The Sin Account...Paying the Bill


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
I've often thought that the worst people to owe money to is the government. They will get it out of you one way or the other. Similarly, man's sins have exacted quite a price and it appears that God expects us to pay.

We sin and God collects on it. It is not a free service. God does not let you sin for nothing. Sinning it seems is like getting traffic tickets. Its a fine or penalty for screwing up. God adds all this up and apparently there is a limit as to how far in sin debt we can go. If he isn't out drowning us for non payment then he is killing his son to make up arrears. I would assume that many believe the account is full again and God will soon be needing his pound of flesh.

It is blatantly obvious, death is divine currency. Some of us are worth more dead than the others, Christ being the top denomination.

Why should we pay for our sins? Why should people have to die in order for the debt to be paid? Animal sacrifices used to suffice but now because of inflation we are expected to die. Why does God require dead men as payment?
It is blatantly obvious, death is divine currency.
Yes, it sounds barbaric to us now, but this is the way people believed in ancient times. The Hebrews thought that the smell of burning flesh from a 'sin offering' was a "pleasing odour onto the Lord".

Of course the Jews no longer perform animal sacrifices...not to mention polygamy and slavery. All part of the old testament traditions.
The Hebrews thought that the smell of burning flesh from a 'sin offering' was a "pleasing odour onto the Lord".

You sound like someone that doesn't take the bible at it's word. Are you stating that the jews thought this god would be pleased, (and from there we would have to include that they 'thought' a god existed), or that god actually did/does enjoy the smell of burning meat? (It's actually mentioned some 26 times in Leviticus, 20+ times in Numbers and so on - it seems to be a god obsession).

Are you telling me it's all fiction? If so how do you determine that this specific mention of god is fiction but another part is absolutely true? What standards of determination do you employ?
Why does God require dead men as payment?

Kendall-Our world has a natural order, sin is against the natural order, the result is dead, suffering people.
You sound like someone that doesn't take the bible at it's word. Are you stating that the jews thought this god would be pleased, (and from there we would have to include that they 'thought' a god existed), or that god actually did/does enjoy the smell of burning meat? (It's actually mentioned some 26 times in Leviticus, 20+ times in Numbers and so on - it seems to be a god obsession).

Are you telling me it's all fiction? If so how do you determine that this specific mention of god is fiction but another part is absolutely true? What standards of determination do you employ?

People change, their gods change.
It's pretty elementary. I'm surprised you have trouble understanding such a simple concept.
I've often thought that the worst people to owe money to is the government. They will get it out of you one way or the other. Similarly, man's sins have exacted quite a price and it appears that God expects us to pay.

We sin and God collects on it. It is not a free service. God does not let you sin for nothing. Sinning it seems is like getting traffic tickets. Its a fine or penalty for screwing up. God adds all this up and apparently there is a limit as to how far in sin debt we can go. If he isn't out drowning us for non payment then he is killing his son to make up arrears. I would assume that many believe the account is full again and God will soon be needing his pound of flesh.

It is blatantly obvious, death is divine currency. Some of us are worth more dead than the others, Christ being the top denomination.

Why should we pay for our sins? Why should people have to die in order for the debt to be paid? Animal sacrifices used to suffice but now because of inflation we are expected to die. Why does God require dead men as payment?

Why do you want to know?

Do you want to know?

Or are you just masking an argument against the will of God by posing it as a question?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Are you stating that the jews thought this god would be pleased, (and from there we would have to include that they 'thought' a god existed), or that god actually did/does enjoy the smell of burning meat?

Are you telling me it's all fiction?
I believe there is much truth and fiction in both old and new testaments.

Often in the old testament it is God who is speaking or someone speaking for yes Yahweh does make it known to his chosen people that he likes dead animals charring on an altar as gifts of gratitude or atonement.

God has even accepted gifts of human sacrifice:
Judges 11:29-40
1 Kings 13:1-2
Deuteronomy 13:13-19
Why do you want to know?

Do you want to know?

Or are you just masking an argument against the will of God by posing it as a question?

Actually this is how I see it. There is no need for God to go on killing rampages, absolutely none. I simply cannot understand why He is associated with killing at all. If we are to be punished by death for our sins then let us grow old and die. Isn't that how it was supposed to go down. No immortality, we fucked up. It's like the sin total passes a mark of intolerability and God lashes out. What would happen if He just let the total keep on getting higher? What would be different?

Life seems to be of little importance to God. Well its friggin' important to me. Maybe your god can kill us on a whim because we are merely property. He cares about us about as much as we do when we swat a mosquito. What the hell happened? He puts together a universe, is as happy as a lark, and then boom....the killing starts.

I have to ask. If we never sinned would we have to sacrifice an animal now and then? If so, would this be a good and not evil act? Could you do it if you had to, could you kill for God? If we had never sinned but were required to kill as part of living in this earthly paradise I think you would have no choice but to do so. Does this seem logical to you?
Thetre is no god other then opurselfs as our own gods. If you brake your own moral cod than no one give a shit just rewrite and go on!
I like your style however you need to to come to relize that what Christianity is wrong in genaral not just part. you see the only god you have to worry about is you!
Do you requir you to burn an offering to you because you broke your moraql code? No, because you would be braking it agin! You are your own fucking god!
Sin came into the world, blood sacrifice was mandated to atone for it, presaging Jesus' blood sacrifice, afterwhich, no more was needed.

You know what this is? This is sick!!

Sinning hasn't stopped, Jesus or no Jesus. It keeps going, relentless. God would know that. He can't stop it but I think most Xians would agree that the next time the sin account is due for payment that God has a real doozy planned for us. I think this is sick also. How long can people go on believing this stuff?

I should start a new thread or take a poll on which of the big religions will be the first to die.
They keep stats?

With all the bloodletting required for sin atonement I may be wrong on when the sin debt is due. We seem to be making regular payments. God probably has us as a preferred customer with an A+ credit rating. As long as we keep up the payments we should be able to put off the foreclosure.