The relation of hair whorls to brain development

Yea I'm 22 and have 2 crowns and both winding opposites, I started walking at around 10 months and talking at 12 - 14 months, I could count into the thousands at age 3 - 4, multi talented, Grew up using both sides but now prefer my right hand, probably adverage in English but I also heritage from a communistic country, all my senses and body systems are better than adverage, I also heal very quickly from cuts and bruising, I never hurt a muscle or broken a bone when I defs should have (like once I was climbing these logs some fireman were planning on burning, anyways I fell off this log cliff 12 - 15 meters onto a big round log that jammed in my solar plexus, needless to say I was quite shocked) so I don't agree on double crowns causing anything todo with dislexia or late development, although my little brother is an autistic genius with a single crown. I do although beleive it could be signs of a phycological condition as I'm very different, I'm abit further ahead then most people so I day dream a lot and speak to my self and what not (no, no one speaks back) although my conscience seems to be a very logical and smart guy, But yea normal as fk my mind either very lazy or achieving MAC2. Soo everything's pretty much adverage or better, but my noticeable talents are memory and adaption (even with zero initiative). But I take it that's what you guys mean by empath's, yeah? Or do you mean when you can sense someone's mood or emotional bearings... The word for the feeling would be "Vibrations"

Sorry if it sound like bragging but two crowns shouldn't effect your infants in any negative way, just give them tit-tit milk and they'll grow up smart and strong.

My mother also hates me.

I have 3....good post, I can relate and talk to myself all the dreams are good!!
I have a double hair whirl. I'm right handed but consider my self partially ambidextrous and I can write legibly with my left hand. I also do a lot of things left handed. My grandmother who also had the double whirl was completely ambidextrous and I have a child who also has the double whirl but is completely right handed. We all walked and talked at the normal age. There have been studies of hair whirls and handedness.
Hogwash! My 12 yr old is right hand, 2 whorls counterclockwise, zero cognitive issues and is very mild mannered, well behaved, honor roll different. He's my 4th son. Twins run in the family and I'm more inclined to believe the whorls are either genetic or attribute to possibility of early twin lost in womb very early on. Zygote split. No shared embryo. That's just my theory but it's as logical as anything else posted here and I'd much rather believe that than something negative, when my son is such an amazing kid who does his chores, studies, is kind hearted and helpful by nature.
My distant cousin has two whorls, webbed toes and has been an excellent swimmer since before she could walk.
I find this thread interesting as I have never heard of a link with multiple hair whorls and left-handedness. I know of the link to twins - as often there is one left and one right hander. I have twins now 14. The lefty has a double whorl over her right eye and a normal crown at the back of her head. She is highly intelligent, top sets for everything. When she was young I suspected asperges as she had highly sensitive hearing smell and taste. We went to see a child psychologist but she was too smart for him and I gave up deciding that however she is, we will work with it and hopefully she will grow out of her phobias and particularities. She did, although still particular, she improved with her sensitivities and is now well balanced with a lovely natured, kind and funny. My son also is left-handed (normal whorls) as am I, my brother, father, uncle and grandfather. I have no idea if I have whorls on my head, but I find these links fascinating. I'm going to check her baby photos now to see which way they turn. Maybe not scientific, but good banter non the less!
Im finding all these reports of either gifted or delayed people with a double crown very interesting!

I have a 2 year old son with a double crown. It breaks my heart to hear people say that their mother hates them as I love my son with all my heart but has been and is incredibly difficult. He has a hugeenergy level, is very advanced and never sleeps.

He is extremely intelligent and I'm so proud of his fascinating mind but I get so worn out from him, I worry that he could have an unconscious feeling that I hate him which couldn't be further from the truth.

I am wondering is there some reason for this. I am researching as we are having such difficulty with my son but I know he needs extra engagement and I want to bring out the best in him.

I am so interested to look into this. I wonder could anybody who has shared these stories care to shsre some more like is there any reason why your relationship with your mother might be strained?

I'd be interested if anyone wanted to post or PM me.

I can't find any science behind it but read on a forum that geneticists have some link to brain formation in the womb. That the two hemispheres can form independently rather than at the same time, which is apparently the norm after 6-9 weeks gestation. This is heresay so I'd love to know if this is true if anyone had any info.

To me it makes sense as a psychology graduate, perinatal mother/baby relationship is massively important. If there is a trauma at any age, there is a block between the two sides of the brain which should interact freely.

Perhaps I'm clutching at straws with my own theory here but it's surely possible for early fetal trauma in the womb to disturb the brain hemispheres interaction therefore causing the brain hemispheres to develop separately (which from what I have heard happens with double crowned babies) if the trauma is too overwhelming for a developing fetus.

Like any trauma, this effects the CNS and can cause anxiety leading to either a very active/obsessive energetic mind or one that is perhaps a bit dissociated and less engaged with their environment.

Anyone have any thoughts or knowledge on this?

I'd be interested to hear stories from people with the double crown. Did their mothers have very stressful pregnancies or big life change while they were pregnant? Was it an unplanned pregnancy? Abortion attempts? Relationship difficultiies? Something significant to traumatise the fetus to make the mother attachment insecure.

Please share if your comfortable!
I'd love to hear privately or publicly.
Thanks for reading!!
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Perhaps I'm clutching at straws with my own theory here but it's surely possible for early fetal trauma in the womb to disturb the brain hemispheres interaction therefore causing the brain hemispheres to develop separately (which from what I have heard happens with double crowned babies) if the trauma is too overwhelming for a developing fetus.
Good news! The above paragraph is superstitious trash. The only thing that multiple hair whorls mean is that you will probably have lot s of bad hair days.

PS - Abortion attemps!?! fact there are some people who suggest that this pattern is associated with gifted children.
That woud be my guess based on me havin a double crown.!!!

The only thing that multiple hair whorls mean is that you will probably have lot s of bad hair days.
That depends... myself... i have a ruggedly hansome face an the wind-blown look of my double crown is very complementary.!!!

PS - Abortion attemps!?!
Not that i know of... but it likely crossed ther minds since i wasnt planned
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I'd be interested to hear stories from people with the double crown.
Dude. It doesn't matter why your son is the way he is. Study Astrology to find out what Moons were in what house., for all the good it'll do. All you stand to gain is labeling him and stereotyping him.

Don't let it affect how you parent him. Just deal with him according to his needs.
Dude. It doesn't matter why your son is the way he is. Study Astrology to find out what Moons were in what house., for all the good it'll do. All you stand to gain is labeling him and stereotyping him.

Don't let it affect how you parent him. Just deal with him according to his needs.
Thanks for the reply.
I totally agree...I don't have him labelled really. I am after a long spell of him awake til 5am and went researching hair whorls as distraction when he couldn't sleep. I was told in the past its a sign of 'greatness' so went looking into this 'mythology' out of curiosity. I thought there could be something to it reading the replies esp about the brain formation in the womb. I don't think anything could define a child for life but I just thought it might be a sign of prenatal trauma.

Thanks for spreading good parenting advise!
I've 2 hair whorls too

Actually having 2 or multiple hair whorls is not a concrete evidence on it's own.
I have done Qi test and got an average above 160 , a range for genius.
You should do check on your child and check his handedness at young age. Most of the case people with multiple hair whorls are left-handed. If such is the case like I, check that you child have LLRTM1 gene- a gene associated with intelligence. Actually left handed person have more chance to have this gene.

Normally left handed people with multiple hair whorls are highly gifted as genius..developing photographic memory, high graded intuitive memory and well structured long term memory, quick thinking and learning capabilities..
they should have reversed brain hemispheres with the left-side larger than the right side.. as to what my doctor said on my kinds

Gifted persons tend to develop multiple abilities and become polivalent. They tend to develop an inbound affinity for creativity and logistic effortlessly..
learning art and music easily , logistic course like programming and thourough thinking are most ideal for us.

on the drawback:
dyslexia, schysophrenia, brain cancer and other mental diseases, n possible viral disease bent more risk towards us...I'm myself affected by UNIS due to hook position we lefties tend to adopt while writing..I do suffer a lot while writing yet my brain works alot..I hate taking note for that reason and thus as used to prefer memorizing them ..People say that I can think quick..

Also be warned..people with 2 whorls might necessarily be genius , they can also develop mental delays and other traumic disease like autism..

One good advice is to cater for such kid..wish my parents had knew earlier I were a gifted one
I have two whirls on the crown of my head that go in opposite direction. I have always had problems with obsession with whatever I’m interested in at the time. I read the entire back of the autobahn society rocks and minerals book at age ten, giving me a college 2 reading level at 5th grade. I was horrible in school. I couldn’t focus on what the teachers wanted me to. I got so good at skateboarding that I was sponsored by a local shop. The same was with snowboarding. At 16 I won a national digital art competition that gave me a full scholarship to Seattle art institute. I didn’t use it. I got a GED when I was 17 and moved to Missouri with my drunk dad. I tried to join the army, and did well on my asvab scoring in the top 92 percentage. I wasn’t allowed in because it was reported that I had an acute mal seizure in 8th grade which I think was false. I eventually went to welding school and traveled as a pipe welder for many years, eventually working my way up to project superintendent for a few jobs. Now I’m a high school welding teacher in Nevada Mo.
My mom told me that when I was nine, I was considered to be “on the spectrum “. I’ve been interested in seeing if there is meaning behind the multiple crowns from time to time, but there seems to be way too much variety of stories out there. One thing that I have found consistent is obsessiveness towards science, art and or certain physical activities that are solo. I’m in no way close to being a genius, of course I’ve never been tested lol
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