The Sons of God



A long time ago there was a race on earth, which was totally different from the man we see today. (1 Mos.6:4) Their consciousness was on a divine state and they followed the "Law of God" without attaching themselves to the body and its properties - egoism. This race truly deserved to be called the "Sons of God". Their heads were higher and greater than man's rounded skull. Later, in Egypt, many "great" people like pharaos started to use high hats, to show that they would be higher than others.

But already then, at that time, creatures lived on earth which looked like the Sons of God, but had a much more physical body and were a lot behind in evolution. Because they were spiritually weak, they became attached (became one) with their body and its properties. They had wars with each other, the animals and nature. They were early humans (neanderthals...). The "son of man" which we see today has become of the mixture of these two races.....

The sons of god went to the 4 wind directions and took upon their shoulders a great burden (or sacrifice), for they married the daughters of men, to make children with them. (So that the rise from matter would be possible) The giants, which were called the sons of god, died later, because they didn't procreate themselves, but their heredity (or legacy) was given to the humans by their, so called, divine/royal blood. But before the sons of god died, they teached man some secrets and showed them an example how to live righteosly with love. Because the royal blood mixed with the sons of men, it is even today possible, by the law of heredity that the son of god is born on earth, who has pure blood...

Even today, when the sons of god are not on earth anymore, it is possible that the "son of god" is born on earth, even under the darkest time. In some cultures people will understand him more and in other countries they will not understand it yet. He will be treated different in different cultures and by different people, depending on how high the sons of men have reached in evolution. In cultures where people haven't understood spiritual truth, they cannot accept the truth. They will make fun of him, and will mock him, and kill him. But when this happens a power is loose and makes the people understand, also in that culture.

God's sons told the same same truth over the whole earth, in different ways, depending on their culture, and how high they had reached in evolution. That is why many religions were born, yet in reality there was only one teaching. But in many cultures they know this, and they know that all the different religions are different paths to one mountain. The east has discovered the truth, but for the laugh of the west, the east is silent. People could not understand everything that the son of god said when he was on earth and they wrote it down in a different way, depending on their culture, their skincolor and other material properties.

The sons of god knew the truth because of their omniscience, but their teaching was seen by early humans as magic or religion. They even made their own stories to tell how the nature works and what the truth is. A lightning appears when the two opposites collide. But the sons of men rather explained that there was a god of thunder which made it because he was angry. And there is not much difference in these two views, because truth can be told also by fairytales. But if they hold on to their stories they'll never be able to control any powers. People distorted what the sons of god told them, but they still felt the incredible power and love in their words that they believed in them and wrote everything down for later generations.

The sons of god have also built great buildings, in the form of equal triangles (3) with a square (4) bottom, in egypt. When they died their bodies was kept in the pyramids because an energy came from them! In the pyramids, they had scriptures about their teachings, because nothing was hidden for them. They knew the laws of nature, they knew who and what they were, and they knew everything. But under dark ages these scriptures will be lost, so that man has to find the truth by himself. First know yourself, man's own mystery; the mystery of the Sphinx.
In other cultures where people understood the truth better as a spiritual experience, they built gigantic figures in stone of a man sitting in the form of an equal triangle with four faces. (1 ezekiel 4-28)

(Sorry about bad english)
it's a GUILT trip. it is written by males who want to make you feel bad about your natrual self...being attuned with your body and Nature. so they concoct a story/myth about so-called superior beings who bla bla bla. a load of crap!
What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with "males" or "females".
what768: What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with "males" or "females".
M*W: It has everything to do with "males" or "females." The original Godess was female. Where have you been? Only females
"create". Males "destroy." This world is based on "female psychology." Females are the "creators." Males are the "destroyers." Long live "females!"
I think that, just maybe, some males create things. This would be easy to check.
There is no female or male in spirit, it is just a shell. We take on us its properties because we identify ourselves with the shell. Anyway, the Daughters of God couldn't have married the Sons of Men because their divine blood would've mixed with the impure blood of the Sons of Men. When you pour red wine to a glass of water, the water becomes impure but the red wine is still the same.
Your Sonship is one by adoption because He pities the orphans. It is by grace that you call Him Father because you are invited to stay, not because you deserved it. This is not true of the One and Only begotten Son of God who has always lived in His Father's house.
I was there before you. I created you. I gave you life. The depth of what I gave you longs for me. You can never get away from my spirit. I am the devil and you are my pawn. I created ydou. I give you life.
God asks Job, Where were you when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy . The Sons of God (in the OT, not to be confused with the NT) existed prior to the creation of Man. The Sons of God saw the daughters of man and married them because they were lovely.

We are not specifically told who these Sons of God (in the OT) were but it is not too hard to guess - they were Angels (or so say the Jewish Sages of old). When they married women, they fell from heaven and became flesh just as Adam did. They fell and God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the eight generation, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly... This is the true story of the fall of the angels from heaven - not the Lucifer nonesense.
So wait, angels fall prey to carnal lust?
What about Lucifer's fall? Didn't he take some angels with him?
Roman said:
So wait, angels fall prey to carnal lust?
I guess so. The bible certainly seems to say that. They even had offspring.
Genesis 6:2-4 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Some say the reference to "giants" (or tyrants) is a reference to dinosaurs. Notice also that the date set for this event is 120 years before the flood (it takes Noah 100 years to build the ark).
What about Lucifer's fall? Didn't he take some angels with him?
There is no Lucifer in the bible (the name was inserted by the KJV translators). The fall of Lucifer with a third of the angels is Catholic mythology, but maybe they got the idea from the Genesis story.
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No, the "angels" (sons of God, giants) didn't fall prey for carnal lust, I explained it above why they did it. You wouldn't be here now if they wouldn't have made this sacrifice. Also, they are NOT reference to dinosaurs.
what768: No, the "angels" (sons of God, giants) didn't fall prey for carnal lust, I explained it above why they did it. You wouldn't be here now if they wouldn't have made this sacrifice. Also, they are NOT reference to dinosaurs.
M*W: Taken from: FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race, by Andrew Collins, 2001.

Collins asks these questions:

"Do angels and fallen angels exist outside the realms of myth? What were their true origins, and what impact might they have had on the rise of civilization?"

Collins answeres these questions:

- "angels, demons and fallen angels were flesh and blood human beings responsible for the foundations of Western civilization;"

- "Eden, Heaven and Paradise were once earthly realm placed amid the mountains of Kurdistan;"

- "these human angels, known in ancient Judaic text as 'Watchers' and 'Nephilim', came originally from Egypt and were responsible for the construction of the Great Sphinx and other cyclopean monuments; and,"

- "both Egypt's high civilization and the Watchers of Kurdistan have left as a legacy to humanity a chilling warning that the world ignores at its peril."

Having stated that, Collins goes on to explain the 'sons of God.'

"Theologians are more or less united in their opinion that thet widespread accounts of fallen angels cohaabiting with mortal women, like those included in the Book of Enoch, the Genesis Apocryphon and similar texts, are no more than fanciful expansions of three verses to be found in Chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis, squeezed between a genealogical listing of the anteediluvian patriarchs and a breif account of Noah's Ark and the coming of the Flood."

"The first lines in question, making up Chapter 6, verses 1-2, are indelibly imprinted in my mind and read as follows:

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. 11

Collins goes on to say:

"By 'sons of God' the text means heavenly angels, although the Hebrew original bene ha-elohim, should really be translated as 'sons of the gods', a much more disconcerting prospect."

"In verse 3 of Chapter 6, God unexpectedly pronounces that his spirit cannot remain in men for ever, and that since humanity is a creation of flesh, its lifespan will be shortened to 'an hundred and twenty years'. Yet in verse 4 the tone suddenly reverts to the original theme of the chapter, for it says:

The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men which were of old, the men of renown.12"

Collins explains:

"In the hundreds of times I have read these isolated words out aloud I have wondered to myself: what could they possibly mean? There is no concensus in answer to this question, and scholars, mystics and speculative writers have all given their own interpretations over the past two thousand years. Theologians agree in general that such accounts are not to be taken as literal fact, but only as a symbol of humanity's fall from a state of spiritual grace to one of conflict and corruption in the days prior to the Great Flood."

"What the texts are saying, the theologians would argue, is that if evil and corruption on this scale does occur in the world, then only those of the purest heart and spirit -- individuals exemplified by Noah and his righteous family -- will be spared the wrath of God. It is therefore a purely allegorical teaching intent on conveying to the reader the inevitable consequences of wickedness."

"The references in verses 2 and 4 to 'the sons of God' coming 'unto the daaughters of men', so the scholars believe, demonstrate how even those closest to the purity of God can become infected by corruption and evil. It was usually accepted among religious teachers that any such unholy union between angels and mortal women could only, because it was against God's will, lead to the creation of monstrous offspring. It was this thought-provoking concept which had, according to the early Church Fathers, inspired the creation of various apocryphal and pseudepigraphal works dealing with the fall of the angels in the corruption of mankind before the time of the Great Flood."

Let's take a look at what has transpired here:

1) Collins explains the existence of angels, but God is not explained. Collins believes they were flesh and blood beings.

2) Collins believes the literal placements of Eden, Heaven and Paradise, but that does not prove they actually existed.

3) Collins believes the angels were originally from Egypt and helped build the pyramids. Could be, but there is no other documented reference I could find.

4) Collins believes the angels left a warning to civilization that our world would be imperiled.

The references in Genesis clearly say that the 'sons of God' found the 'daughters of men' to be 'fair,' and they had children with them. Therefore, during our human evolution, homo sapiens sapiens branched off and became a different branch than the Neanderthals. We acquired a greater intelligence than the early humans, and our brains enlarged making human birth more complicated than the apes.

The problem with the writers of Genesis is that they believed in a patriarchal God -- a male God. With this being said, they condemned women to be the sexual deviant of humanity, but they were wrong. 'The sons of God' found earthly women to be 'fair.' The attraction emanated from 'the sons of God.' The 'daughters of men' were not necessarily attract to 'the sons of God.' Therefore, the whole blame for this sexual union was put upon 'the sons of God,' and not upon the female animal. My point is, the Bible is wrong.
M:W - It seems to me that you just have issue with the male - female power struggles. If you can say "I am what I am" then what is it to you that someone says this or that about the hierarchy of man's little set up? Surely pure logic would say that it is by grace that you can say 'I am what I am' and stand apart from the maddening crowd? You know you did not create yourself but yet you do not have peace in that as you stand apart from it all. In all of your struggles do you not turn to the One who can give you peace? He who you can bow your head to and know He is worthy?


c20H25N3o: M:W - It seems to me that you just have issue with the male - female power struggles.
M*W: And what's so wrong with that?
c20H25N3o: If you can say "I am what I am" then what is it to you that someone says this or that about the hierarchy of man's little set up? Surely pure logic would say that it is by grace that you can say 'I am what I am' and stand apart from the maddening crowd?
M*W: I can say and do believe that "I am what I am" and I'm happy with what I am. I have never followed the crowd -- nor feel the need to. I used to be a Christian just like you, but I found out the truth -- that it was always a lie.
c20H25N3o: You know you did not create yourself but yet you do not have peace in that as you stand apart from it all. In all of your struggles do you not turn to the One who can give you peace? He who you can bow your head to and know He is worthy?
M*W: My parents created me, and you're wrong, I have MUCH peace within myself that I don't need God to follow the crowd. Why do you assume I have struggles and need peace? Just because I'm now anti-Christian doesn't mean I need peace! What you are saying is that I 'must not be at peace' because I do not follow YOUR god. Man, all I can say to you is that you need to do a lot of reading on this subject, and I don't mean the Bible -- the Book of Lies! I don't 'bow my head' to ANY god. I am thankful only to myself for what I have accomplished in life and what I've been able to provide my family. It was the sweat of my own brow that has led me to where I am today -- and it's certainly not in any church!
Medicine Woman said:
- "Eden, Heaven and Paradise were once earthly realm placed amid the mountains of Kurdistan;"
I watched a fascinating program on the Discovery channel in which Historian David Rohl placed the location of Eden, through biblical, Sumerian and Asserian references, to the Valley of Tabris in northern Iraq (I believe this is part of the Caucus Mountains south of Kurdistan).
"By 'sons of God' the text means heavenly angels, although the Hebrew original bene ha-elohim, should really be translated as 'sons of the gods', a much more disconcerting prospect."
Yes, the literal translation for Elohim could indeed be plural, but Elohim is also used often as a title to describe a single God, as in YHVH 'LHYM (Yehova Elohim) which is both a title and a name - like President Bush. It is only thought to be plural because it ends in the "M" sound. This does not necessarily mean it is a plural. In English, we build the word form with an "S" sound at the end to mean plural but just because a word ends in "S" does not mean it has to be plural (Glass, Floss, Octopus, Schoolbus). In the same way, a Hebrew word ending in "M" might be plural and it might not. In the case of Elohim, the word EL simply means god (any god). The normal construction to make it plural would be to add "M" or "IM" to the end making it "ELIM". This is not quite the case with ELOHIM so it is not quite as clear whether this is in fact plural or not.

The Jews actually avoid this word completely since it is sometimes used to refer to God - they say ELOKIM or simply Adoni (Lord).

Peter specifically talks about the angels that sinned and God put them in chains of darkness in Hell. I don't think we should diefy fallen angels. Since the bible record specifically makes them flesh and puts them 120 years prior to the flood, we should assume they were killed in the flood.

Did you say (I'm condensing a bit) that the offspring of the angel-women union were the Neandertals? Interesting idea.
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David F.: I watched a fascinating program on the Discovery channel in which Historian David Rohl placed the location of Eden, through biblical, Sumerian and Asserian references, to the Valley of Tabris in northern Iraq (I believe this is part of the Caucus Mountains south of Kurdistan).
M*W: I'm not sure, but I think the Valley of Tabriz is in northern Iran. Close enough.
David F.: Yes, the literal translation for Elohim could indeed be plural, but Elohim is also used often as a title to describe a single God, as in YHVH 'LHYM (Yehova Elohim) which is both a title and a name - like President Bush. It is only thought to be plural because it ends in the "M" sound. This does not necessarily mean it is a plural. In English, we build the word form with an "S" sound at the end to mean plural but just because a word ends in "S" does not mean it has to be plural (Glass, Floss, Octopus, Schoolbus). In the same way, a Hebrew word ending in "M" might be plural and it might not. In the case of Elohim, the word EL simply means god (any god). The normal construction to make it plural would be to add "M" or "IM" to the end making it "ELIM". This is not quite the case with ELOHIM so it is not quite as clear whether this is in fact plural or not.

The Jews actually avoid this word completely since it is sometimes used to refer to God - they say ELOKIM or simply Adoni (Lord).

Peter specifically talks about the angels that sinned and God put them in chains of darkness in Hell.
M*W: Where is this hell you speak of?
David F.: I don't think we should diefy fallen angels. Since the bible record specifically makes them flesh and puts them 120 years prior to the flood, we should assume they were killed in the flood.
M*W: I didn't think angels could die. I thought they were eternal beings (creatures) as opposed to those of us who are created by evolution.
David F.: Did you say (I'm condensing a bit) that the offspring of the angel-women union were the Neandertals? Interesting idea.
M*W: No, humans were not descended from the Neanderthals. That was a branch that simply died out. No one knows for sure why. I tend to think it may have been their diet. When early humans added protein (meat) to their diet, I've read that it caused an immunological deficiency, like AIDS, and they simply died out. However, on Discovery Channel a couple of years ago, they indicated where the Neanderthals may have died out due to the inbreeding of the Elohim (sons of god/s) and daughters of men (flesh and blood humans). That leaves modern man descended from both these type beings with the enlarged brain.
Medicine Woman said:
David F.: I watched a fascinating program on the Discovery channel in which Historian David Rohl placed the location of Eden, through biblical, Sumerian and Asserian references, to the Valley of Tabris in northern Iraq (I believe this is part of the Caucus Mountains south of Kurdistan).
M*W: I'm not sure, but I think the Valley of Tabriz is in northern Iran. Close enough.
Yes, you're right and I knew that - fumble fingers.
David F.: Yes, the literal translation for Elohim could indeed be plural, but Elohim is also used often as a title to describe a single God, as in YHVH 'LHYM (Yehova Elohim) which is both a title and a name - like President Bush. It is only thought to be plural because it ends in the "M" sound. This does not necessarily mean it is a plural. In English, we build the word form with an "S" sound at the end to mean plural but just because a word ends in "S" does not mean it has to be plural (Glass, Floss, Octopus, Schoolbus). In the same way, a Hebrew word ending in "M" might be plural and it might not. In the case of Elohim, the word EL simply means god (any god). The normal construction to make it plural would be to add "M" or "IM" to the end making it "ELIM". This is not quite the case with ELOHIM so it is not quite as clear whether this is in fact plural or not.

The Jews actually avoid this word completely since it is sometimes used to refer to God - they say ELOKIM or simply Adoni (Lord).

Peter specifically talks about the angels that sinned and God put them in chains of darkness in Hell.
M*W: Where is this hell you speak of?
I don't know, but the bible seems to equate Hell and Grave. Grave is in the ground so perhaps Hell is too? I don't think I really want to find out!
David F.: I don't think we should diefy fallen angels. Since the bible record specifically makes them flesh and puts them 120 years prior to the flood, we should assume they were killed in the flood.
M*W: I didn't think angels could die. I thought they were eternal beings (creatures) as opposed to those of us who are created by evolution.
Yes, Angels cannot die, but then neither could Adam before the fall. The bible seems to be saying that Adam was not mortal flesh until after the fall and when the angels fell, they too became mortal flesh - thus the phrase "he also is flesh" from Gen 6:3.
David F.: Did you say (I'm condensing a bit) that the offspring of the angel-women union were the Neandertals? Interesting idea.
M*W: No, humans were not descended from the Neanderthals. That was a branch that simply died out. No one knows for sure why. I tend to think it may have been their diet. When early humans added protein (meat) to their diet, I've read that it caused an immunological deficiency, like AIDS, and they simply died out. However, on Discovery Channel a couple of years ago, they indicated where the Neanderthals may have died out due to the inbreeding of the Elohim (sons of god/s) and daughters of men (flesh and blood humans). That leaves modern man descended from both these type beings with the enlarged brain.
Yes, I take it from the bible that man is not descendant from the fallen angels either. It says of Noah that "he was perfect in his generations" which I take to mean that he had no "fallen angel genes" or that there were no fallen angels in his anscestry. Noah is the only person in the bible with this description. Since the Neanderthals died out and since the bible hints that the fallen angels died out, I thought perhaps you were equating the two.
c20H25N3o: It seems to me that you just have issue with the male - female power struggles.

M*W: And what's so wrong with that?

c20H25N3o: Nothing. I just noted it. Verbose maybe.

c20H25N3o: If you can say "I am what I am" then what is it to you that someone says this or that about the hierarchy of man's little set up? Surely pure logic would say that it is by grace that you can say 'I am what I am' and stand apart from the maddening crowd?

M*W: I can say and do believe that "I am what I am" and I'm happy with what I am.

c20H25N3o:Good. I am pleased for you genuinely :cool:


M*W: I have never followed the crowd -- nor feel the need to. I used to be a Christian just like you, but I found out the truth -- that it was always a lie.

c20H25N3o:What was happening in your life at the time that you started to believe it was a lie specifically? What happened to make you want to seek out a new truth? What made you want to escape from Christendom which you once felt connected to?

c20H25N3o: You know you did not create yourself but yet you do not have peace in that as you stand apart from it all. In all of your struggles do you not turn to the One who can give you peace? He who you can bow your head to and know He is worthy?

M*W: My parents created me, and you're wrong, I have MUCH peace within myself that I don't need God to follow the crowd.

^^ c20H25N3o: This says to me "My parents created me and no one else did so I dont need no nasty God who is gonna kill me thanks."

I am sorry you feel unnacceptable to God.


M*W: Why do you assume I have struggles and need peace? Just because I'm now anti-Christian doesn't mean I need peace! What you are saying is that I 'must not be at peace' because I do not follow YOUR god. Man, all I can say to you is that you need to do a lot of reading on this subject, and I don't mean the Bible -- the Book of Lies! I don't 'bow my head' to ANY god.

c20H25N3o: You correctly identify exactly where my assumptions are based with the whole 'anti-Christian' thing! Sheesh! To hate a book that has a great message of love in it whether you can comprehend God or not does seem a little twisted to me. Now if the book were Lord of the Rings I would hardly expect you to hate J.R.R Tolkien even if you did not like the monsters in his book would I? You felt judged when you were a Christian and felt that God didnt love you so you set out to prove He wasnt real so you wouldnt need to feel unloved anymore. You feel that you have defeated God, side stepped Him so to speak. You cant 'unthink' Him forever M*W, you are gonna just have to accept that He loves you whether you like it or not.

M*W: I am thankful only to myself for what I have accomplished in life and what I've been able to provide my family. It was the sweat of my own brow that has led me to where I am today -- and it's certainly not in any church

c20H25N3o: Well done. :cool:


c20 :m:
I think that, just maybe, some males create things. This would be easy to check.

Well, the seahorse male does the whole giving birth thing, but the female still has the egg. She merely passes it to him, he fertilizes it and carries the process from then on.

So while technically you could say the male seahorse creates the offspring, it is still down to the woman, so to speak.

Aside from this, I know of no males that actually have such a large role to play in the making of new life.