The Sub Components of, So Called, Magnetic Lines of Force.

Wow... reviving a thread you made five years ago. Been in prison?
Because "lines of force" is not the description of electromagnetism that receives the most empirical support with the least superfluous assumptions. Classically, it only awkwardly covers magnetostatics and is inferior to Maxwell's equations, modern formulations of Maxwell's equations in relativistic tensors, and quantum electrodynamics which for the first time relates the mass, charge, and magnetic moment of the electron with high precision and accuracy.

Also, resurrecting a thread so long after your last entry doesn't seem like a good use of your time.

Entered from an iPhone.
Wow... reviving a thread you made five years ago. Been in prison?

I confess that my thinking was also along those general lines.

There is something about the Internet Crackpot that favors dated models and descriptions of Nature -- elevating them despite the progressive nature of science which is always seeking better models to describe the same Nature.