The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
spidergoat : How exactly this you concluded that if I may ask ? You should reconsider that conclusion because it is incorrect .

proud syrian : Engaging in Takfir at this time of the year :(

Lost brother , don't you understand that only Allah has authority when it comes to Islam ? Authority is not to be defined by your preference , so please help yourself and refrain from acting as if it were your judgement to make .

La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illaa Billah :(

Masalaam proud syrian

No brother, I never ever engage in Takfir, far from it, but did not you tell me in one of your earlier PM that you are not muslim !!

Did you covert to Islam lately ? if so, then welcome bro and please accept my apology.
Originally posted by (Q)
The muslim true trait is to IGNORE pathetic ignorants who cant put up civil debate and instead PARROT what they hear in their FOX JEWS and the CNN.

By your reasoning, I am not what you describe because you keep responding to me – and you will continue to respond. :D

Actually, you dont remember what you read...scroll up and put some thick glasses buddy.

OK, here are your words:
P S:

These are not my words, these are the site that I have posted.....but oh well.


And can you support your CRAP with some links from sciforums which show my 'despise' for everyone non-muslim !!!

Sure, here you go – at this time there are 23 pages, take your pick:

P S:

at least show some respect for the forum by providing workable links...........your link does not work .....PATHETIC LIAR.
Didn't I say you would continue to respond? :D

These are not my words, these are the site that I have posted.....but oh well.

Then why use them to support your argument if that's not what you intended?

Perhaps you only start threads as an excuse to hurtle insults?

at least show some respect for the forum by providing workable links...........your link does not work ....

Works fine.


Thanks for proving my point.

Please continue your insults.

And don't forget the exclamation marks - I noticed you didn't forget to use caps.

On a more practical note, fasting is devestating for people whom
are hypoglycemic. Migrane onset, fainting, etc. Not to mention,
it make it really hard for people to work if they are fasting all day
and of course that will affect their job performance (or make it
dangerous for themselves and others depending on the job).

On a sidenote, I find one aspect of the Muslim religion very
fascinating. It presumes that a human being cannot manage their
behavior so they let process do it. Wearing clothes that obscure
body definition, wearing masks that obscure facial symmetry,
weakening through fasting to fend off 'carnal desires'. Seems
more like thumb sucking to me.
one last note

It is actually quite healthy to eat less (not necessarily fast). Eat
less food (and even better yet less chaloric food) and you will
plain and simply live longer, have improved memory, and clearer

But then again, this ain't exactly gnew gnews.
RE:Appeal for Ethiopia's Starving Muslims by Vienna

Rather than following some religious event, why don't you all get off your arses and do something positive to help your brothers in their time of need. Why not change the meaning of ramadin to help the less fortunate around the world

Please go read any simplistic book about the islam before you offend any more of us with your ignorance.

One of the five pillars of islam is Zaka which is basically charity. All muslims are required to give at least 2.5% of thier income to charity. For people involved in agriculture this charity-tax is even higher. Muslims are also encouraged to give as much as possible during the month of Ramadan. I wonder if there actually would be any poverty and famine if all Americans gave 2.5% of thier wealth to charity. Somebody do the maths please!

As fo Ghassan, I definitly had you down as a muslim. I know, I know, I'm in no place to judge but it would be nice to know where verybody stands and thier motives.
Originally posted by Supermalek
Please go read any simplistic book about the islam before you offend any more of us with your ignorance.
OK superbrain of Islam

Just tell me what Ethiopia's Starving Muslims are giving up for Ramadan?
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani

I do not recall nor can I imagine sending you such a PM .

come on bro, maybe under different nickname.
