The Reasons Jews Do Not Believe Jesus Was G-d....

The Word is Jesus

There's billions of words. Which specific one is jesus?

It was there in the beginnng, whenever that was, and nothing was before it -- otherwise it was not the beginning, but something after the beginning.

Beginning of what? Melchzedek has always been - thus there was no beginning, (not for him at any rate - although jesus obviously had a beginning, because he was born). You're helping my argument.

You have one verse about Melchizedek taken out of context and a Religion of zero followers.

This is what happens when you don't pay attention. But A) Show how it is out of context, (and don't give me that garbage about author ignorance otherwise you can use that exact same argument for literally any passage in the bible), and B) Scroll up and you'll notice that I have already told you there are a vast number of melchizedek cults with differing views. Unfortunately, because we're dealing with some ancient book written by shepherds and idiots - nobody has the authoritative position.
There's billions of words. Which specific one is jesus?
God's Word. Duh.

Beginning of what? Melchzedek has always been - thus there was no beginning, (not for him at any rate - although jesus obviously had a beginning, because he was born). You're helping my argument.

Then the beginning wasn't the beginning and Hebrews wasn't written for Hebrews, but it was an oxymoron like your whole argument -- which is getting to be a stupid bore based on one verse taken out of context from the entire bible.

Show how it is out of context

I already have have shown it -- and I don't have a problem with it. You have a problem with the bible -- period.
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Woody said:
I read it and I don't see the contradiction. Matthew 23 says they went to Nazarath so Jesus could be called a Nazarene according to OT prophesy.
Oops. I believe Matthew was mistaken about the "Nazarene" line, which does not in fact appear in the OT. And on top of which, if you suggest that Jesus was claimed to have come from Nazareth "in order to fulfill OT prophecy", in the same way that he was claimed to have been born in Bethlehem "in order to fulfill OT prophecy", you remove one of the principle supports in favour of Jesus having existed in the first place. I believe Jesus existed because he was a Galilean, a native of Nazareth - which nobody would have made up if they didn't have to.
Well, I tried arguing with you instead, but you didn't respond to my post!

I'm an athiest and a rationalist. But I find myself posting a hell of a lot of pro-Christian posts and opinions in contradiction of many people with whose "party" I generally ally myself. The reason for this is that there is a great deal of petty-fogging nitpicking going on right now, the atheists appear to be the first to jump to the "argument by insult" variety of discourse, and discussions are heading into mindless cul-de-sacs. What on earth has prompted SnakeLord to question Woody's belief that Jesus pre-existed the Creation is beyond me - I see no benefit in fighting irrationality with irrationality. Woody has some strange (to us) beliefs and attitudes, but he derives those beliefs and attitudes from the community within which he exists, so I don't believe it's cricket to yell and scream at him as if he's making everything up out of his own head.

The Devil Inside, perhaps you'd think differently about characterising Woody's Christian beliefs as "fairy tales" and "idolatry" if you thought about addressing those remarks to your best friend, the minister.

And that whole "I'm ignoring you!" "No, I'm ignoring you!", wow, what a waste of bandwidth that was.
i must have missed your post where you were arguing with me....could you restate your question?

i DO point the fairy tales out to the reverend. he isnt dogmatic, however. he listens to what someone says when they question his faith.

and i agree about the ignoring thing. i should have just left it at what it was.
The Devil Inside said:
silas, alot is said in that wouldnt mind waiting a few days for a response, would you? i have a busy couple of days coming.

He's a lackey that goes to someone that knows. ;)

PS: His post of objections to Jesus as messiah looks like a cut and paste job.
Woody said:
He's a lackey that goes to someone that knows. ;)

PS: His post of objections to Jesus as messiah looks like a cut and paste job.

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Mata ah-oo hima de
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Himitsu wo shiri tai

Oops. I believe Matthew was mistaken about the "Nazarene" line, which does not in fact appear in the OT. And on top of which, if you suggest that Jesus was claimed to have come from Nazareth "in order to fulfill OT prophecy",

Nazarene looks like a play on words like petras and petros used in:

Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church.

Catholics take this to mean Peter is the rock that the church is built on. In the original wording a difference is being pointed out: Peter means "small rock" compared to a rock. The real rock is christ (1st Cor 10:4).

Likewise "Nazarene" is a synonym for someone that was despised by the Jews in the time of Christ. It is also a real physical place on the map. Hence Jesus picks up the moniker for a despised person as fortold by the prophets. There is more than one prophet that says the messiah will be despised and rejected of men.

It's a bible pun. lol
Woody said:
He's a lackey that goes to someone that knows. ;)

PS: His post of objections to Jesus as messiah looks like a cut and paste job.
who are you talking about, woody?
yes, i unignored you. silas was correct. it was childish.

i seriously hope you arent talking about me, unless you have some kind of proof of wrongdoing.
Woody said:
Likewise "Nazarene" is a synonym for someone that was despised by the Jews in the time of Christ. It is also a real physical place on the map. Hence Jesus picks up the moniker for a despised person as fortold by the prophets. There is more than one prophet that says the messiah will be despised and rejected of men.

It's a bible pun. lol

the word "nazarene" is an english word.
or are you referring to "nazoreans"? thats where the jesus fish comes from, btw.
The Devil Inside said:
the word "nazarene" is an english word.
or are you referring to "nazoreans"? thats where the jesus fish comes from, btw.

Mat 2:23 wasn't originally written in english.
The Devil Inside said:
duh. but the suffix "ene" to refer to a person's place of origin is from the ENGLISH language.

So how should the original text translate? duh.
as nazareth didnt even exist during christ's lifetime, it shouldnt translate at all.
the fact that he lived there was made up, you childish fucker.
link correction

The Devil Inside said:
as nazareth didnt even exist during christ's lifetime, it shouldnt translate at all.
the fact that he lived there was made up, you childish fucker.

M*W: Just like Beth-le-hem was the House-of-Bread, and Joseph was a Carpenter when there was scarcity of wood to be found in that area at that time.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were just other names for Maat, Mars, Lucifer, and Baphomet (the one who baptizes by water).

Saul was named for Sol, the Sun. Paul was taken from the god Apollo.

The apostles were not real, and neither was Jesus. All bible stories were recorded from the movements in the skies and Christians worship astrology.

Some handy references:
interesting stuff, mw.
im not convinced, but its still very interesting.
you do know that the names for apostles are not the names they would have had during those times, right?
peter was kiepa....dont recall the others....

or were you referring to the anglicization of those figures' names referring to astrology?
The Devil Inside said:
as nazareth didnt even exist during christ's lifetime, it shouldnt translate at all.
the fact that he lived there was made up, you childish fucker.

During the Jewish War, Galilee was the center of resistance to Roman authority, and Nazareth had always been a solid Jewish town. As a result of the aid given the Jewish rebels, Nazareth and Japhia were both destroyed n 67 CE by the Roman general Titus.

So Nazareth didn't exist in Jesus's lifetime but was destroyed in 67 CE. How do you explain that, smart aleck?

Geez, don't even bother answering the question -- you can't get anything right.



Town on site at beginning of Israelite occupation of Canaan.
City destroyed in Jewish War.


Home of the child Jesus of Nazareth.
City to which priestly families migrate to after Hadrianic War.
Empress Helena built small church in the town.
Nazareth was captured by the Arabs
Earthquake in Nazareth.
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