The resonance of Chemistry

thought this might be good to read

Molecular machines. Harmonics molecular oscillators.

Its known that molecular structures, proteic or nucleoproteic could be redefined as molecular machines. In other words, a molecular machine is just a simple macromolecule o a macromolecular complex. A molecular machine executes specific functions in living systems, they are isothermals. It means they are forced to work in a narrow range of temperatures in the thermal bath where they exist. Nevertheless, they can use the primary energy from surrounds to change its conformation into more flexible one. That is, essentially, a controlled way of denaturation what results in a loss of its biological function. Beyond the primary energy, any excess of energy is quickly dissipated leading the molecule confinement to the previous state at physiological temperature. A specific macromolecule receives a quantum of energy that put it from a basal state to an excited state. A further specific action always occurs dissipating the absorbed energy which is coupled to the realization of a specific function, evolutionarily advantageous for the organism who synthesized the macromolecule.

Molecular machines could be stimulated by any energy source besides primary
energy sources. That includes not only photons and ATP but also thermal
movement like the restriction enzyme EcoRI isolated from its DNA binding site.
EcoRI uses thermal fluctuations, originated by microscopical heat, as energy
source to reach the DNA in a specific manner (Schneider, 1991a y 1991b).

perhaps others see the same thing
just fake ones..... i suppose the energy called a photon (particle physics), or purely an electric and magnetic field at perpendicular planes (em/light) is a fignewton of the imagination?
No, this is not what I said.
I've tried to explain to you what happens, but you continually mis interpret what i'm saying and get the wrong end of the stick.

Essentially, it's a sympathetic resonance in the electric field - which is why it can only happen if the emission spectrum of one molecule overlaps with the absorption spectrum of another. Essentially, when the P680 molecule achieves an excited state, the way it vibrates changes, these vibrations, both in the ground state and the excited state set up a changing electric field. If the oscillations of the first molecule in it's excited state are close to those of the second, then the changing (or oscillating) electric field of the first molecule set up sympathetic vibrations in the second molecule, which begins to vibrate as if it was in it's excited state. The energy transfer occurs because there is a resonance between the excited states of the two molecules. The energy transfer behaves as if a photon was exchanged between the two molecules, but, the distance between the molecules is less than the wavelength of the photon, and there was no actual photon involved, only electric fields - thus the transfer is said to have been mediated by a virtual photon.

There's a special name for this type of setup, but it escapes me at the moment (I think it's a near field circuit, but if you want more information about the physics of the situation, I suggest you ask BenTheMan).

it don't exist as real, perhaps because you do not want to step up and just convey what the experiment is representing.............
No, and if you continue making posts like this, I WILL move this thread to teh Pseudoscience section - consider this my final warning to you as a moderator.

but you said before........... no photon and it is a range (spectrum)
No, I said that it was the result of the overlap of two spectra, and that it was a peak wavelength.

you mean the resonance that is at 680 nm
No, I mean it peaks there.

i guess it is smaller than a radio f, which some are larger than the earth (you smaught)
See the above warning.
The peak wavelength is 680 nm, the molecules are typically 10 nm apart or less.

what happened to conservation? Or better still, i did not know p680 came with a pratt and whitney 'generator' or is it a briggs and straton... can you point out the chemistry of how a p680 generates energy

i thought it was the wavelength captured from the sun for photosynthesis

but hey, you the chemist on this section
See the above warning. My post was explicit and clear, you're simply misrepresenting what i've said so that you can try and ridicule it.

see QED or even the little unknown paper by Einstein........ something about 'photoelectric effect'
This has little to do with the photo electric effect.

so when p680 has a 680nm photon upon the structure, it is called a p680*

ooops....P680* (forgot the caps)
No, when a P680 molecule is energized, the next energy level is called P680*

it ain't me that is being rude, you are!

most every line you post, has been put in the trash
Here you contradict yourself by claiming you are not being rude, and then being rude. See the warning above.

how can evidence be psuedo?
A scientific discussion that degenerates into name calling is no longer a scientific discussion, and belongs in the pseudoscience section, or the cesspool.
Essentially, it's a sympathetic resonance in the electric field - which is why it can only happen if the emission spectrum of one molecule overlaps with the absorption spectrum of another. Essentially, when the P680 molecule achieves an excited state, the way it vibrates changes, these vibrations, both in the ground state and the excited state set up a changing electric field.

After all we are seeing eye to eye. So the 2 structures are combining to increase the combined total potential?

And does the right-hand-rule apply in which an electric field is supposed to have a magnetic field at a perpendicular plane?

Perhaps that combination could help with the occilations/momentum at the (nm) resonance?

For a computer model it could be observed like giving the mass a sphere of energy encoumbering the combined structures?

If the oscillations of the first molecule in it's excited state are close to those of the second, then the changing (or oscillating) electric field of the first molecule set up sympathetic vibrations in the second molecule, which begins to vibrate as if it was in it's excited state. The energy transfer occurs because there is a resonance between the excited states of the two molecules. The energy transfer behaves as if a photon was exchanged between the two molecules, but, the distance between the molecules is less than the wavelength of the photon, and there was no actual photon involved, only electric fields - thus the transfer is said to have been mediated by a virtual photon.
makes a bit of sense

ya know, if that p680 structure, can use sunlight and convey a combined energy into a molecular catalyst enabling the photosynthesis cycle, i wonder if the synaptic connections could perhaps be conveying resonant energy between the junctions?

After all we are seeing eye to eye. So the 2 structures are combining to increase the combined total potential?
PLease clarify what you mean by this.

And does the right-hand-rule apply in which an electric field is supposed to have a magnetic field at a perpendicular plane?
The righ hand rule is irrelevant to this discussion.

Perhaps that combination could help with the occilations/momentum at the (nm) resonance?
Combination of what?

For a computer model it could be observed like giving the mass a sphere of energy encoumbering the combined structures?
Please clarify what you mean by this.

ya know, if that p680 structure, can use sunlight and convey a combined energy into a molecular catalyst enabling the photosynthesis cycle, i wonder if the synaptic connections could perhaps be conveying resonant energy between the junctions?
PLease clarify what you mean by this.
2 people can lift their own maximum amount of weight but combined they can lift more than the addition of the 2 added separately

The righ hand rule is irrelevant to this discussion.
to you perhaps

you are shutting down a LAW of electrical energy........... to you it may be irrelevant but i like integrity in science

Combination of what?
reality perhaps....

magnetic fields are kind of important in molecular interractions... although to you they are irrelevant

Please clarify what you mean by this.

If you cannot understand what that says, i don't know what to tell you.

That is your answer to a suggestion of how neural exchanges could work?

Now do you see why you and i don't get along? You don't listen when the teacher gives you a homework assignment.

The neural exchange was my first paper in 1982....... be certain, the model is correct and was completed before you even knew what the right-hand-rule is.

Sorry Trippy, we are not of the same fabric.

This thread was a huge educational tool and all you did was show yourself to be obsolete.
Moderator Note

This thread has been moved to the Pseudoscience forum.

This action has been taken because Bishadi has repeatedly refused to clarify what he means in his posts, and has repeatedly resorted to name calling in response to such requests.

This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated in the Chemistry forum.