However, we have yet not been visited by any time travelers, unless one believes that UFO's are spaceships from the future - as the wild theory goes. Nevertheless, relativity predicts such strange goings-on.

Einstein shows us these time traveling possibilities by putting them into paradoxical situations. In one famous example, is when one twin travels off away from earth at 99,99995% the speed of light, and travels over 10, 000 light years away, and returns home, to find that he has aged only a couple of years, whilst his twin is long-dead and buried.

However, if we have not been visited by time travelers, how can time traveling exist now? Many explanations have been proposed - such as time traveling among different universes. In this case, a person could leave a universe, and sporadically enter a new universe. Potentially, a person could travel into infinity, and never reach the universe they left ever again. Another more conservative answer, is that time traveling is real - but only possible in the most likely future possibility; but the reason why 'they' haven't came into our present time is because of something called, 'self-consistency.'

Self-consistency is a principle which states that the universe is completely consistent within itself - in this sense, the universe cannot create an answer if that answer violates it's own principles and laws - (such as time travel). Using this analogy, we can easily understand that no time traveler can reach this present time, because time travel is not as yet possible, from our perspective; Thus, the only [times] a time traveler can reach, are [times] that allow machines capable of 'Global Causal Violation.'

To achieve this, a machine would need to be able to act in a ''sinusoidal characteristic.'' A movement which is described as being 'sinusoidal' is a path in space and time which oscillates and then returns to its normal state and value. It would be able to do so, because our imaginary time machine would warp time to such an extent, it can move from the present, into the past, and then back into the present again. How to achieve this warp, is another matter.
Perhaps the mind is a natural time traveling machine...

So... Can The Mind Time Travel?

The idea that the mind might time travel, is not new - but i feel that the theory itself hasn't been taken seriously enough. The reason why i think it must be considered with interest, is because the history of our past and the history of our future are experiences of the consciousness that exists [only in time] - never in space. Time is somehow the realm of both mind and the imaginal. Because of this, we must assume that it is very possible that the mind is not necessarily bound to the present time.

In fact, we display time in various ways. The mental projection is just as important. For instance, we can psychologically go into the past - however, the truth in physics indicates that the mind 'recreates a past' in the present. Our future exists as a time we cannot remember, but to us, it feels as though we can 'jump' into the future and write a particular path we might take. (However), because nothing in time is fixed, and physical actions/reactions have not yet transpired, we must imagine that these 'thoughts of the future' statistically play a role in any physical outcome. So we can recreate the past, and statistically influence the future. Though because the mind is bound to the here and now, how can one say the mind can exceed the barrier of present time?

One way to imagine this, is to create some new idea's about present time. Present time, (i believe) binds the mind only when awareness is present. To imagine this, is to say present time is the shadow of a particular collapse of the wave function, coupled by awareness - and quite possibly intelligence: I mention intelligence here, because it may not be enough to be simply 'aware' - since the leading contention on the collapse theory, is that intelligence must be involved.

Thus, if present time is a reality only ever real through awareness, then the logic would suggest that time travel would be possible for a 'less aware mind.' One way to imagine this, is when a person is asleep. The mind during a dream state is never fully occupied with the world around it. Whilst certain neural functions still maintain when asleep, our objective awareness is not. By lessening awareness, are we making the mind more prone to violate the present time laws?

There are ways to explore this theory - but they are delving into worlds that are very difficult to measure. The haziness of memory during sleep plays a big barrier in the experimental means of testing the theory... for instance, one could use psychics here. Certain people when asleep, claim to see visions of a time past or a time in the future. Some of these visions may accurately show a time that has yet still to happen, and as many people claim, 'they happen.' The only way to take this seriously, is to take the people who have these experiences seriously.

Instead of ''blind'' faith, perhaps we need to be looking for people who are naturally not as aware as the next person. Perhaps, people who have certain senses stripped from them, such as sight and hearing, might be perfect candidates, since the world we see, hear, touch, smell and taste are all built up on sense alone: Realty, the normal composite of three spatial dimensions, is built up on nothing more than senses; perhaps the mind can perceive reality, because it is tied up into higher dimensional plains?

Ok... Let's leave all these ''exotic dimensions'' that the mind could be inexplicably tied to, and let us see some other reasons how mind might see into the future, just as we saw in Dr. Radin's rather amazing experimental evidence shown recently. Firstly, we need to understand, that for anything to breach time - and by that, i mean this strange, undefined presence of here and now - time must be an illusion. What we consider as past, present and future, is all somehow the same thing - though, it isn't when a mind is present. The present time takes on real attributes, and the past and future don't seem to exist.

How wrong we are if we hold onto the belief of time. Time would all happen in an instant without mind, and the past and future would become just as real as the present time. Perhaps the mind fall's into a state of present time, but when we are not aware of it, it oscillates throughout the time barrier in a sinusoidal movement. In fact, the human brain must be quite unconscious... The more conscious we can be, the more the mind will fall into a defined state for reality. Remove the conscious state, and we might be seeing what reality after life is like. Death might just be a state of unconsciousness... a state of psyche not to far off dream state.

Here is another example of a mind not fully bound by reality. This example is found in hypno states. Some individuals, when put under deep regression hypnosis, have found themselves ''seeing'' events, either in the past and in the future. Some of these events have been tied to some type of previous life experiences. Is this the mind again, 'delving into the past or future,' because it is not fully occupied with the here and now? If so, then hypnotism is the perfect experimental way to find the mind doing some extraordinary stuff.

And, here is where my hypothesis get's even stranger... Some of these individuals have experienced 'being in the bodies' of some soul that had lived, let's say 50 to a 100 years ago... Not each of these can be false; some have to be true surely? And if they are, is past life really always the answer? It's a nice thought believing we might keep living on, as new individuals; however, can there be another answer - one just as bizarre and interesting?

In Einstien's relativity papers, the past and the future is paradoxically happening right now. To understand this, we need to take an imaginary journey in a time machine. If we moved from this day and age, let's say, 400 years into the past, we would end up in another present time. If we had moved into the future, we would have also ended up in a future present time, where hopefully people still exist. How can a present time exist in the future? Wouldn't that mean that both the past and the future where happening right now? And if the future was happening right now, which future is this?

Some physicists opt for the parallel universe interpretation here... For in this interpretation, the future you jump into, is the present time in a parallel universe. I shall give a more conservative answer here, without using parallel universes... The future we have jumped into, is the most likely, probable future. Though, understanding this shows us that time is not fixed, and that the present time is an illusion. It's just like the big bang... As the big bang occurred, a big crunch also occurred, almost simultaneously!

Now, with time not being absolute, the mind may not have difficulty leaping into the past or the future. Indeed, if this is what is happening, what is happening when a mind enters another soul’s body, in a totally different time? Is this ''us'' in another lifetime? The idea is novel; however, i am going to present another idea, using Ludvic Bass' notion that all minds are a product of one mind only. Now, if this is true, then this must also mean all minds in the past and the future - not only the minds here and now. If all minds are connected to one single mind-unit, then can one mind merge with another? Can the psyche of one person, enter the psyche of another person’s body?

As bizarre as this might sound, it may hold some key's to some pivotal questions concerning well-known phenomena throughout the whole world; such as psychic connection between twins, for instance. Twins tend to feel the same emotions and thoughts. Whereas many scientists will put this down to them being together for many years, other scientists welcome the idea that they can experience each others emotions and thoughts. Their connections are very strong, from a quantum physical view.

I propose similar idea's concerning twins, and note that these psychic connections might be as strong as they are, because they arose from one single egg. In quantum physics, we would call two objects from a single source, which still have intimate relationships as 'quantum entanglement.' Of course, quantum entanglement described subatomic particle coherence; however, one cannot help but see correlations between the two examples, and perhaps ascribe twins with similar ties.

It turns out that certain personifications can enter a foreign body. In chapter one, we saw how donated body parts can alter another persons habits. Whilst many would scoff the idea of such a possibility, hard scientific evidence can back the theory up. If simple habit can be transferred into a human, might we even envision the mind also performing such a task? The only real problem with this theory, is that it is hard to believe that anyone else apart from ''me'' can enter this temple of mine. Here i would like you to consider severe split-personality disorder, just in this case. Is the previous idea any stranger than the concept of split-personality disorder, when a persons psyche splits off into many different personas?

The world of mind can bring even the most plausible theories into extreme depths. Known phenomena such as hypnotism and psychic experiences are just the brink of understanding a mind not bound by the forces of time; and we will only understand how the mind works in these curious ways, i believe, by attempted to fit the mind in a dimension(s) which exists somehow outside normal quantum effects.
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there is no "third" eye, the perception beyond this world cannot be defined in terms of this world.
If it was anyone other than reiku, I'd immediately say (without reading the essay),

"There is no third eye.

Fuck off."


But you are Reiku and I have not read your presentation of "the third eye."

So. Please refuse to fuck off.

If it was anyone other than reiku, I'd immediately say (without reading the essay),

"There is no third eye.

Fuck off."


But you are Reiku and I have not read your presentation of "the third eye."

So. Please refuse to fuck off.

1) Refrain from using curses
2) I never stated that there is no outer-perception of which Reiku...In fact I believe in existence of such outer-perception
3) Don't quote me if you decide to change what I supposedly wrote.
1) Refrain from using curses
2) I never stated that there is no outer-perception of which Reiku...In fact I believe in existence of such outer-perception
3) Don't quote me if you decide to change what I supposedly wrote.

Please little insect.
Refrain from your suggestions.

Curses are not "disallowed."
I appologise. I do not care what you say.
I only mind what I say.
And I had said what I wanted to say.
If you believe that there is such a thing as outerperception or whatever the fuck, great.
I don't.
And you are talking about....... ..... .....
Go on draq, show us that power.

Anyway, I'm not changing a damn thing. You are.

It deals with the difference of the powers my words containi as compared with all other members for the most part or at least for the moment.

Thought it was obvious.

I'm often amused by SOME scientists' haughtiness at the the seeming superiority of their discipline. If something cannot be proven..."consistently", then it is valueless, not even worthy of a theory.

Well I can admit the usefulness of Science, it cannot be denied. However some of the greatest discoveries were made by pure accident or instinct, without rigid discipline. Humanity's other hand. Even the so-called proofs, are only as strong as the instruments that measured them. Technology develops new "eyes", is able to "see more" and everything gets turned around more(and sometimes proven more clearly).
people can see ghosts and UFO's because they have trained their eyes to see spirits... there are even people who have x-ray vision like superman, lol...

it may sound insane that people can see with their eyes closed... but that's exactly what happens in our dreams.

a very long time ago there was a race of humans who had... a third eye. helena blavatsky said so..
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"Now, with time not being absolute, the mind may not have difficulty leaping into the past or the future. Indeed, if this is what is happening, what is happening when a mind enters another soul’s body, in a totally different time? Is this ''us'' in another lifetime? The idea is novel; however, i am going to present another idea, using Ludvic Bass' notion that all minds are a product of one mind only. Now, if this is true, then this must also mean all minds in the past and the future - not only the minds here and now. If all minds are connected to one single mind-unit, then can one mind merge with another? Can the psyche of one person, enter the psyche of another person’s body?"

I just read the entire entry. Excellent thoughts! I got swamped with stuff to do before I could compose a responce and now I'm famished. I'll edit this tommorrow! I especailly want to remark the about quotation.

So now I can comment and question!
The above paragraph is amazing! Just as we have many brain cells, we are also as entities the 'brain cells' of the universal mind (collective consciousness). It may be possible that we share bodies in time. I will simply say it is possible, nothing more. No proof for or agianst exists. This means that it is possible that at one time I was
Reiku or BentheMan or someone from the 'future'. The physical body could very well be a host (or vehicle) for the conscouisness of life to pass through. This would mean we do not have an Identity to the extent that we think we do. I have had the sensation of 'remembering everyones life' at one point in time, though not currently.

An even stranger possibility is that someone might of had my life that is alive today and I might have had that person's life, though we both exist at the same 'time'. I single the word time out, because any distance that seperates two things puts them in different time lots, this is consistent with the Law of Relativity. They are not in the same time as they appear to be.

But that would make God a Jack-Off!!! As we are nothing but the same being getting ourselves off...and this just doesn't pan out for me. There must be individuality for any real intimacy to exist, yet at the same time the individual could be spread out in an array. So then are we truely unique one of a kind spirits, or just the same spirit going through phases on its path to self discovery? Is there a way that both possibilities could exist, without violating each other?

I find myself in a one side if we are truely seperate it is somehow sad and if we are all the same it is too somehow sad. Perhaps as a wave we are one, but as a particle we are unique. This gives us the luxury of both worlds without entirely violating either. I read somewhere something about this, I will have to look for it and reread it as it sheds light on what it means to be an individual as well as a part of the whole. I will leave it at this for now, and return when I have more clarity and insight on this subject.

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Well I can admit the usefulness of Science, it cannot be denied. However some of the greatest discoveries were made by pure accident or instinct, without rigid discipline. Humanity's other hand. Even the so-called proofs, are only as strong as the instruments that measured them. Technology develops new "eyes", is able to "see more" and everything gets turned around more(and sometimes proven more clearly).

Ah but this is where the problem is, how do you repeat an 'accident' unless you know what you did to begin with and if that's the case then the actions towards making that discovery were in fact on purpose. Which totally undermines it being an accident to begin with.

Even if that's not the philosophy, the truth of the matter is if something can't be reproduced and checked by others then how can it truly be verified?
"The zaboombafoo dimension exists. Isn't it obvious?" careful don't want the zaboombafoo monsters from that dimension to come get you, do you? Shhhhhh....They always hear when you say their name...and it attracts them to your home..LOLOLOL...(Note: this is only funny until they actually do come to your home) :eek:

Give Reiku a break already.:mad: He is both brilliant and sincere. He is not alone in his observations. Are you even trying to understand his train of thought or are you being overly critical and rejecting them without consideration? You might end up eating your own words. Then again...I might too?

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it"
Albert Einstein

"The scientist knows that in the history of ideas, magic always precedes science, that the intuition of phenomena anticipates their objective knowledge."
Michael Gauguelin (1974)

"There is but one safe way to avoid mistakes: to do nothing or, at least, to avoid doing something new. This, however, in itself, may be the greatest mistake of all. The selected, who are able to open new roads to science without erring, are few and the author, certainly, does not belong to them. The unknown lends an insecure foothold and venturing out into it, one can hope for no more than the possible failure will be an honorable one"
Szent-Gyorgyi (1957) careful don't want the zaboombafoo monsters from that dimension to come get you, do you? Shhhhhh....They always hear when you say their name...and it attracts them to your home..LOLOLOL...(Note: this is only funny until they actually do come to your home) :eek:

Didn't you know? I am from the zaboombafoo dimension... and because you said 'zaboombafoo' I know what you did last summer!

Give Reiku a break already.:mad: He is both brilliant and sincere. He is not alone in his observations. Are you even trying to understand his train of thought or are you being overly critical and rejecting them without consideration? You might end up eating your own words. Then again...I might too?

Reiku has a big imagination and writes science fiction; however, he is a slave to it at present and doesn't realize he's letting truth take a back seat to fantasy.
"Didn't you know? I am from the zaboombafoo dimension... and because you said 'zaboombafoo' I know what you did last summer!"

Oh Shit!!!:bawl:

Please don't tell anyone!:eek: