The Sin Account...Paying the Bill

It won't go on forever, don't worry.

About what? If there's a god up there then we have no idea what it thinks. Sorry if you think you know.

I'll ask you the same question I posed Adstar... Would you kill for God? If god made killing necessary for whatever reward you might want to pick out, would you do it? How would you like God to communicate that command to you, personally or through a third party?
He would never ask me to murder, so kill, for instance in self defense, then sure.

You seem pretty confident about that. Why would it be murder or self defense for that matter?

If you were part of god's plan to kill Christ again could you do it knowingly? Christ whispers in your ear that you will betray him and set him up for the kill, would you believe him and follow through? That should be a no brainer.
That already went down.

Nah, nah, nah. Not that easy, your god works in mysterious ways remember. However, thanks for the letting Judas off the hook endorsement. Not that I care.

Tough question, killing for god takes some convincing it seems. I don't think you would want to disobey His requests.

Nice chattin' with ya, tired...good nitr
About what? If there's a god up there then we have no idea what it thinks. Sorry if you think you know.

I'll ask you the same question I posed Adstar... Would you kill for God? If god made killing necessary for whatever reward you might want to pick out, would you do it? How would you like God to communicate that command to you, personally or through a third party?

Ask the guy who deleted my post PsycoticEpisode. Yeah that’s right i answered your post but someone in here couldn't take the heat and deleted it.

You don't know how affirming it is to my faith when my posts are deleted in here. It tells me i am on the right path.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: Woe to the one that deleted my post. It would be far better for them if they where never born than to stand in the way of the Word.
Why should we pay for our sins? Why should people have to die in order for the debt to be paid? Animal sacrifices used to suffice but now because of inflation we are expected to die. Why does God require dead men as payment?

I’m going a little off-topic here, but you are repeating a very common misconception that most Christians have about Judaism. The ancient Jews only believed that it was possible to use animal sacrifices to atone for sin if the sin was committed accidentally – like if you ate a forbidden food because you mistook it for something else. There were many reasons for animal sacrifice in ancient Judaism, but “paying your sin debt” wasn’t one of the main ones – and it had very limited use in that regard, you could only use it to “pay your debt” if you had sinned accidentally. A sin like, say, robbing someone couldn’t be atoned for with a sacrifice.

The whole concept of having the consequences of a sin erased through a sacrifice is a much more modern Christians idea that relates to their theology of Jesus being “God’s sacrifice to himself” in order to atone for the sins of mankind.
I’m going a little off-topic here, but you are repeating a very common misconception that most Christians have about Judaism. The ancient Jews only believed that it was possible to use animal sacrifices to atone for sin if the sin was committed accidentally – like if you ate a forbidden food because you mistook it for something else.

Still a payment. Eve should have said it was accidental.