The Satan Earth Restoration Theory


Registered Senior Member
Many or most of Christians believe in the Satan Earth/Restoration Theory, where basically Satan rebelled against God, brought a third of the pre-earth Angels with him, and was cast to the earth where he now reigns.

The idea of the Earth Restoration Theory is that God created man to restore the earth after Satan fell from heaven and destroyed the Earth.

My first question is, was the earth and consequently the entire material universe created by God intentionally in rsponse to Satan's fall as a type of "prison" for Satan? Or was the earth and universe created unintentionally as a result of Satan's presence, or something along those lines?

How does creating man with free will help to restore the Earth? In what way does creating man serve to restore the earth from Satan's destruction? What's the point? Satan and his angels were going to the Lake of Fire for eternity anyway, so why the need to create humans?

Also, why would God care about restoring the earth?

God clearly knew man would sin since he knows everything. Man is very sinful today, and I'm guessing more people than not have not pleased God assuming a God exists.

So how does this restoration work? Does a certain percentage of man have to reach heaven in order for it to be a success?
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As long as we blame all our problems on a mythical bad guy, they will never get solved.
I mean, let's put ourselves in God's shoes for a second:

I am God. Satan, a high ranking angel of mine, rebels and tries to overthrow me. So I exile him from heaven to planet earth where he reigns as prince.

I don't see the point in now creating man to restore the earth. How does having sinful, free willed man roaming around the earth restore it? In fact, mankind has only helped Satan in his destruction (assuming a God and Satan).

If the goal was for mankind to somehow prove Satan wrong and take back over the earth by not sinning, then this plan has failed miserably.

Shouldn't God rather have just created a Lake of Fire and sent Satan and his angels directly to that Lake of fire? LOL. I mean, they were going there no matter what, so why the need to create mankind? It makes NO SENSE.

I mean, was God trying to show up Satan in that he could create a people which would love and serve him valiently with free will? Clearly this couldn't have been the plan since mankind has done anything but that.

Please, Adstar, Ice, SOMEONE. Please explain to me why the need for creating mankind in response to Satan's fall.
The idea of the Earth Restoration Theory is that God created man to restore the earth after Satan fell from heaven and destroyed the Earth.
I never knew that? I always thought man was created for the hell of it (no pun intended). I mean, God is perfect and without want. So God didn't and doesn't want anything. Therefor to even create anything is pure whim.

Ask yourself - is it ever possible to understand the will of a gigantic hard drive God-like thingy that does everything on whim.

Well, clearly God must have known Lucifer would turn on him immediately after creating him. So I'm guessing God just wanted a challenge.
Satan would be decieving the people, while god is using the truth. I have seen people believe fully in lies while claiming that the truth is the deception lots of times.
Why put someone like Satan, who is deceitful and evil, with humans you know will commit sin (omniscience) and possibly already have committed the original sin (depending on whether Adam/Eve occurred, not sure of the time line here) lest he tempt us more?

Seriously whats the motive? God works in mysterious ways?
I mean, let's put ourselves in God's shoes for a second:

I am God. Satan, a high ranking angel of mine, rebels and tries to overthrow me. So I exile him from heaven to planet earth where he reigns as prince.

I don't see the point in now creating man to restore the earth. How does having sinful, free willed man roaming around the earth restore it? In fact, mankind has only helped Satan in his destruction (assuming a God and Satan).

If the goal was for mankind to somehow prove Satan wrong and take back over the earth by not sinning, then this plan has failed miserably.

Shouldn't God rather have just created a Lake of Fire and sent Satan and his angels directly to that Lake of fire? LOL. I mean, they were going there no matter what, so why the need to create mankind? It makes NO SENSE.

I mean, was God trying to show up Satan in that he could create a people which would love and serve him valiently with free will? Clearly this couldn't have been the plan since mankind has done anything but that.

Please, Adstar, Ice, SOMEONE. Please explain to me why the need for creating mankind in response to Satan's fall.

M*W: Let's take a look from another perspective...

God's shoes. Now that's an oxymoron. Here's an entity that no one understands, not even its believers... much less his 'shoes.'

Satan, OTOH, a 'high ranking angel' also translated as a 'star' or the planet 'Venus' tries to overthrow those on Earth. Can't happen. Won't happen. It's an optical illusion.

Does Lucifer really 'fall?' Or does Lucifer simply move in one direction or the other? Or, is it the Earth that moves and not Lucifer at all?

Man would have been created/existed whether Venus or the Morningstar ever did. But they did/do exist, but not as humans would think.

Satan (i.e. the Morningstar and/or Venus) had no implication for or against the creation of mankind.

Sin is a metaphor for the darkness of night... nothing more! Mankind had a harder time living in the darkness of night than he did in the lightness of day. Therefore, the night time was perceived as evil. Although, it really wasn't evil, early man perceived it as such.

Lucifer/Satan are not necessarily one and the same. They are metaphors for the darkness of night (i.e. sin), but in reality, they don't exist, on humans exist.

Satan cannot be proven to be wrong no more than Lucifer can be proven to be a devil with a pitchfork and pointed tail. Think of Lucifer as a comet streaking through the sky (i.e. rebellion since it didn't stay in one place). There is no Lucifer/Satan, and there is no God/Jesus. There are stars and planets and constellations. They move and they sometimes 'rebel' to the Earth but not forever, but for only a time.

Some of you laugh... Some of you fight it... Some of you fear it, but what I'm telling you is the truth.

Humans created Lucifer. Humans created sin and the need for atonement. Maybe it was something they needed to control their passions, but we don't need it anymore. We are not sinful at all!

There is no heaven other than what we can see with our own eyes, and there is no hell. The best thing we have is our humanity.
the christian notion of satan is purely that. christian.

it has nothing to do with judaism, where "satan" of christians originates.

in the torah, satan isnt a badguy.
M.W:Lucifer/Satan are not necessarily one and the same. They are metaphors for the darkness of night

kendall: darkness would be a symbol for deception and light a symbol for truth it seems! I find your ideas interesting that is why I comment on them.

M*W: Echo... Echo... I hear an Echo!!!
Many or most of Christians believe in the Satan Earth/Restoration Theory, where basically Satan rebelled against God, brought a third of the pre-earth Angels with him, and was cast to the earth where he now reigns.

The idea of the Earth Restoration Theory is that God created man to restore the earth after Satan fell from heaven and destroyed the Earth.

I don't believe this Theory. The casting of satan out of heaven did not happen before the time of Job. For in the book of Job you will read that satan had free access to heaven and earth during the time of Job.

My first question is, was the earth and consequently the entire material universe created by God intentionally in response to Satan's fall as a type of "prison" for Satan? Or was the earth and universe created unintentionally as a result of Satan's presence, or something along those lines?

Nope, not in response to satans fall. Maybe in response to satans rebellion but not his fall.

How does creating man with free will help to restore the Earth? In what way does creating man serve to restore the earth from Satan's destruction? What's the point? Satan and his angels were going to the Lake of Fire for eternity anyway, so why the need to create humans?

Also, why would God care about restoring the earth?

Because he cares about what He has created. He cares about us.

God clearly knew man would sin since he knows everything. Man is very sinful today, and I'm guessing more people than not have not pleased God assuming a God exists.

So how does this restoration work? Does a certain percentage of man have to reach heaven in order for it to be a success?

No God reaches down via the intercession of Jesus and picks us up. Christianity is about a righteous God reaching out to help men up rather than men climbing up to God through righteousness.

Abraham was never looking for God, God came to Abraham. Moses wasn’t looking for God, God came to Moses.

The Creation will be restored. Not by men because we are a part of the sabotaged creation and you cannot wipe a dirty surface clean with a filthy rag. No God will restore creation when He deems the time right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

This Theory of yours reminds me of a theory i once heard called Kingdom Theory. That theory stated that Christians where to work to take over the world and establish the kingdom on earth before Jesus would return. Now that is a dangerous theory indeed, very dangerous. That’s the theory islam holds also.
I mean, let's put ourselves in God's shoes for a second:

I am God. Satan, a high ranking angel of mine, rebels and tries to overthrow me. So I exile him from heaven to planet earth where he reigns as prince.

I don't see the point in now creating man to restore the earth. How does having sinful, free willed man roaming around the earth restore it? In fact, mankind has only helped Satan in his destruction (assuming a God and Satan).

If the goal was for mankind to somehow prove Satan wrong and take back over the earth by not sinning, then this plan has failed miserably.

Shouldn't God rather have just created a Lake of Fire and sent Satan and his angels directly to that Lake of fire? LOL. I mean, they were going there no matter what, so why the need to create mankind? It makes NO SENSE.

I mean, was God trying to show up Satan in that he could create a people which would love and serve him valiantly with free will? Clearly this couldn't have been the plan since mankind has done anything but that.

Please, Adstar, Ice, SOMEONE. Please explain to me why the need for creating mankind in response to Satan's fall.

This might need a deeper response:

Ok i have already stated that i do not believe in this theory that obviously disturbs you.

Jesus said:

Luke 10
17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”
18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."

Was Jesus talking of a long past event ? I don't think so.

Was Jesus talking of a future event? maybe

Was Jesus talking of an event that had recently happened? Sounds more like it to me.

Let me ask you a question: Just assume for a moment that angels exist.

Do you know how many angels exist?

Now you might think of a number but you would have no basis for coming to that number because God has never mentioned the number of angels that exist.

What if the number of angels exceeded the number of humans that ever existed by a factor of lets say 10 million to one.

Does God care about the angels enough to try to win their love and their valiant service willingly?

How would God go about doing this?

Would he just grab satan and hurl him into a lake of fire? Would that win over the angels Love and service? Or would that just make them follow God out of fear?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Many or most of Christians believe in the Satan Earth/Restoration Theory, where basically Satan rebelled against God, brought a third of the pre-earth Angels with him, and was cast to the earth where he now reigns.

Any scriptoral references?

The idea of the Earth Restoration Theory is that God created man to restore the earth after Satan fell from heaven and destroyed the Earth.

Same as above.

My first question is, was the earth and consequently the entire material universe created by God intentionally in rsponse to Satan's fall as a type of "prison" for Satan? Or was the earth and universe created unintentionally as a result of Satan's presence, or something along those lines?

I think you give too much credit to the satan.
My understanding is, that the material manifestation is a temporary situation to house the souls who's intention is to become independant of God. The satan is a living entity, like any living being, and at some stage he will die, just like any living being.

How does creating man with free will help to restore the Earth?

Like any object, the earth comes into being, and flourishes, dwindles, and dies. No amount of restoration can prevent this from happening.
The free will is for man to choose is path.

In what way does creating man serve to restore the earth from Satan's destruction? What's the point? Satan and his angels were going to the Lake of Fire for eternity anyway, so why the need to create humans?

Humans have the capacity to understand God. This is quite a boon.

Also, why would God care about restoring the earth?

The earth is an object (at least), and she is under the control of material nature, who is under the control of God.

God clearly knew man would sin since he knows everything. Man is very sinful today, and I'm guessing more people than not have not pleased God assuming a God exists.

Every so often one person or so, may come to the realisation that God is in everything and everything is in God.

So how does this restoration work? Does a certain percentage of man have to reach heaven in order for it to be a success?

The only restoration that is of real importance, is a spiritual one, everything else is destined.

M*W: Echo... Echo... I hear an Echo!!!

The darkness of night is a metaphor for why satan has power over the earth,well that is what I think.
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nds1 said:
My first question is, was the earth and consequently the entire material universe created by God intentionally in response to Satan's fall as a type of "prison" for Satan? Or was the earth and universe created unintentionally as a result of Satan's presence, or something along those lines?

Adstar said:
Nope, not in response to satans fall. Maybe in response to satans rebellion but not his fall.

So God might have created earth and man as a result of Satan's rebellion.

Adstar, why do you believe God created humans?
So God might have created earth and man as a result of Satan's rebellion.

Adstar, why do you believe God created humans?

Simple answer: I don't know why God created us. The scriptures do not really say why. Some people have said that we where created to be managers of His creation. I guess that’s as good as any theory you will get.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days