The Term "Race"

Ya I know about that it is the ability to smell immune system traits. Women are designed with the instinct (it smells good) to find men that are not related to them. Man that have the same oder are relatives right?, so they stink!
The Neanderthal/Sapiens issue is a bit more complicated than in the previous posts. The mtDNA comparisons that have been done so far put the Neanderthal/Sapiens split at about 500K years ago. If true, that would make us more distantly related than some theories suggested, but it surely doesn't PROVE that we are seperate species. The jury is still way out on this issue, but hopefully we'll get a lot more and better data in the future. I believe that only 3 Neanderthal specimens have been probed so far. And I think we can all agree that the species term is often applied somewhat subjectively.
Yes it does because no lines of Neanderthal mtDNA have been found in modern homo sapians. This could mean though that no Neanderthal women ever breed with cro-magnom man.

Ever heard the saying: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence? We need a more statitstically significant sample size before we can make a general statement about whether or not Neanderthals and Sapiens interbred. All we can say now is that the LIMITTED data we have shows no indication that it happened with any significant frequency.

I'm confident that we'll have some really good data on this subject in the next 5-10 yrs. At any rate, it sure is exciting what the field of molecular biology has added to our understanding of eveolution. This is good stuff!
WHAT THE HECK HAVE I BEEN SAYING THIS WHOLE TIME!!!: There is still not enough evidence!

Even when a group comes up with either positive or negative results you can not believe it tell it has been verified and repeated by neutral others repeatedly!