But quesswho
The USA of course did not win WWI single handed. Many other countries also contributed but USA was the butts saver.
US behaves as if they were the only people who did anything, or made any difference, and that they saved the whole world from the nazis and the germans and THAT is wrong.
I don't believe that had USA NOT turned up, the europe would have lost in the end. And that argument has only started because people here have arrogantly argued without the USA the world would be in the stone age.
Spyke, you plainly don't know your history. You compatriot, tiassa, has already educated this board on Mossadegh.. it appears you never read it. I dispute your version of those reasons.
Again, the only reason the USA decided to bomb in "democracy" in Iran, was because it cut across the US interests. And the same happened when Saddam nationalised Iraqi oil. But you don't say that Iraq were then unable to sell that oil, do you? And Desert Storm was Bush Senior's first opportunity to get back at Saddam for being thrown out of Iraq with BP. Don't tell me that Desert Storm was about Kuwait, because it wasn't. And everyone with a decent handle on Middle Eastern history could see through that little deception from the start. It is plainly in the UN record, from an official complaint by Saddam, way before Desert Storm, that Kuwait was angle drilling into Iraqi oil fields, thereby stealing oil that was not their. Saddam asked UN to do something about it, and they did nothing. Therefore, Saddam attacked Kuwait. Bush knew all about Kuwait's nasty little stealing, but never mind. Lets get back at Saddam for having thrown us out. You don't honestly expect a knowledgeable rest of the world to buy the rubbish that Bush Seniors first excursion into Iraq was solely for the reasons stated do you?
And plainly, Bush Junior had to trump up lies and fabrications to try to finish what Daddy hadn't.
Your kKnowledge of your own country's involvedment in both wars is appalling, since all I know about what happened in WW1 and 2
with regard to the USA, comes from books I purchased in USA, which were printed in USA in 1986. Yes, 18 years out of date, but you would think accurate. Unless what you read has been subject to revisionism since then....
If Woodrow Wilson though that the Treaty of Versailles war reparations the German were saddled with, then his is a hypocrite, because the 14 points that these hinged on, were, according to YOUR history books, penned by him. The same textbook, published in your country states clearly that it was American weapons that insured an Allied victory in world War 1, and that your leaders decided the main points in the Treaty of Versailles.
Yes, I agree that america had decided to be an Isolationist, and that was again, Woodrow's choice. He chose not to to into the League of Nations, something even he regretted, later sayng
We had a chance to gain the leadership of the world. We have lost it, and soon we shall be witnessing the tragedy of it all.
(Seems to me, that stayed in the front of USA's mind as the ultimate goal... and still is )
Woodrow's ideas were bound to cause trouble, espeically when the Rihine was not set as a permanent boundary to protect France from Germany. French Marshal Foch stated immediate that "this is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years" and how right was he!
And just remember that it was Woodrow Wilson, who created all the new nations of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Czechoslovakia, and enlarged Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Romania. After all, the Americans argued verbally, that since their contributions had "won" the first world war, they had the right to make all the major terms.
Don't forget now, this is in YOUR history books.
Furthermore, the USA pressed enormous loans on the Germans even though they had no credit, and couldn't possibly pay them. And of course, they then refused to pay... Furthermore, USA imposed on Germany a democratic constitution, which again, was unheard of in a country previously run by emperors. (Sound familiar?) As churchill wrote:
Wise policy would have crowned and fortified the Weimar Replublic with a constitution sovereign in the person of an infant grandson of the Kaiser under a council of regency. Instead, a gaping void was opened in the national life of the German people. All the strong elements, military and feudal, which might have rallied to a consitutional monarchy and for its sake respected and sustained the new democratic and parliamentary processes were for the time beying, being unhinged. The Weimar Republic, with all its liberal trappings and blessings, was regarded as an imposition of the enemy.
Again, he also pointed out that that was a result of
The prejudice of the Americans against monarchy
though he has the decency to admit that Mr Lloyd George made no attempt to counteract that.
Well, I dont think I would have attempted to counteract it either, since it was Woodrow Wilson who drove the Treaty of Versailles in the first place...
And it was this treaty, as the French said at the time, that guaranteed the conditions whereby a second world war was guaranteed.
On to the second world war. I'm taking bits out of your own books here.... (condensed) American came out of World War 1 confident, prosperous and supremely powerful. During the 1920's, America did not want to get involved in world affairs. The American people now regretted their active involvement in WW1,....
During the 1930's american was too concerned abuot healing its economic wounds to pay much attention to Europe.
In 1939, americans opened their newspapers and found that Europe was once again at War. To most people it seemed that the war was just another quarell between Germany, France, and Britain, and most American expressed a strong desire to stay out of Europe this time.
As the ward progreesed, U,S, maqnufactures were producing more and more weaponry. But this war, material was sold on a strictly cash basis, because Europe had not fully paid its debt from the previous war, "so why loan them more?". However, american wanted to watch from the sidelines and not get involved.
By March 1941 as the war ramped up, congress decided that all war material should be provided to England on credit, and huge armadas of ships took the supplies to England... True to his pledge, Roosevelt sent in "an ever-increasing numbers of ships, planes, tanks and guns"
Germany was immediately furious. "How could America call itself neutral and supply the Allies with weapons?", so Hitler ordered that all Armadas be attacked. Everyone thought that that would bring America into the war, but no.
That only happened when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour in December 1941, and america had to concentrate of japan, so even though Roosevelt wanted to go to Europe, he could not. America only joined the allies in Africa in 1943, and joined the allies in the European arena in 1944 while still fighting Japan.
Note this. YOUR textbooks, don't say that USA "won the war" at all. YOUR text books say "The Allies" won the war BUT if you look at the photograph at Yalta, where it was decided who would take the spoils of war, again, it was Roosevelt who was in the front centre, and again, it was "America" who had a major hand in decided who got what. and it was Roosevelt and Churchill who gave in to Stalin's demands for control over Eastern Europe, even though they must have known that his promises of representative government and free elections was a load of bull.
(Even talking to my father who was involved in the war, he said that at the time, the Allies got totally pissed off with the Americans who verbally maintained the victory was solely due to them. And that attitude still stands to this day on this board. I agree at least one American here has the decency to admit that the Allies did have something to do with it.)
Truman, however, was immediately more interested in the perils of Soveit Union and communism, so announced his Truman doctrine, and blended it with the Marshall plan whereby economic assistance to European nations recoverning from WW2, was contingent on them rebuilding the economy, and resist communist aggression. So again, USA saw the war as an opportunity to flex their muscle and influence in Europe. Naturally, the Soviet Union spat tacks on that, and set up the Molotov Plan to counteract that.
You could say that both the Soviet Union and USA were pushing their own causes in the guise of helping each other. True. It goes on to this day.
The USA was eventually paid back all the debt on weapons for the first world war, the second world war, and loan capital to re-establish devastated economies. The USA did very very well of the backs of both wars.
Now, if you don't like this version from your books, perhaps you could provide me with the proof that the Versailled problems were created by everyone else but Woodrow.
Or will you tell me that the USA books lied in order to make USA look more powerful than anyone else?
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, since Japan re-wrote their history books to do the same thing. And to this day, they still do.
But in this instance I am using american books to prove the point.
Leda, just remember that the majority of US deaths were in the Japan arena, not Europe.....
Paula, what makes you think that the Nazis were not entiredly unwelcome in France??? That is exactly the opposite to what I know. And given that some of my family live there, and none of the French I know of had any truck with the Nazis..... and given that no history book I have says that the French welcomes the Nazis with open arms, I'd like to know how it is that you think that...
In my opinion, you not "damned when you do and damned when you don't"
when you are damned is when you take far too much upon yourself, and try to impose solutions that are unworkable. Your country has a history of that. Not just in terms of the treaty of Versailles, and that it was a prime reason why WW 2 happened, but also before.
And to add a bit more to the original list, perhaps you can explain the damned if you do, and damned if yuo don't to explain this next list as well.
1776 Tried to add Canada to US union
1812 Canada again.
1898 Invaded Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines... You kept Hawaii and Puerto Rico, freed Cuba from Spain. After freeing Philippines from Spain you spent the next two years fighting the locals who did not like freedom under US control. Philippines freed finally in 1945.
So what made the USA, right from after your own South/North internal wars, think that they should so regularly interfere in other people's affairs?
And while you are at it, perhaps you could explain all the unjustified military interferences in the first list, in the original post.
Most of your unjustified "wars" were nothing to do with having a strong military to keep harm at bay. They were all to do with expansionism, Empire building, and making sure that the world worked the way USA wanted it to.