The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!


J'accuse Tony1. He brought this thread back.

Adam: Booze is good. Nietzsche is better. Nietzsche and booze.

Formula for my happiness: A yes, a no, "Also Sprach Zarathrusra", a bottle of Cristal.
Have any of you read 'The steppewolf' by Herman Hesse?

What do you think about the laughing?

Did anyone grasp the solution?
The Scientific Proof That God Exists!!
I didn't know whre to put it, so I've put in many forums...

Here is the explanation:

According to Quantum Physics, energy comes in "packs". And this "packs" have a certain amount of energy. Energy has many frequencies. Matter is just one of the frequencies. We can't detect anything beyond 299,792,458 m/s. God is not made by matter, so, we can't detect Him. And He is an Spirit, so we are. And Life is a type of energy too that cannot be detected because is beyond the limit established by light.
How do I know that there is something beyond the limit? Where do you think that those particles from the Vacuum come from? Think about it...



This proves nothing!
Stop it

You can't scientifically prove that an invisible super hero who lives in space really exists or not. The lack of one shred of proof should be enough. No more posting here; it's hard on the hands to type so much.


We proved there are molecules and atoms in the air and we stilll can't see them. Maybe it's the same with God. How did we discovered that there are atoms and molecules in the air? We needed an instrument, isn't it? Before we invented this instrument we couldn't detect anything in the air, we though there was nothing at all there! However, once we have the proper instrument, the detection is made possible. We also know that there are many... let's say... layers of space-time. Like... molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, quarks and so on. God might just be in the end of all that. Who knows? ;)

The point now is to discuss wheter a conscient life form can actually be behind the order of the universe or not... :p
We proved there are molecules and atoms in the air and we stilll can't see them.
Actually we can see them. We just need the right equipment.
Maybe it's the same with God. How did we discovered that there are atoms and molecules in the air? We needed an instrument, isn't it? Before we invented this instrument we couldn't detect anything in the air, we though there was nothing at all there! However, once we have the proper instrument, the detection is made possible.
Let me know when you finished building this "god-finding" device. :rolleyes:
Like... molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, quarks and so on. God might just be in the end of all that. Who knows?
Thats it god is the particle that quarks are made of. Trillions and trillions of little tiny gods. How sweet.
*goes to insert his entirely useless contribution to this thread*

Ooo! OOo! I know! I know!

Build an telescope the size of Texas! We should be able to see God then! We HAVE too.....Heavens gotta be out there somewhere....and if you had a telescope that big.... *whitsles* :cool:

Maybe it's the same with God. How did we discovered that there are atoms and molecules in the air? We needed an instrument, isn't it? Before we invented this instrument we couldn't detect anything in the air, we though there was nothing at all there! However, once we have the proper instrument, the detection is made possible.

Let me know when you finished building this "god-finding" device.

Actually we can see them. We just need the right equipment.

We have the right equipment to see atoms and molecules; however, we don't have the right equipment to see God... that's my whole point.

Thats it god is the particle that quarks are made of. Trillions and trillions of little tiny gods. How sweet.

Actually, after quarks there is actually a concept of a "mysterious" energy that fills all space-time. I read about that in a magazine, some time ago. Don't remember each one though, unfortunatly. If you want you can search for it. It may be NewScientist, Discover or Scientific American. Those are the ones that I most usually read. You will certainly find in one of this years' edition. Probably August or September (not sure though...).
and heres what i read in highlights magizine:

goofus draws pentagrams everywhere and chants evil summons at will.

galant attemps to erase goofus' spooky doing, and then promptly goes to church
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I didn't know whre to put it, so I've put in many forums...

Here is the explanation:

According to Quantum Physics, energy comes in "packs". And this "packs" have a certain amount of energy. Energy has many frequencies. Matter is just one of the frequencies. We can't detect anything beyond 299,792,458 m/s. God is not made by matter, so, we can't detect Him. And He is an Spirit, so we are. And Life is a type of energy too that cannot be detected because is beyond the limit established by light.
How do I know that there is something beyond the limit? Where do you think that those particles from the Vacuum come from? Think about it...

Let me see if i understand this! We can't detect God but we can prove is existence? I'm confused :confused:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
God might just be in the end of all that. Who knows? ;)
The point now is to discuss wheter a conscient life form can actually be behind the order of the universe or not... :p

First you said you have the proof. And now you say "... Who knows?". You are too confusing to me!!!! :confused:

God seems to be in the end of all that... Just need an "instrument" to have the confirmation...
We have the right equipment to see atoms and molecules; however, we don't have the right equipment to see God... that's my whole point.
But before we had the equipment to actually look at atoms we had alot of indirect evidence that they existed. we dont have any evidence for god.