The Thing about UFOs...

No. SOMETHING has been observed.
The rest is speculation and wild (extremely so in some cases) fantasy.
Do you know there are books out there that tell how to buld a UFO powerplant?
All this from seeing lights in the sky?
The only speculation that denies an aircraft, is overzealous people who can't believe in that maybe these lights we see, are actually created from real objects. These objects are not by fantasy, and all logic would assume that such objects, acting in very symmetrical fasions, have behind them a control of intellience.

This intelligence must then result in a theory which explains some kind of sentient being behind such lights.

All of this, by logic alone, reolves to two types of explanation:

1) That man is behind them

2) That some other intelligence is behind them

Take your pick, as the OP correctly gave.
So ghosts are either man made or the dead come back.
Simple choice either/ or.
Woo wooism at its best.
When someone brings it down to either/ or and ignores the likelier explanation the troll side takes over.
Ghosts beg a different explanation?
Surely not. If all other explanations can be summarily dismissed on this poll why not for ghosts as well?
I would say that 98% of the UFO's people see are Top Secret Military aircraft. Any species with the technical prowess to construct a hyperdrive, will have the means to intimately experience our Planet without their physical bodies being present.
, , , and maybe ghosts are just another demonstration of advanced technologies to screw with us, , ,

many UFO's are now IFO's, they are now "Identified".
I don't have cable or satellite, but the more nonsense I see cited to the History Channel, the less I regret my rabbit ears. Books, Orleander. Scholarly books. That's where one should get one's history.

Note: for anyone tempted to mention it, Fingerprints of the Gods is no more a scholarly work than Dr. Suess.
UFO's are a working hypothesis. If it wasn't there would be nothing to it, and i can tell you right now, too many scientists in the world would deny it wasn't.

That sentence is to awkardly written to make it possible to be certain what you are saying.

Is it your intent to claim that many scientists believe in UFOs - the alien type?