The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!


If God want's to be undetectable at the speed of a snail, do you think he can do that?

God wants to be "detected" (and He tries to... but He is kinda... "subtle" to our little minds...)...

If you travel faster than the speed of light, everything else passes trough you at the same speed. So, if God exists beyond the speed of ligh, in relation to him, so do we. The questiom remains. Can God detect us?

Can you move as fast as a train? No. However, can the train move as slow as you? Yes. In the same way, it's much easier for God to "detect" us then for us to "detect" Him.


I'll probably regret asking but, if you can't detect anything beyond the speed of light then how do you know that there is something there? Since you say you can't detect it then you can't know it is there.

How do we know Black Holes exist? How do we know there are subatomic particles? Does this answer your question?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

God wants to be "detected" (and He tries to... but He is kinda... "subtle" to our little minds...)...

Can you move as fast as a train? No. However, can the train move as slow as you? Yes. In the same way, it's much easier for God to "detect" us then for us to "detect" Him.

You know, This is all absurd. I can move as fast as a train being inside a train. But the real problem is your theory . You claim you have the proof that God exists, but the truth is you don´t have the proff that god is always (or sometimes) running beyond the speed of light. This idea of speed, God, detection, doesn't make any sense. Let God rest for a while from his crazy running. I'm sure he is a more contemplative fellow.

How do we know Black Holes exist? How do we know there are subatomic particles? Does this answer your question?
No. These things we can detect because of their effects on surrounding objects and energy flows.

It is currently considered impossible for anything to exceed the speed of light. Since no one has achieved this or has developed any means to achieve this then it follows that you also do not posses any such expertise.

You cannot therefore claim that it is possible for something to exist at a faster than light velocity.

Your idea is just imaginative speculation, correct?
Originally posted by Axonio98

You know, This is all absurd. I can move as fast as a train being inside a train. But the real problem is your theory . You claim you have the proof that God exists, but the truth is you don´t have the proff that god is always (or sometimes) running beyond the speed of light. This idea of speed, God, detection, doesn't make any sense. Let God rest for a while from his crazy running. I'm sure he is a more contemplative fellow.

You guys always go off track and off the topic, the topic is that God is the source and creator of life, with the proof that energies that go by that speed is powerfull and potent.
Now if you want to go topic number 1, then tell me, wheres the proof that life existed by "super duper luck", give me proof that nature is a chance, Im waiting. Intelligence being the sole responsible of things to exist and create is proven, scientifically, philosophically, and can be demonstrated as well. Unlike the claim that "nature existed by chance and super duper luck", that INDEED IS ABSURD! Are u then going to ask "Who created God?", then ask away...

Originally posted by Cris

No. These things we can detect because of their effects on surrounding objects and energy flows.

It is currently considered impossible for anything to exceed the speed of light. Since no one has achieved this or has developed any means to achieve this then it follows that you also do not posses any such expertise.

You cannot therefore claim that it is possible for something to exist at a faster than light velocity.

Your idea is just imaginative speculation, correct?

You cannot prove as well that evolution took place, since noone has achieved a demonstration that evolution took place.

YOUR RIGHT CRIS! Just as much as you cannot prove that quantum physics created us, you cant prove the big bang took place, you cant prove evolution took place, you cant prove French Revolutionary war took place, ou cant prove the jews were once Egyptian slaves, and you cant prove muslims won wars against christianity, period.

Cris, child, Truthseeker gave you a scientific observation and theory with evidence, the evidence that it is our instrument that limits detecting things, thats logic, just like you said, "give science time" oone day you will be able to discover how earth exist, MAYBE, good luck with your psychic prediction, ALSO, like Truthseeker's claim MAYBE one day we can detect God by using our instruments! LOL, we can detect beyond 999,999,999,999,999 m/s, LOL, good luck Cris!! But if u face hell one day, dont blaim others but yourself....

Truthseekers theory is a lot like your claim of evolution, except the MAIN REASON OF THIS DEBATE IS ABOUT GOD, our evidence of "Intelligence" is proven fact, meanwhile YOUR MAIN REASON OF DEBATING IS TO PROVE TO US THERE IS NO GOD, therefore we exist by super duper luck, and your "super duper luck" or as u like to call it "chance" does not have proof now at all, currently speaking, and good luck with your psychic phenomenon.

Note; a letter to all christians, truthseeker and others, I just want to tell you that I have debated with countless atheist, trust me they are nothing, because they already lost from the beggining, when they admit "There is no proof that God dont exist", just from that start they already lost because as a true christian, we claim there is proof of God and tons of it. Truth, they are nothing, Crius have no idea, the truth is im just laughing at his post, he is just another lost soul...
Even the Pope accepts evolution as a fact. Given all the evidence, that you can find Googling a little if you have the will for that.
You want the proof that nature is chance and i tell you that chance is part of nature. But live didn't evolve purely by chance. Mutations are random but only the good mutations go to the next generation. There is a selective principle in live that has nothing to do with chance.This means that natural selection can add complexity trough the generations without direct acts of God.
It's also the nature of nature to produce complexe things spontaneously. A good example of this are the snow crystals.
Proving that good exists has nothing to do with science. If i make the statment that the universe exists forever, like some scientists believe (Stephen Hawking for exemple), them there is nothing for a creator to do. This hypothesis makes more sense to me. I mean, before God made something there was an infinite period of time where he did nothing :confused: .
"Even the Pope accepts evolution as a fact. "

This does not validate evolution. The Catholic Church has many questionable practices, but that is another thread.

"You claim you have the proof that God exists, but the truth is you don´t have the proff that god is always (or sometimes) running beyond the speed of light."

Time is a function of matter, right?. Time exists when matter exists, right?. God is outside of time. Therefore, God is the only causeless cause. God created light and the speed of light and science and everything else. God cannot violate His own nature.

Originally posted by inspector
"Even the Pope accepts evolution as a fact. "
This does not validate evolution. .

You are wright, but 99% of biologists validate evolution. The Pope is just a precious recognition.
"You are wright, but 99% of biologists validate evolution. The Pope is just a precious recognition."

Really? 99%? Wow, that means that if there are 100 biologists in this world that you personally know that 99 of them support the fallacy of evolution. This is quite a claim. Or, perhaps you simply saw a poll or survey somewhere, probably performed by evolutionists.

Once again, just because someone or some survey says evolution is true does not make it so. This does nothing to support your claim. BTW, I would suggest that you start another thread if you want to debate evolution. However, it would behoove you to not go there because you will lose.

99% means the vast majority of biologists. Don't be so literal.
Ok, i accept your argument. You obviously have a supernatural understanding of all things. What can i do against that.

Seriously, I have presented my ideas, you have presented yours. I think your anti-evolution arguments are a big pile of bullshit :)eek) but you have the same opiniom about my ideas, so it's really Ok. Maybe we are all wrong. I suspect i'm God dreaming all this in the vacuum!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by inspector
"Even the Pope accepts evolution as a fact. "
Time is a function of matter, right?. Time exists when matter exists, right?. God is outside of time. Therefore, God is the only causeless cause. God created light and the speed of light and science and everything else. God cannot violate His own nature.

Sorry about my last post.
Time is the fourth dimension of space, so God must exist in the fifth dimension. Well, it happens that i'm from the sixth dimension.
I want to be detected by God, but i'm to subtle for him. He never responds when i'm talking to him.
"Time is the fourth dimension of space, so God must exist in the fifth dimension. Well, it happens that i'm from the sixth dimension."

You are entitled to your opinion regarding which dimension God is in. However, you are in error when you claim to be in a separate dimension from time. You exist when time exists.

"He never responds when i'm talking to him."

Never? I doubt it. Do you mean that you do not perceive Him with your physical senses? Does this mean that He is not responding? Hardly. God communicates to us through scripture, the Holy Spirit, art, music, books, other people, etc.

I'm playing with you inspector. why do you have to give a serious answer to everything?
By the way, i do you know i'm not from the sixth dimension. I know, because you don't believe me.
Guess what. I don't believe in God although i'm open to the possibility.
"why do you have to give a serious answer to everything?"

..........because salvation is a serious issue.


No. These things we can detect because of their effects on surrounding objects and energy flows.

That's exactly what I meant...

It is currently considered impossible for anything to exceed the speed of light. Since no one has achieved this or has developed any means to achieve this then it follows that you also do not posses any such expertise.

Scientists are still very... immature about that. That is still to new to scientists. As they make progress, it will probably be possible to detect something beyond this speed. A thousand years ago, if you would talk about something that moves faster then 20 km/h you would probably be called crazy...

You cannot therefore claim that it is possible for something to exist at a faster than light velocity.

All that I can claim is that anything may be possible in this universe and in any other if there is any other. Many things that today we know that exist would be foolish or science fiction years ago. How many scientists said that the idea of black holes is science fiction? Many! Many still say, actually... So... don't impose limits to this universe. Many things that we never imagined before are known nowdays as something common in the universe.

Your idea is just imaginative speculation, correct?
No. My hypothesis is that the vacuum has some kind of matter, or actually pure energy, that "moves" above the speed of light. When the energy is lost, a particle is "created". Then, it regains energy again and the particle "disappears". That explains perfectly why there are particles that come and go from the vacuum.

My idea is similar to the atom idea. In a similar way, when an electron loses energy it emits a photon and goes to a lower layer in the atom. When it absorbs a photon, it gains energy and comes back to a highter layer.

My idea is similar. The difference is that instead of a small atom with "borders", we have the whole vacuum as a unified energy, which would be the ultimate particle we have been searching for centuries.

Did you read my links at all...? :confused:

I want to be detected by God, but i'm to subtle for him. He never responds when i'm talking to him.

God "detects" you. The thing is that you don't "detect" Him...

He always talks to us. However, it's up to us to listen to Him or not. If you don't believe He exists, then it will be pretty hard to listen to Him, as you cannot listen someone that doesn't exist. That's why belief is so important... it dictates what you experience.
Originally posted by inspector
..........because salvation is a serious issue.
><> [/B]

We are all save. That's why Jesus died. There will be no hell to anyone. A morality based on that threat wouldn't make any sense. Like Nietchze said, it would be a morality of weaks. Wise christians don't defende such foolishness.
"We are all save. That's why Jesus died. There will be no hell to anyone."

We are saved by GRACE through FAITH.

If you were a Viking salvation would be to die bravely as a warrior, or if you were a budhist salvation would come with great concentration and the balance of your karma. Every religion has it's version of salvation. But no one is here to be saved. People that live this live constantly thinking on the other are already lost souls.
How do we know that the nativity was true.I mean the bible gives us many different accounts of what happened in the different gospels thanks,

2 kings 6

28 Then the king said to her, "What is troubling you?" And she answered, "This
woman said to me, 'Give your son, that we may eat him today, and we will eat
my son tomorrow.' 29 "So we boiled my son, and ate him. And I said to her on
the next day, 'Give your son, that we may eat him'; but she has hidden her

Deuteronomy 22

10 " You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together. 11 " You shall not
wear a garment of different sorts, [such as] wool and linen mixed together.
12 " You shall make tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which you
cover [yourself.]

I hope this provided amusement to the atheists and surprise to the christians.