The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters

"Also if it were a stealth aircraft why the hell would the air force give away data of their new aircraft?"

With all due respect to this question. This is what I am asking of you. Why, indeed why would they fly an experimental craft over a populated area ? That is a good question and it is what I have asked.

I agree that we should not give away such details of national security, I agree that we should not be able to review data that may indicate our capabilities of detection. If you can answer the question of why, then go ahead, otherwise we both agree on this and the question remains.

"i am not saying there are no ufo's, the chance of there being NO alien life out there is infinitely miniscule. I am argueing that what those people claimed to have seen is not an alien ship"

I wouldn't disagree with your premise. In fact I have argued it both ways here. As Electra pointed out there are several possibilites for the phenomenon and even there could be a combination that make up the phenomenon.

But this is the second time in the same area that we had this event, and this time the vid was better. What it was is an unknown, and we can't make the leap to an ET craft. I agree.

But the question as to why we would fly an experimental craft over these areas is related to what it might be. If it's not ours because we wouldn't do that. Than who or what is it.

My explanation for the why is this. That these planes were meant to fly over populated areas, why would you not want to test them over some?
Also the military has been conducting some research into invisibility. The whole theory behind it is to have cameras all over a soldier's suit and some sort of projector that would basically be like a tv over his suit, making him almost invisible. Yet the completion date is supposedly somewhere in the future. Also the problem with it is that even though you are invisible you still make a shadow which against someone who is trained to fight invisibility by ooking for shadows than distortions can really give you away.

"That these planes were meant to fly over populated areas, why would you not want to test them over some?"

We aren't really in a disagreement here. You and others and myself have pointed to the very real possibility that it is ours. But I don't think you can view it as a success if they are being spotted. Maybe they have been testing it for years and thought they were ready, but something went wrong. Twice.

Ultimately it is not that big of deal if it is ours. The towns are still there, nobody got hurt etc. The only downside is a few freaked out witnessess. So maybe they need to go back and do more testing before they fly over Stephenville again.

In the end, neither one of us will know exactly what it is/was without more information from the military, or better information that can be gained such as new FAA radar data etc.

"Also the military has been conducting some research into invisibility"

I am sure there are. When I saw a report on the light bending fabric that was created that could make someone essentially invisible, my first thought was that the military would be all over it. To try to use the idea for tents, clothing, tanks, planes whatever else it could be applied to. Whether they have true cloaking capability for a plane might be a stretch, but you never know.
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I am sure there are. When I saw a report on the light bending fabric that was created that could make someone essentially invisible, my first thought was that the military would be all over it. To try to use the idea for tents, clothing, tanks, planes whatever else it could be applied to. Whether they have true cloaking capability for a plane might be a stretch, but you never know.

that could make some awesome pranks making random things invisible, like do it on a jet, "where the hell did my plane go."

But also it was a success, people saw lights which could mean flares, but never saw the body of the plane.
We interupt this broadcast to bring this important announcement...... In addition to other stars appearing on the UFO Enviromental Safty for Traveling Pleasrue Progam to air later this week, we have a special guest star SELENIUM......Selenium as we all know is little talked about in the world of atomic stars, but has proven to be quite a finisher over the years... exspecially when it comes to your comfort in space travel....


Girdhari Lal And Sons can provide such pure metals for your space craft....

I am sure some of you have heard about Selenium, Selenium has also made headlines in solar cells providing warmth, energy and light needed in space, showing just how far Selenium can go to make a finish.

Join us later this week during our special feature hosted by Anchorman DwayneD.L.Rabon.

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We interupt this broadcast to bring this important announcement...... In addition to other stars appearing on the UFO Enviromental Safty for Traveling Pleasrue Progam to air later this week, we have a special guest star SELENIUM......Selenium as we all know is little talked about in the world of atomic stars, but has proven to be quite a finisher over the years... exspecially when it comes to your comfort in space travel....


Girdhari Lal And Sons can provide such pure metals for your space craft....

I am sure some of you have heard about Selenium, Selenium has also made headlines in solar cells providing warmth, energy and light needed in space, showing just how far Selenium can go to make a finish.

Join us later this week during our special feature hosted by Anchorman DwayneD.L.Rabon.


Just more silliness from Rabon.:rolleyes:

A craft actually carrying people through space would require MUCH more energy than could possibly be supplied from solar cells. For stationary platforms like the ISS, they would be fine. But a 'traveling craft' needs energy for propulsion, maneuvering, and other applications. Whatever would be produced by solar cells would be of no consequence.

And the metal offers no special structural abilities, especially when compared to lighter, tougher alloys of other metals.

So this is just more garbage from the Garbage Kid Rabon.
there was and still is an experiment with nuclear engines. To explode a tiny nuke like the size of a large artillery shell behind a craft. Use a sail to capture the energy and propel it forwards. Supposedly it can go tons faster than the conventional engine.
Hello this is DwayneD.L.Rabon your Anchorman, I will be host A new progam Later this week, In which we talk about UFO and space craft enviromental Safty, you know the god old Issue that give you such traveling comfort while in the depths of space... We ask you to join in our special interactive intsruction progarm. all you have to do is Guess What atom will complete the material list of star atoms in the space craft lining appearing on our show hosted by anchorman DwayenD.L.Rabon.

Earlier this we broadcasted advertised reoports of the different atoms to appear during the progam, their was Si04, Magneseium,Calcium, Selenium we have one more Atomic SuperStar to appear on the progam..........Can you guess which Elemental material it is?

Post your Pick on the topic Boards and later during the show we will reveal the winner who made the right pick.

This AnchorMan DwayneD.L.Rabon saying Joins US later this week.

Hello this is DwayneD.L.Rabon your Anchorman, I will be host A new progam Later this week, In which we talk about UFO and space craft enviromental Safty, you know the god old Issue that give you such traveling comfort while in the depths of space... We ask you to join in our special interactive intsruction progarm. all you have to do is Guess What atom will complete the material list of star atoms in the space craft lining appearing on our show hosted by anchorman DwayenD.L.Rabon.

Earlier this we broadcasted advertised reoports of the different atoms to appear during the progam, their was Si04, Magneseium,Calcium, Selenium we have one more Atomic SuperStar to appear on the progam..........Can you guess which Elemental material it is?

Post your Pick on the topic Boards and later during the show we will reveal the winner who made the right pick.

This AnchorMan DwayneD.L.Rabon saying Joins US later this week.


You're a nice enough guy and all, a little funny, but can we PLEASE concentrate on at very least a somewhat serious consideration for UFOs? No matter what anyone says, UFOs do most definitely constitute a true unexplained phenomenon. Therefore, even if only in a pseudo scientific context, they most assuredly merit quality consideration. Please create your own thread dedicated to your own approach to the matter and allow EndLIghtEnd's thread to continue here with respect for it's original mission intent.

Thanks! :)
cant we just say it has something to do with Jesus and drag phlo in here with her bs just for the fun of it?
Testimonies are a LONG way from being evidence. And eye-witnesses have always been shown to be highly unreliable.

And we're talking about science here, not courts of law and science NEVER, EVER accepts testimonies - just cold, hard evidence.

the court might not accept only testimonies, but if it is a jury of the defendents peers.. they might be swayed by a testimony...
and people who say that there are no such things as UFO's are forgetting one thing.. What does UFO men?.. of course there are such things as unidentified flyng objects. not saying they are made by greyskins or not, but they do exsist.. a ballon that can just barely be seen on the ground and is indisernable by us is considered a UFO.
What does UFO men?.. of course there are such things as unidentified flyng objects. not saying they are made by greyskins or not, but they do exsist.. a ballon that can just barely be seen on the ground and is indisernable by us is considered a UFO.

Ah, you'll find a lot of us skeptics not allowing people to hide behind vague terms here.

Sure, we accept there are secret military aircraft being built, flown, and tested, and these may occasionally get seen by people. They aren't really UFO's, because there are lots of people that know exactly what they are.

Then we have other phenomena, like balloons, but then they aren't really flying, but floating around, so unless something exhibits controlled flight, it's not really a UFO either.

Now, many dishonest types, hide behind the term UFO, but really mean extra terrestrial craft, but shift their argument around, saying we cannot disprove the sighting wasn't a secret military plane, so that means it could have been aliens too, ... but that's fallacious reckoning.

Stick around, you'll see these dishonest tactics employed, and see what a useless term UFO is.
I was never here, never voted in this poll, and it said I did. :bugeye:

Perhaps my memory is going, but I think someone is screwing with me. lol