The Skeptic says - "I want to believe"


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
...but he asks the believers...Why do you have to believe despite all that is against your supposed truths?

I see so many threads here with so many users posting the "truth", secrets of life or the absolute answer to life's greatest questions. Why do you feel you have found the answers when what you show is ALWAYS less then impressive evidence? Are you guys that disillusioned by reality and society that you, literally, spend hours upon hours researching the higher truth? What is this constant need to escape reality through falicious arguments and slap-stick proof of Aliens and Alein Jesus Christ's and what have you?

...or am I missing something? Or is it possible that you guys maybe on to something but the collective cynical efforts of the non-believers on this board or in the world makes your arguments seem mundane and your proof phony at best? I am not being sarcastic when I ask this. I am open to the possiblity that something other than what is exists among us or out there waiting to be found. I would be excited to know that the existence of such was predicted and found but why have faith?

Why have the notion that you KNOW something is out there? Does the thought of "this is all there is" scares you because reality has failed you?

Fluid created thread after thread with pictures of rocks....ordinary, Martian rocks with Photoshop filter effects applied on them to seemingly expose the truth....What did he accomplish?....he did not present one picture that was abnormal by any means but he had such faith in his work and while a lazy shit like me really did appreciate his tenacity and dedication (I really truly did) I felt bad for him. He got nothing but ridicule...was it worth it?

I know men were laughed at for thinking differently in the time of conformity and from this eskewed vision every great creation took birth, every great idea took into form so where do you believers draw the line?

Where do you skeptics draw the line? What is great thinking or babbling of a fool?
Where do you skeptics draw the line? What is great thinking or babbling of a fool?

When there is enough evidence of there being aliens then I will believe it. Untill then I refuse to believe such a thing.
Where do you skeptics draw the line? What is great thinking or babbling of a fool?
When there is enough evidence to show that there is a chance of it being true. I 'think' that is mostly universal.

The problem is, how much evidence do you need? Most people here don't show any... so that makes them easy enough:)

For the rest you have to use the 'reasonable person' argument. But then how do you define a reasonable person?
Well, most of what an optimist calls "skeptics" are reasonable people who like to play it safe.

I, personally, need enough evidence to show that things are exactly this way and in no other way. Until then, it's all posibilities that are nice to consider.

I am skeptical of anything lacking in decent quality proof, and i go with probability, i have never seen an alien, but the probability they exist somewhere is high, so for now i believe, people claiming to have seen them is a different matter entirely, i am very skeptical of all these 'sightings' but that doesnt mean that aliens arnt out there, just that we havnt found them.
The probability that there are NOT out there is 1/infinity, so I am convinced, aliens(in the order of zillions) exist. Anyone supporting, or even contemplating the contention of 1/infinity has no scientific or rational basis for their belief.

Can they get to us? Yes - FTL, NTL, Generation ships

Have they got to us? There are thousands of abduction cases. There are hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings. US presidents; global government officials; Astronaughts; CIA officials; Pilots; White house officials; Military officials; Air traffic control and the general public have reported the same UFO's. Including UFO sightings recorded from many centuries ago.

400 high ranking officials of the government, NSA, CIA, NASA, USAF are publically coming out and saying, that the governments have made contact with ET and are collaborating with them.

An economic summit has been held in Switzerland discussing Alien technology and alliances with them.

How much more evidence/proof do you need? It's not about scepticism any more, if you are scepitic, you have no logical, scientific or empirical grounds for your belief, it is as good as fanataicism, or contemplating the Earth is flat.
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Anyone supporting, or even contemplating the contention of 1/infinity has no scientific or rational basis for their belief.
Anybody saying this, has no understanding of probability.

It's not about scepticism any more, if you are scepitic, you have no logical, scientific or empirical grounds for your belief, it is as good as fanataicism, or contemplating the Earth is flat.

You wanted to know where the crackpot line is drawn? Well it's under this guy.

If you want to despute my calling you a kook, create a new thread and post evidence. I doubt you'll have anything worthwhile though.
Persol, the last sentence of your post, reflects your mentality quite well "If you want to despute my calling you a kook, create a new thread and post evidence. I doubt you'll have anything worthwhile though."

You have already completed the journey, without even undertaking it. This is called foolishness. The evidence is there right in front of you, my friend, just open your eyes(or read my post again)
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Perhaps you should look up the word 'doubt'. I see nothing in your post but claims.

Pink flying elephants are taking over the world. The evidence is there right in front of you, my friend, just open your eyes(or read my post again)

I said I doubt that you'd show any evidence. It looks like my doubt was founded.

Sarg: does that answer your question?
Doubt, is a negative, persol. Calling me a crackpot, is a negative Persol. Are you so intimidated by me so that you have to resort to personal attacks right of the bat? That is hardly reasonable, is it? It's well over the line -(answers Sarg's question aptly)

The proof you require, has already been given in my initial post. I will expand on it, when you can identify it. I do not want to try and educate the blind. If you are open to healthy, mature discussion, then we will proceed.
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If you are open to healthy, mature discussion, then we will proceed.
I always am. You however are not providing anything to have an 'healthy, mature discussion' about. You are making unsupported claims and saying things like 1/infinity which are beyond unsupported.

Sorry, but unless you have some evidence beyond your claims... your a crackpot. Like I said, you aren't going to show anything substaintial. Others have shown what I would consider 'evidence' before... but I doubt you will.

This isn't being negative... it's being realistic.

Are you so intimidated by me so that you have resort to personal attacks right of the bat?

You put yourself up to it. I said in this very thread "Most people here don't show any [evidence]... so that makes them easy enough." You fall into this category. Add to that the fact that you came in and commented on something that isn't the basis of the thread, and then call me 'negative' because I point out that you are the type of person we are talking about.

You're a crackpot. Denial is the first step to recovery. The second step is either suicide or violent rocking back and forth. I wish you the best of luck!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming
I am amused. So you are open to healthy and mature discussion, yet are seeding the foundations of it by verbally abusing me, and telling me to commit suicide. I am sorry, but you are evidently not reasonable, bright or mature enough.

I extend my offer for discussion to others, who are a little more versed in the fine art of conversation. I have proofs, and arguments, that I am willing to share, and put their durability to the test. The evidence for Aliens is simply insurmountable, the evidence for no aliens holds little water, at least what I have encountered thus far. Let's weigh them against other here.
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I am amused.
I am here to please.

So you are open to healthy and mature discussion

Yes, I agree.

yet are seeding the foundations of it by verbally abusing me

I'm not verbally abusing you. I'm telling you that you are by all observations a kook. If you take offense to that, then you should stop exibiting crackpot behaviors. If you walked up to someone and offered them drugs, would you be offended if the called you a dealer? You are identified here by your words and claims. Both have been empty.

and telling me to commit suicide.

I told you no such thing. I said that two things happened to crackpots in the second stage of recovery... suicide or violent rocking. I wished you the best of luck hoping you'll take the road to rocking.

I am sorry, but you are evidently not reasonable, bright or mature enough.

Well, my claim that started this was that I doubted you'd show any actual evidence. The fact that the doubt has been correct speaks positively about my brightness. As for maturity, I am not the one making baseless claims about UFOs and aliens like a 9 year old on a sci-fi kick.

The evidence for Aliens is simply insurmountable, the evidence for no aliens holds little water, at least what I have encountered thus far.

And yet another claim without any support.

Well crazymikey, i'd like to thank you for demonstrating to sargentard what crackpottery is really like, and just were skeptics draw the line. I hope it was educational. Now if you'd actually like to attempt and show any proof you can open a new thread... but seeing as how your initial post was both off-topic and unsupported, perhaps you could hold back your tendencies to post crackpottery in this thread.
Persol, you had an opportunity to redeem yourself, and it is unfortunate, that you did not take it. I am not going to insult you in kind, as it's not in my nature. If I was a crackpot, do you think I would be talking to you so neutrally, despite how you have been inappropriately and unnecessarily rude to me, in every post you made here.

I am not going to waste my time, and energy, with someone who cannot even hold a conversation properly. When you grow up, i'll be happy to talk to you :)

Kind regards,
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When you grow up, i'll be happy to talk to you
And when you stop making unsupported claims, I'll stop making fun of you:)
And when you stop making unsupported claims, I'll stop making fun of you

Oh, you are not making fun of me. You are just undermining your own position. It's a fools paradize Persol, and you're living in it. I can't help you there :)

Take care.
If only you would have believed me when I told you about the pink flying elephants....
I think what you say about pink flying elephants explains it all, i think it proves your point very well persol, you state something that may/may not be true, but dont back it up with fact, demonstrating exactly what crazymikey did. I really hope crazymikey posts his evidence as i would very much like to see it.
Also any evidence on pink flying elephants is welcome. :)
Members are rightly concerned with 'evidence' and I would like that term defining a little more closely by those who, rightly enough, ask for it.
If Persol were a Judge presiding over a murder case, would the verbal assurance of 12 independent and impartial witnsesses to the murder (and therfore to the guilt of the accused) constitute sufficient 'evidence' for you to consider the accused guilty - guilty in the absence of the WEAPON, DNA or ANY OTHER form of PHYSICAL evidence?