the Right to Vote

One major problem with your argument is that religious people can (just as incorrectly) say atheists don't have any morals, so they shouldn't be allowed to vote. A mirror of your blog from their side would have a quote from some hardcore bible-banger, explaining how he feels about atheists morality, to support the idea.

Even so it would be unconstitutional to apply a morality test to voters anyway. Some preacher could say people that watch r rated movies are immoral.

is there a good word for anti-religious fundamentalists yet? I guess it makes more sense to just call a fundie a fundie. I hate to be so negative, but your position certainly warrants it.

No matter who you are or how you think about anything, you should be extended the right to vote if you are of voting age. No one, except the severely mentally impaired , should be excluded from voting.
No matter who you are or how you think about anything, you should be extended the right to vote if you are of voting age. No one, except the severely mentally impaired , should be excluded from voting.

I agree with you, I just happen to think that religious people are severely mentally impaired.
I agree with you, I just happen to think that religious people are severely mentally impaired.

You realize that 3 out of 5 people have a mental problem today of some type? So do you want all of them excluded as well? Religion has been around allot longer than science has been taught so it will take awhile to see religion stop altogether and science replace it. Only with education will religions ever be replaced and the way education today is heading worldwide I think it's going to take a very long time for that to ever happen.
I would be interested to find out who these famous people are, Albert Einstein? Charles Darwin? Richard Dawkins? Paul Dirac? Steven Weinberg?
pretty sure none of them said the religious should be denied basic rights (like the right to vote) on the grounds of mental illness.

Personalities who have however include people like Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao.
I am of the opinion that religious people should not have the right to vote and I am interested in any opinion for or against my case. I did document my case in the following blog, “the Right to Vote” and would appreciate any comment on it.

My, my! How can anyone's thinking become so repulsive, discriminating and retrograde? If this heavily biased idea was ever accepted (which it would NEVER be!) you would simply start adding other groups to your exclusion list. Who would be next? Left-handed individuals? People who stutter? Blue eyes? Those with a facial mole?

My, my! How can anyone's thinking become so repulsive, discriminating and retrograde? If this heavily biased idea was ever accepted (which it would NEVER be!) you would simply start adding other groups to your exclusion list. Who would be next? Left-handed individuals? People who stutter? Blue eyes? Those with a facial mole?


No, only religious people.
So you say!

Tell me - what part of "discrimination" do you not understand???

I do understand "discrimination", I do not discriminate, the law does discriminate against people without a "sound mind" and "criminals", because they are not allowed to vote. You are part of making this law because you vote.
I do understand "discrimination", I do not discriminate, the law does discriminate against people without a "sound mind" and "criminals", because they are not allowed to vote. You are part of making this law because you vote.
Can you not see how you didn't answer his question or do you need it further explained to you?
pretty sure none of them said the religious should be denied basic rights (like the right to vote) on the grounds of mental illness.

Personalities who have however include people like Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao.

So you do not approve of our current law that a person must be of "sound mind" to be eligible to vote?
You realize that 3 out of 5 people have a mental problem today of some type? So do you want all of them excluded as well? Religion has been around allot longer than science has been taught so it will take awhile to see religion stop altogether and science replace it. Only with education will religions ever be replaced and the way education today is heading worldwide I think it's going to take a very long time for that to ever happen.

It is not me that excludes them, the law says that people must be of "sound mind" to be eligible to vote. I agree with your views on education, but I am a bit more optimistic in the time frame, I do not believe it will take a very long time.
So you do not approve of our current law that a person must be of "sound mind" to be eligible to vote?
Its more the discriminatory basis you draw up for "being of sound mind and eligible to vote" that casts you in the same pool as a host of p[ersonalities of dubious disposition
pretty sure none of them said the religious should be denied basic rights (like the right to vote) on the grounds of mental illness.

Personalities who have however include people like Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao.

Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao made sure that intellectual people have no right to vote, that is the opposite what I aspire to.
One major problem with your argument is that religious people can (just as incorrectly) say atheists don't have any morals, so they shouldn't be allowed to vote. A mirror of your blog from their side would have a quote from some hardcore bible-banger, explaining how he feels about atheists morality, to support the idea.

Even so it would be unconstitutional to apply a morality test to voters anyway. Some preacher could say people that watch r rated movies are immoral.

is there a good word for anti-religious fundamentalists yet? I guess it makes more sense to just call a fundie a fundie. I hate to be so negative, but your position certainly warrants it.


The law says, only people of a "sound mind" are eligible to vote, I just never met a religious person with a "sound mind" and don't believe that there are any.