The Star

Ok so ... Source your Data #1.

#2 U just tried to turn Hathor into Maryam, Again by supposing that MERI is some sort of transitional name or link between Hathor and Maryam...Which it's not. Meri doesn't exist anywhere on the information from which also includes other links provisional for research.

#3 ------ Doesn't say he was married/consort to Hathor, says he's husband of Nuit.

#4 Those are nice heiroglyphs, but they could mean anything for all I know. Source your data, provide translation.

So far Wikipedia proves you wrong (my sources) and once again you have Zero sources.
Wikipedia does not prove me wrong. You either haven't paid any attention to what I said concerning their syncretism or are to slow to understand it. So, go back and read it and stop presupposing their isn't support for what I've said and actually look it up for a change. Start with the word syncretism and do it in the Wikipedia since you think it is the word of God. The following is from the Wikipedia, not that it is an authority compared to me:
"...some scholars believe that Jesus has little or no historical basis. There are many similarities between stories about Jesus and contemporary myths of Pagan godmen such as Mithras, Apollo, Attis, Horus and Osiris-Dionysus, ..."
I asked you where Meri came from, and for a source beside your own dialogue supporting this as an actual transitional name recorded somewhere in history. Not if it was a syncretism (created by yourself or someone else).

I also asked you to substantiate it by sourcing some sort of publication. And i'm starting wonder why you take time to reply but you don't take time to provide any sources. It's starting to sound more like a Sermon on egyptian mythology..

Now so far you've purposed that these two figures, Hathor and Maryam, have a relationship, or that there is enough evidence/information (which you fail to produce, aside from your own testimony) to link that they are the same person.

Also you said that Hathor (your purported pre-judean Maryam) was espoused to another mythical egyptian god Geb (Who is the husband of Nuit), but you fail to produce any sort of information that states that these two gods were consorts. Wikipedia does say Hathor was espoused to Ra, and that Geb was espoused to Nuit, but nowhere else have you supported or mentioned where you derived the relationship between Hathor and Geb.

So basically, you are telling people to believe your religious claims over another set of religious claims. Yours being more archaic, and having used the ideas of virgin birth and mangers before Christianity. But you fail to cite any place where it says Horus was born in a manger under a star... yada yada.

As for your quote from wikipedia "some scholars believe" -- some scholars believe alot of things. :bugeye: But what is written in the ancient manuscripts, we can analyze those first and determine our own beliefs.
I didn't "fail" to do anything and syncretism doesn't mean made up. Nothing I've said was religious. In short, you are making things up. Now it is time for you to look something up instead. If you had asked nicely I would have given you referrence on any particular item. I told you I have no intention of referrencing every sentence I write. Unless you do, it is well documented, so look it up.
The Star was a conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the morning sky on 25th. Decemberr 7 BC. It was predicted and expected. It occurs every 480 years and on a number of other occasions around those times. For many centuries, if not millenia, it had been regarded as the portent of great events. It was know as the Divine Shekinah. Moses saw it at the time of the Passover (given by some as 1447 bc). It was seen in 967bc (given by some as the year of the building of King Solomon's Temple). It was seen by Jeremiah who then predicted great events on it's return. It was expected, and appeared, in 7 bc, the Star of Bethlehem. Mohammed saw it many years later and then retired to a cave to commune with God. This was called the Divine Shakeenah and is now interpreted as 'The glory of God descended upon him'.
All the monotheistic religions came about as a result of some very fanciful interpretations of the old astronomy. I suspect that similar interpretations had kept the Egyptians 'in line' for some 3000 years. It seems a pity that the interpretations are now getting out of hand and that the stupidity of a variety of extremists needs nipping in the bud. It was all quite harmless until recently.
All my research comes from

Which explains the mythology of both the "gods" and has no relevancy at all to Jesus Christ within any context of rational applicaton.

Furthermore, you don't have to interpret me asking for a source as; wanting a line by line citation to every source, however one or two sources would be nice.

But, since we've started this thread you've not even alluded to any sort of publications that support your speculations. Neither current, or most importantly, archaic and ancient.
I would like to know how Meh becomes Meri.
You say through syncretism and etymology, which coul dvery well be true, but please show me how.
Meh = Meri seems quite a bit of a jump to make without any path between.
If there is a path, I would like to see it.