The tenth planet


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone here have anything to say about this theory?

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
I think it is beyond a theory, pretty much fact that there is a large body somewhere beyond Pluto. But I was under the impression it was simply a large mass, not neccesarily a planet.
A planet, or a brown dwarf. At least those are the two possibiites I have read about. But is it coming this way? Was/is it the home of the Annunaki? (SITCHEN) 2003? 2012? Or both? First passage causes cataclysms, second passage minor? Are the Annunaki still there? (Why would they stay there??) All sorts of interesting theories. What say you??

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
well ya,
appears about 1 year before it actually wrecks havoc, and disappears just as quickly??

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
It supposedly has an eliptical orbit cycle in the order of 3600 years around our sun.

It is also speculated that on its near sun passing of this cycle that it comes close to the orbit of Earth and disrupts our orbit and rotation as well as magnetic poles.

All the good ;) prophets of doom are jumping onto the bandwagon for end of the world as we know it best sellers.

But then again it could all be bogus. :eek:


Tony <img src="" alt="On Fire">

[This message has been edited by Tony H2o (edited July 11, 2000).]
Yea, it could blow over like Y2K did, but what are you willing to bet? Even after I was 80% confident that it would blow over I still prepared. I haven't just looked at one or two sites, but have looked into it extensively, and I'm not willing to bet my life, or the life of my family that it will.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway

[This message has been edited by courtjester (edited July 13, 2000).]

Honest truth, I stocked up on soy milk and wheatbix, and I'm supposed to live by faith, man how big a lesson did I learn after that. Probably not as big as all the hicks who sold up everything and headed for the hills :D

Live and learn or listen and live.


Tony H2o

PS What's with the "Ya", you got a Dutch accent or something?
The "end of the world" comes with each individual's death, be it from getting run over by a truck today while crossing the street or by some common global calamity from whatever or wherever. There is a quote I once heard that went,"Live each day as if it were your last, for one day you are sure to be right." It's quite true as is this other quote that I also once heard,"Dying is the last thing that I plan to do." As for whether or not there is a tenth planet orbiting our sun, it's hard to say. One would have thought that something would have been detected from such a planet e.g. its gravitational affect on other objects (some have suggested that the Oort Cloud might be affected from such a proposed planet resulting in some of the longer comet intervals) or something more indicative of its existence (although some argue that the intervals between major extinctions on Earth correlates to this tenth planet's orbital flyby). One would expect such a planet or the detritus kicked up by such, to be detected by astronomers long before it arrived here to wreak havoc albeit there is a difference between detection and deterring. If the sky is to fall (to quote Chicken Little) then there is little anyone can actually do about it despite what Hollywood might envision.
Better now?? ;) sorry just a typo I didn't catch. I read about some of those people, sold everything, headed for the country and invested all their money in canned goods.
Scientists have found that evidence. The weight and gravity of all the planets does not add up. Scientists admit that there is;
'a body in our solar system that has the mass of ?jupiter?, and has a orbit of about 3,600 years.' Have to relook at the 10th planet page. Find it again. The evidence is there for those who look.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
So you recon its headed back our way then?

Darn, I'd better go buy some more wheatbix and soy milk ;)

So people say that there is an advanced civilisation that inhabits the 10th planet. They also speculate that its atmosphere is laced with "gold dust" to stop it from cooling down when its in deep space and far from the sun.

Any comments? Thoughts?

Personally I'd like to know where they get all the gold from and how they get it to float around in the atmosphere?


Hey Tony,
Yes I do believe it's headed back this way. Just last night there was a show about ancient giants, touched BRIEFLY on the thenth planet/annunaki. As for intelligent life on/in the planet.. I don't know. From what I understand they were huge bullies, so I would hope that they don't come back. If you lived on a planet that had an orbit of 3,600 years, and there was a planet that was pretty nice, would you stay on the one that went for a long,cold ,dark ride, or stay on the nice one?? Another thought;
IF they had shuttles like we do now, then what kind of ships would they have now?? I can't imagine them staying on 10th planet of their own accord. Died off???? Have to wait and see. The 10th planet should be visible to most telescopes by now, (I think) and definetly naked eye by march 2003. If you look at other signs tho you can tell it's approaching. I know none of you are fond of Zetatalk, but there is an excellent site off of it, Troubled Times./the hub. It's worth checking out. IMO
Even my husband, accepts that a cataclysm has happened regulary and is VERY possible (+8) to happen again. His bases is strictly historical, (as he is a history buff). :cool:

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
I finally worked it out, what I don't like about Zetatalk, the info about the 10th planet's passing is good, but...;
If I was in space and I knew that the 10th planet was coming, and I truly wanted to help the people of that planet, I think I could do a much better job of getting the info out.
They (Zeta's) claim they can't interfere with our free will, and to do more than what they are would be interfering. But they can abduct people, so long as the person can't remember. Conveinent??
It is possible to put the word out in such a way that everyone gets the message, but it could still be ignored and people would still be free to live as they wanted. They say they are concerned about the number of peope who would panic if they did more, but people will panic when the 10th planet comes through anyway; which would be better; panic now, realize that panic is stupid and take action while there is still time, or wait untill the 10th planet is visable, at which time people will panic and not have time to act approprietly.?? They say they can only do what we ask them to, then why don't they do something more?? Tell me no one wants to know?? I could go on, but I will have mercy. There is something really stinky about it all though, I wonder if it's the wolf's sheepskin outfit??
think for yourself. the evidence still supports the 10th planet, just not that the Zeta's are who they claim to be.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
I saw a film clip of some scientist's at the Artic circle drinking martini's chilled with 25,000 year old ice. Just think, some of us may get a shot at ice 14 billion years old.
Damned stuff is probably stale.

You guy's were sounding pretty serious, I thought I would inject a little humor.

Ah, I see that nobody has yet rejected the idea of a possible tenth planet, high time that I do that then :)

There is no such thing as a tenth planet ! Anything of the size of Pluto would have long since been discovered due to gravitational distortions of the orbits of the outer planets like Uranus, Neptune or Pluto itself.
There is however a belt of asteriods called the Kuiper belt behind the orbit of Pluto. This is a collection of millions of ice chuncks that acts as a source for short period comets, the same way as the Oort cloud acts as a source for long period comets.

By the way didn't we discussed this some time ago ? It seems that the discussions about this tenth planet know a much shorter period then the orbit of the planet itself... ;)

I err, therefore I exist !
Without saying whether or not I buy the idea of a tenth planet, I think Pluto was only discovered as recently as the 30s. Before that, we were declaring that there was no way a 9th planet could exist because we had seen them all.

There is evidence leaning toward a tenth planet, but right now the only thing that can be said for sure is that there is a gravitational anomaly out past Pluto. Determining whether or not it's a planet requires more evidence.
or the tenth planet that the ancient civilisations spoke of, was not in this system, but another??? like with the 'giants'
that everyoen spoke of, and the titans were soposovely offspring of aliens and humans "i saw it on a tlc show" :eek: :eek: :Eek: :eek:

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Until 1995, 28 trans-Neptunian bodies exceeding 100 kilometers diameter (in addition to Pluto and Charon) have been directly observed vrom ground-based telescopes, all with low inclination orbits and small to moderate orbital eccentricities (Jewit and Luu, 1993 Discovery of the candidate Kuiper Belt object 1992QB1. nature, 362, 730-732 )
Low inclinations mean that their orbit is almost in the same plane as our own planet's and small eccentricities mean that their orbits are more circular then elliptical.

Further estimates of the total number of Kuiper Belt objects larger then 100km diameter in the 30 AU to 50 AU distance range (1 AU = 150 million km) is about 35000 (Jewitt and Luu, 1995 The Solar System beyond Neptune. Astron. J. 109, 1867-1876). Recent Hubble Space Telescope observations suggest that the number of kilometer sized and larger bodies may approach 1 billion

How about that for a tenth planet ? :D

I err, therefore I exist !

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited July 27, 2000).]
I think I have heard of a tenth planet. How come we haven't seen a pictures of it yet? How come we haven't heard very much about it?