The tenth planet

I used to believe that the beings who supposedly inhabit the speculated tenth planet were actually the originators of mankind and the Bible was an account of them and us, but I of course have now come to my senses. No more late lights and sugar rushes for me, me thinks. But seriously........

That planets gonna crash into us and we're all gonna die!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! not! :)

Who knows, if so, we can't stop it.

Oh well... Live long and prosper :)
Courtjester&Tony: I'm intrigued by the conversation you two were having about the mass you called Annunaki. Who are these beings you discussed living on/in Annunaki?
Also: If this masses orbit is 3600 years in length, and causes A great extinction each time it passes. How is it possible for Budhist monks to have written, and kept transcripts from 5000+ years ago, or for the chinese race to have existed that long? Wouldn't they have been wiped out? I'm just curious...

I read about it somewhere, it was fairly interesting by had a fairy tale quality to it. I was just probing to see what others thought, my beliefs are somewhat different than the out there stuff. More like inside than out there ;)


Tony H2o
I have read a little about this on both sides of the fence. There is still a lot of evidence for a 10th planet but it is not orbiting like a comet. If it were to pass through our solar system the gravitational effects would have completely obliterated this planet and many others on the first pass not to mention the second. I also think that the orbit was speculated to be 36000 years not 3600, which accounts for the history problems. The theory that courtjester was referring to also states that originally this planet was a part of tiamont, a planet where the asteroid belt is and it split into us and the asteroid belt on the planets first pass. This is defiantly not true as that the asteroid belt has been proven not to ever been part of a single planet, no to mention it is mostly iron in content. The orbit that is proposed for this planet is also gravitationally impossible given the assumed planets size. Another tidbit on this would be that the entire theory is based on drawings from the Sumerians, not a good source of info on planets since their big achievement was the wheel, not the telescope or spaceship.

If the theory does not fit reality then reality MUST be changed.