The Satan Earth Restoration Theory

Simple answer: I don't know why God created us. The scriptures do not really say why. Some people have said that we where created to be managers of His creation. I guess that’s as good as any theory you will get..

M*W: Good point, Adstar. If any god were to have created us, we would surely know who/what our creator was. It would be obvious, because it would surely let us know.
M*W: Good point, Adstar. If any god were to have created us, we would surely know who/what our creator was. It would be obvious, because it would surely let us know.

That makes no sense. Why would any god/goddess who creates us be obligated to let us know? It's a god/goddess, does whatever the hell he/she wants.
That makes no sense. Why would any god/goddess who creates us be obligated to let us know? It's a god/goddess, does whatever the hell he/she wants.

M*W: It doesn't make sense to you? Otherwise, we'd be mindless robots (or worse, be called 'christians'). I can't imagine the existence of a creator god/goddess that failed to inform his/her creations of their true godly genesis. Therefore, there could be no creator god/goddess in existence, or the one(s) some people believe in right now is/are surely inept. I'd fire him myself for dereliction of duty and behavior unbecoming of a god/goddess.
One thing Ive learned from these forums is that no matter how many holes you poke in a fundamentalists religion, their brain is incapable of registering this because it contradicts directly with their innermost beliefs. No one wants to be told theyve been lied to their whole life, hell I wouldnt either.

Guess we will just have to wait for fundamentalists to die off. As the average population intelligence keeps rising, religions importance to individuals will keep falling.
M*W: It doesn't make sense to you? Otherwise, we'd be mindless robots (or worse, be called 'christians'). I can't imagine the existence of a creator god/goddess that failed to inform his/her creations of their true godly genesis. Therefore, there could be no creator god/goddess in existence, or the one(s) some people believe in right now is/are surely inept. I'd fire him myself for dereliction of duty and behavior unbecoming of a god/goddess.

Are you being sarcastic? I admit, I've always been slow when it comes to detecting it without the help of a vocal emphasis.