The Thing about UFOs...


This too shall pass.
Registered Senior Member
Ok if your not a dumbass then you realize that UFOs are real and are everywhere. Thousands of sightings every year now from the common laymen to highly experienced pilots to astronauts.

1.) These are extraterrestrials.
2.) They are man-made technology and our govt has been lying for decades.

Take your pick, but you must choose (both if you want). This can no longer just be ignored.
I ignore it all of the time. Until hard, physical evidence is found that proves they are here I won't believe it. :p
Also I recently went to a conference with the director of NASA's JPL. He simply said that he does not believe in UFOs. However he did add that this not mean that the possibility of intelligent life somewhere else is null.

I really don't feel like writing verbatim his reasoning, go find a video of him at the World Affairs Council and hear it for yourself.
I think the odds of it being either of those two are fairly good.

As far as government black programs go, there are always such programs running. Some you'll hear about decades from now, others that may never be revealed. But to believe that developed nations are not doing this is naive and moronic to say the least.

For the idea of UFOs being extra terrestrials, you have to take into account what level of technological evolution such aliens are at. The odds of them being even within a few thousand years of our evolution are actually quite small, alien life would likely be much simpler than ours (microbes and such) or unimaginably more developed than us (we'd have microbial intelligence compared to them), the latter of course being the one that could possibly fly to us and study us. We'd be an interesting scientific study in the same manner that scientists today study viruses, microbes, bacteria, etc. Perhaps even an experiment of theirs, in a sorta Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sorta way. Whatever the case, it'd be in their best interest to make their presence as undetectable to us as possible. Anytime we do see them or detect them may be when their vehicles or sensors or whatever malfunction in some way.

This is of course if such advanced alien life saw us with scientific interest. If such interest were lethal, we probably wouldn't be sitting here discussing this. There wouldn't be a scout force or whatever any more than we'd send out a scout to examine a spot of mold before killing it and removing it from the kitchen fridge. They'd just wipe us out nice and quick-like. Perhaps one day this could happen due to our heavy radio transmissions, maybe interfering with their interstellar communications in some way.

The odds of both cases are probably pretty high, but who can say for sure what the odds of the latter are?
The odds of this phenomena not being one of the two, are highly unlikely. Whilst the aspect of this phenomena is statistically more likely to be man-made, it stands to reason the other option is also likely, since the technology to have such spacecraft seem far out of our current technological advance.
The odds of this phenomena not being one of the two, are highly unlikely. Whilst the aspect of this phenomena is statistically more likely to be man-made, it stands to reason the other option is also likely, since the technology to have such spacecraft seem far out of our current technological advance.

The word is phenomenon. Phenomena is a plural.
And the odds... how do you calculate them?
Statistically likely?
What statistics?
Delusion, ignorance and gullibility are far better options.
The word is phenomenon. Phenomena is a plural.
And the odds... how do you calculate them?
Statistically likely?
What statistics?
Delusion, ignorance and gullibility are far better options.

In the 1990's, me, my mother, father, grandmother and grandfather saw three objects acting in a conspicuous manner above my country home. It was... amazing, and i still remember the day as if it was yesterday.

I can't say if it was aliens, but i know now that we did not have the technology to do the things they where doing.

I took heed of it, and only a few days after the event, several other wittnesses saw the lights.

Is this, delusion, ignorance and gullibility of far better words?
So what?
I've met a "ghost", been "psychic" and seen a "flying saucer".
Weird shit happens: I don't (and will never) assign an "explanation" without hard evidence.
Just file it under "more information needed".

Is this, delusion, ignorance and gullibility of far better words?
For someone who claimed to be a "writer"...:confused:
Does water spointaneously jump out of a glass? (1)

And if we saw this, would any respectable scientist shrug it off and say, ''weird shit happens...?''

No, is the answer. For scientists, there is always a scientific, if not, no logical answer to the phenoms of existence.

(1) - actually, water will jump out of the oceans, in about 10^30 years.

(and what's your point about being a writer?)
No, is the answer. For scientists, there is always a scientific, if not, no logical answer to the phenoms of existence.
Wrong: any respectable scientist will ask for more information before forming a hypothesis.
If it's an isolated non-repeatable case then it gets filed under "weird shit".

(1) - actually, water will jump out of the oceans, in about 10^30 years.

(and what's your point about being a writer?)
Your comment about "better words", I assumed you were replying to me pulling you up on phenomenon/ phenomena.
You really should know the difference.
Dark matter is founded purposely by the need of havin it due to observations.

How about the observations we make on these objects? Is there no need to have these objects?


Actually, yeah!

According to GUT's, half the protons in any sample of water such as the large amount of 10^22 protons in a liter of water will decay into lighter particles in about 10^30 YEARS. This means that water will spontaneously jump out of the oceans, and the tea in your cup. Pure science mate.
''Your comment about "better words", I assumed you were replying to me pulling you up on phenomenon/ phenomena.
You really should know the difference.''

Oh what an immature thing to argue over.
I wasn't arguing: I was pointing out a (persistent and widespread over SciForums) error.
I'm in "doctrinaire pedant" mode today.
You're not the only one that does it, but a writer... ?
No, i'm not a writer. It was more of an obsessive hobby of mine. When i joined up here, it felt more like a job, with the amount i made myself write.
But please, you made a point, and so did I:

''Dark matter is founded purposely by the need of having it due to observations.

How about the observations we make on these objects? Is there no need to have these objects?''
with the amount i made myself write.
No comment....

But please, you made a point, and so did I:

''Dark matter is founded purposely by the need of having it due to observations.

How about the observations we make on these objects? Is there no need to have these objects?''

Dark matter is working hypothesis, that fits the observed data.
UFOs and "flying saucers" may be the answer but look at ANY book or website and see how far (so very, very far) beyond the actual observations the "hypothesis" has been taken.
There's so much stuff out there now on "what they really are" that it's worse than laughable, it's sickening and bewildering that supposedly "adult" human beings propose, let alone actually believe, this stuff.
UFO's are a working hypothesis. If it wasn't there would be nothing to it, and i can tell you right now, too many scientists in the world would deny it wasn't.
Difference between dark matter and UFO's, is that UFO's have been directly observed. Makes the latter hypothesis stronger than Dark Matter itself, would you not say so?